Use of monopoly power
A monopolist raises the price of its product two times
Strong version: we should compare the utilities in both cases. We have three options: • The monopolist is richer (e.g. the large company sells to poor people) – WORSE • The monopolist is poorer (e.g. the poor doctor
• The mixed situations (some customers are 2 richer but some are poorer than the monopolist) -- INDEFINITE
Weak version: the cases are NON-COMPARABLE because 1 some participants win in one case while others in other case.
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (1) Normative Analysis: Utilitarianism
Poor Russian school teacher installs unlicensed Windows
This case has two special conditions. First, the product is non-material (information). Second, there is a high chance that the teacher would not buy the Windows if it was impossible to install an unlicensed version. We have to analyze both cases.
Case 1. Microsoft lost the revenue from this copy of Windows because teacher would buy Windows if was impossible to get an unlicensed version. Here we have a pure redistribution of income, as with the monopolist but in the opposite direction (money moves from the company to the consumer). Strong version: we need to compare the utilities of the teacher and Microsoft. As the company is much wealthier that the teacher, we have the total utility increase here. Especially if the teacher uses the Windows for educational purposes and a lot of students get better education. So, it is IMPROVEMENT. Weak version: we can not compare and interchange utilities of the teacher and Microsoft, so these states are NON-COMPARABLE. Case 2. Microsoft had not lost the revenue from this copy of Windows, because the teacher would not buy Windows if was impossible to get an unlicensed version. Strong version: the utility of Microsoft does not change in any case so the total utility is higher if the teacher installs the unlicensed Windows. IMPROVEMENT Weak version: we can not compare the utilities but we do not need to compare them in this case. This is Pareto improvement. IMPROVEMENT
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013