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Первая строчка дана в качестве примера.

Неопределенная форма глагола (инфинитив) Past Simple в утвердительной форме Past Simple в вопроси- тельной форме Past Simple в отрицательной форме
to see I saw Did I see? I did not (didn’t) see
to study I    
to work He    
to land She    
to walk It    
to know We    
to think You    
to come They    


► 2. Употребите глагол в Past Simple:

1) She (to study) biology last night. 2) I (not to work) in the library yesterday. 3) Charles Babbage (to design) the first computer in 1834. 4) But he (not to build) it. 5) Jerome (not to want) to study last night. 6) But he (to want) to see a movie. 7) The Chinese (to develop) paper in the second century B.C.


3. Ответьте на вопросы, используя Past Simple:

- Did you like the movie? (No / the songs)

- No, I didn’t. But I liked the songs in it.

1) Did you visit your relatives in Vladivostok when you were on holidays? (No / in Moscow) 2) Did you have time to tidy up the flat? (No / only the sitting room) 3) Did your friend surprise you on your birthday? (No / my parents) 4) Did you go to the swimming pool last weekend? (No / to the gym) 5) Did you phone your parents last night? (No / my grandparents) 6) Did you go shopping after classes? (No / at the weekend)  


4. Составьте a) общие, b) альтернативные, c) разделительные и d) специальные вопросы к предложенным ответам:

Hob told a funny story.

a) Did Hob tell a funny story?

b) Did Hob or Dave tell a funny story? / Did Hob tell a funny or a sad story?

c) Hob told a funny story, didn’t he?

d) What did Hob tell? / Whom did Hob tell a funny story? / Who told a funny story?

1) She came to London in a car 2 days ago. 2) They all understood the lesson yesterday. 3) She said she liked learning English last year. 4) He walked to his work yesterday. 5) They studied at home last month. 6) He thought about going to Paris last year. 7) The spaceship landed in 1967.


5. Поставьте текст в Past Simple:


Her name is Julia. She is a teacher of English and social studies in a very small school in Cabot. There she lives with her husband Bill who is studying to become a specialist in working with the disabled. They have a daughter, Betsy by name, who is four years old, and a dog and a cat. They live in a traditional farmhouse, which they are slowly restoring.

During the summer the family cultivates many vegetable gardens. They start adding trees to a small apple orchard. They freeze much of this food. They love to be outdoors, either working or playing.

Julia plays neither the piano nor the violin, but she likes to listen to these instruments. She is also fond of basketry. She learns basketry from her mother, who is both a wonderful grandmother to her daughter and an accomplished basket-maker.

Julia and Bill enjoy traveling. Sometimes they take Betsy and go somewhere. Then Julia’s mother looks after the pets and the house.


6. Напишите несколько предложений о том, что вы делали вчера / что вы делали прошлым летом / как вы начинали изучать английский язык / какое самое яркое событие произошло в вашей жизни.




Настоящее совершенное время используется:

· для выражения действия, завершенного к моменту речи со словами just, already, by, yet, never и для выражения результата действия:

He has just finished writing a book. His friends haven’t read it yet.

Он только что закончил писать книгу. Его друзья ещё её не читали.


· Для выражения действия в прошлом, когда время действия не указано. Если время действия указано, употребляется Past Simple:

- Have you seen any of Shaw’s plays?

- Yes, I saw one last night.


· Утвердительная форма Present Perfect:


Число Лицо Утвердительная форма
Единственное   I have + причастие прошедшего времени смыслового глагола a) от правильных глаголов причастие оканчивается на -ed: We have just arrived.   b) от неправильных глаголов причастия представлены в 3 колонке таблицы: He has been to Paris many times.
  You have
  He has She has It (the sun) has
Множественное   We have
  You have
  They have

· Отрицательная форма: после вспомогательного глагола have (has) ставится частица “not ”. Сокращенные отрицательные формы: haven’t, hasn’t:

We haven’t finished our project yet. Мы еще не закончили наш проект.


· Вопросительная форма: вспомогательный глагол have (has) ставится перед подлежащим:

  + -
Have I finished my project? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.
Have you finished your project? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
Has he finished his project? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
Has she finished her project? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has it (a dog) finished its meal? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.
Have we finished our project? Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have they finished their project? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
What have you finished? We have finished the project.
Where have you been? I have been to Moscow.
Why has he applied to this job? Because he likes it.


· Вопрос к подлежащему образуется так же, как в русском языке, т.е. заменой подлежащего на вопросительные слова “who” (кто) или “what” (что). Сравните:


Мыпоели в столовой сегодня. Кто поел в столовой сегодня? We have eaten in the cafeteria today. Who have eaten in the cafeteria today?


1. Измените предложения, сообщив, что случилось в этом году:

Viktor missed a lot of classes last year.

And he has missed a lot of classes this year too.


