Webester's Dictionaries
I would like to thank all of my friends who read an earli-er form of this book as a story I gave them for Valentine’s Day. In particular, I would like to thank Billy Merrell, Ann Martin, John Green, Eliot Schrefer, and Dan Ehrenhaft, whose reaction to the story made me be- lieve in it enough to take it further. Thank you to Bill Clegg and Jonathan Galassi for helping me to make this book everything it could be. Thanks also to Jesse Coleman, Shaun Dolan, Alicia Gor- don, and everyone else at FSG and WMEE, as well as the book’s foreign publishers, whose enthusiasm is deeply appreciated. Finally, thanks to my various families. My family of friends. My family of YA authors. My family at Scholast- ic. And, most of all, my real family—Mom, Dad, Adam, Jennifer, Paige, Matthew, Hailey. It’s so much more meaningful to have you share this with me.
English Thesauri Roget's International Thesaurus Collins Ed.: Barbara Ann Kipfer 7th Ed., более 330,000 слово распределены по 1075 категориям. Продолжение дела Dr. Peter Mark Roget, опубликовавшего свой первый тезаурус в 1852 году. (Также The Concise Roget's International Thesaurus Сокращенная версия в бумажной обложке) Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Publ. Delta (Random House) Ed.: Barbara Ann Kipfer, Princeton Language Institute Множественно современной лексики, алфавитная огранизация Www.thesaurus.com
Webster's New World Roget's A-Z Thesaurus Publ. John Wiley and Sons combines a thematic index-based on Roget's original categories with the proven usefulness of its A-Z listing http://www.yourdictionary.com/synonyms/
Roget's II the New Thesaurus Publ. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company http://www.yourdictionary.com/synonyms/ Random House Dictionaries существует с 20-х гг., с 1998 принадлежит Bertelsmann
Imperial Dictionary (1847-1850) Publ. W. G. Blackie and Co. (Scotland) Первый широко иллюстрированный словарь, количество слов вместе с Supplement 1855 г. с 70,000 увеличилось до 100,000.
Revised and Expanded Ed. (1882) Ed. Charles Annandale, 130,000 words, 3000 illustrations
Century Dictionary & Cyclopedia (1889-1891) Publ. Century Books, ed. W.D.Whitney, Supplement 1909, reformatted ed. 1911)
New Century Dictionary (1927) Publ. Appleton-Century-Crofts, abridged but with new words
Random House покупает права на Century Dictionary и American Dictionary on Historical Principles (University of Chicago Press)
Random House American College Dictionary (1947) Ed. Clarence Barnhart
Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged Ed. (1966) Ed. Jess Stein and Laurence Urdang, expanded in all fields, proper names, first use of computers)
Random House Webster's Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged Ed 2nd Ed. (1987, re. 1991), ed. S.B.Flexner).
Webester's Dictionaries Noah Webster
A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language (1806)
An American Dictionary of the English Language (1828) 70, 000 words, “federal language”, spelling reform (color, center, wagon, program), technical terms from the arts and sciences, 12,000 words appear in a dict. for the first time, learned 26 languages to evaluate etymology Помощник Вебствера, Worcester, был против его реформы орфографии и американизации и стад издавать собственные словари, которые успешно соперничали и даже преобладжалив литературных кругах = вплоть до появления вебстеровского словаря 1864 г.
Revised Ed.(1840-1841) ed. By Noah Wenster himself, over 80 yo, with his son, several thousand new words) >
Права выкурает George & Charles Merriam Company, Springfield, Mass
New and Revised Ed. ( 1847) publ. Merriam from now on, ed. Chauncey A. Goodrich (Yale Uni), Webster's son-in-law, modest revision close to Webster's work, but removing his “excrescences”)
Revised and Enlarged Ed. (1859) with illustrations)
Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged Ed. (1864) ed. Noah Porter (Yale Uni) and Dr. C. A. F. Mahn (replaced unsupoortable etymologies), largely overhauled, response to Worcester's dict., 114,000 words) > 1879, 1884 (reprints with add. material)
Webster's International Dictionary, Unabridged Ed. (1890, ed. N.Porter, 175,000 words, 1900 with 25,000-word supplement)
Merriam Webster's New International Dictionary (1909, ed. W.T.Harris and F.S.Allen, geatly expanded to 400,000, rare words in fine print at the bottom of the page “below the line”, synonyms, pronunciation tables, illustrations)
Second Ed. (Webster's Second, W2) (1934, ed. W.A.Neilson & T.A.Knott, claimed 600,000 words, included the famous error 'dord', still popular and considered classic due to its style and coverage)
Merriam Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961) Ed. Philip B. Gove, made controversial changes: дескриптивность, убрал массу помет, включил ain't, сильно сократил материал для включения нового. Является наиболее полным словарем американского вариата английского язка.
С 1964 принадлежит Encyclopedia Britannica.