Conceptual Diversity
D. Wood: Three-Part Framework
Donna Wood
Can you understand the difference between the first two principles?
Topic 1. Introduction to CSR
Conceptual Diversity D. Wood: Three-Part Framework
Donna Wood
Do you think these examples are clear? Try to find logical inconsistence.
Topic 1. Introduction to CSR
Conceptual Diversity Corporate Citizenship
In 1953 the term appeared in the Bowen’s
In 1990s gained popularity in business world (Coca-Cola, Deutsche Bank, McDonald’s, Philips…)
In 2000s was conceptualized in academic journals
• Wood, Logsdon, 1999, 2002, • Crane, Matten, 2005
Basic idea: companies are corporate citizens of our global society, and like its private citizens, they have rights and responsibilities.
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 1. Introduction to CSR
Conceptual Diversity Triple bottom line
The term was coined by John Elkington • "Towards the sustainable corporation: Win-win-win business strategies for sustainable development.“ California Management Review 36, no. 2, 1994. • Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business. (1998) Economic + Social + Environmental Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013