Студопедия — What are my chances for admission if I don't have a high GPA and LSAT?
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What are my chances for admission if I don't have a high GPA and LSAT?

While the Law School takes pride in the outstanding paper credentials of its student body, the admissions committee recognizes that other factors can and do predict a candidate's potential for law study. While students with LSAT/GPA combinations far below the median do not generally gain admission, the committee does consider such factors as graduate education (although graduate grades do not count in calculation of the Texas Index), improvement in academic performance over time, relevant work experience, and letters of recommendation that discuss the candidate's ability rather than merely vouching for character and congeniality. The Law School also seeks diversity in the racial and ethnic background and life experiences of its student body and. considers those factors in admissions.


If I am not admitted, can I transfer to Texas after a year at another law school?

The Law School admits only a few transfer students each year. Transfer students must have been admissible to Texas as first-year students and have compiled outstanding records at the first law school attended.


What advantages does going to law school at Texas offer?

While the Law School does not attempt to "rank" itself, we do believe that Texas offers one of the top legal educations in America today. The Texas faculty is recognized nationwide for its scholarship and teaching ability, as evidenced by its contributions to legal periodicals and authorship of casebooks used in law schools around the nation. The law library, the fifth largest associated with a university in the nation, provides a 700,000 volume resource for students. The high quality and diversity of the student body assure a stimulating learning environment.


Does Texas offer joint degree programs?

The Law School offers a joint JD/MBA program with the Graduate School of Business and a joint JD/MPA with the LBJ School of Public Affairs. Additionally, with prior approval, students may receive law school credit for up to six hours of graduate work in other departments in The University.


7. Is law school at Texas "hard?";

Law study is challenging; particularly in the first year when the student must adapt to the study of legal materials and different approaches to problems. Still, law study at Texas offers an exciting challenge. Because the Law School carefully screens applicants, less than two percent of those admitted fail to receive their degrees.


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