Conceptual Diversity. CSR-3: Corporate Social Rectitude
CSR-3: Corporate Social Rectitude
CSR-2 lefts the problem of values. So, let us introduce the new concept CSR-3 embodies the notion of moral correctness (rectitude) in actions taken and policies formulated. We need from corporations more than responsibility. We want them to act with rectitude.
• Ethics belongs to the core, and not just periphery of management decisions
• Employ and train managers who accept the central role of ethics
• Accept analytic tools for detecting and solving ethical problems
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 William C. Frederick Topic 1. Introduction to CSR
Conceptual Diversity Cosmos, Science, Religion (CSR-4)
Social scientists should pay more attention to development of natural sciences.
“C” (Cosmos) – we need to analyze every problem in the context of the whole universe.
“S” (Science) – our approach should be based exclusively on sciences (not only social)
“R” (Religion) – human meaning was always the matter of religion and we should use it.
Do we need this kind of “theory”?
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 William C. Frederick Topic 1. Introduction to CSR
Conceptual Diversity