Jorgy Larry
Things Money
Production business Liquidation business
Caring about people Maximizing shareholders’ value
This is my town and my company. This company is financial cancer
Suicide Euthanasia
Old facilities with broken elevator Posh office
Warm and “family” reception Neutral reception
We are friends in all circumstances We are friends if this is advantageous
No debt, no lawsuits, no environmental issues, fully funded pension liabilities I live in court
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013
Other People’s Money
1. Maximize stockholders’ value vs. caring about people 2. Collaboration or confrontation? 3. Gorgeous balance sheet leads to takeover 4. Standstill agreement and secret buying 5. “Technicality” as a legal strategy 6. TRO (Temporary Restricting Order) vs. free market 7. Greenmail vs. stockholders’ interests 8. Selling the right to vote to corporate raiders 9. Love vs. money 10. Attractive (sexy) appearance as a bargaining tool
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013
1.3 Methodological Issues
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 1. Introduction to CSR