1) She caught the flu last year. 2) She fell in love last year. 3) They had some problems last year. 4) You came to class late last year. 5) I saw a lot of films last year. 6) We spent a lot of money on clothes last year. 7) She visited Canada last year. 8) She studied a lot in the library last year.


2. Составьте отрицательные предложения, употребляя Present Perfect:

1) Cynthia (to become) an expert driver yet. 2) Ed (to say) a word yet. 3) He (to lose) a lot of weight this year. 4) I (to live) in this house yet. 5) She (to forget) about her promise. 6) We (to see) each other since 2000. 7) We (to be) here yet. 8) They don’t understand you. They (to study) French yet.


► 3. Ответьте на вопросы полными предложениями:

How long have you been in this class?

I have been in this class since October 2008.

1) What have you bought this week? 2) What have you done today? 3) Where have you travelled this year? 4) How many courses have you taken this year? 5) Who have you talked to today? 6) How many letters have you written this month? 7) Who has known you the longest? 8) What film have you seen recently?

4. Задайте вопросы своему сокурснику, используя следующие выражения в Present Perfect по образцу: Have you ever tasted Korean food?

cook dinner visit the USA

eat in a restaurant save one million rubles

read an English newspaper ride a horse

be in China see a shark

be abroad spend all the money you have

win a lottery have nothing to wear for an occasion

lose jewellery or something valuable see a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)

help someone in emergency practice English with a native speaker


5. Составьте несколько предложений о том, что вы сделали сегодня, на этой неделе, в этом месяце.

6. Answer the questions using Present Perfect and Past Simple:

- Have you ever been to the USA? (two years ago)

- Yes, I have. I was there two years ago.

1) Have you gone abroad this year? (in June)

2) Have you read anything interesting lately? (last week)

3) Has your boyfriend phoned you today? (an hour ago)

4) Have you already got ready for the seminar on economics? (on Friday)

5) Have you bought anything for the summer already? (the other day)

6) Has your friend joined the fitness center at last? (yesterday)


7. Употребите формы Past Simple или Present Perfect:

1) Howard (win) $10,000 in a lottery last month. Five months ago he (get) into a bad automobile accident, but he (walk) away without injuries. So he (be) very lucky this year.

2) Janet (lose) her expensive diamond watch in February. In May somebody (rob) her apartment. So she (be) very unlucky this year.

3) Debra (get) all excellent marks in her courses in the fall semester. In the spring semester she (get) three excellent marks and one good mark. She also took courses in summer and (get) all excellent marks. Thus she (be) practically the best student this year.

4) Madge (buy) a $25,000 car in February. In July she (buy) a camera for more than $1,500. In September she (spend) $5,000 for a new wardrobe. So she (spend) a lot of money this year.

5) I (read) this book long ago. I (give) it to him a month ago but he (not read) it yet.

6) - Oscar Wilde (write) a lot of plays. – You (see) any of them?

- Yes, as a matter of fact, I (see) “A Woman of no Importance” yesterday.





· Будущее простое время образуется с помощью вспомогательных глаголов “shall” с местоимениями “I”, “we ”, и “will” с остальными местоимениями. Однако в настоящее время наблюдается тенденция употреблять “will” со всеми местоимениями: shall/will + смысловой глагол в исходной форме.

Richard will be fourteen next month.

You will hear more about it in future.

I shall (will) be here in two days.


· В разговорной речи вместо “shall” и “will” используется ‘ll:

You ’ll hear more about me. We ’l l come in time, don’t worry.


· В отрицательной форме после глаголов “shall”, “will ” ставится отрицательная частица “not”. Сокращенная форма: shan’t, won’t.

You won’t hear about him any more.


· В вопросительной форме вспомогательные глаголы “shall”, “will ” ставятся перед подлежащим:

  + -
Shall I help you with your work? Yes, please. No, thank you.
Will you come to the party? Yes, I will (shall). No I won’t (shan’t).
Will he meet her? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.
Willshe take the exam? Yes, she will. No, she won’t.
Will it go to bed after the meal? Yes, it will. No, it won’t.
Shall we dance? Yes, you will. No, you won’t.
Will they come to meet us? Yes, they will. No, they won’t.
When will you come to see us? Next Sunday.
Where willyou go next summer? To India.
What will you do next weekend? Oh, nothing special.



1. Измените предложения, сообщив о том, что произойдет

в следующем году:

Janet visited California last year. →

She will visit California next year too.

1) She drove across the country last year. 2) Bob studied at the University last year. 3) I flew to Europe last year. 4) He played soccer last year. 5) They took a history course last year. 6) We paid a lot in taxes last year. 7) They worked in the cafeteria last year. 8)We often went to the theatre last year.


2. Узнайте о планах своего сокурсника на будущее лето:

Will you go to the south or to the north in summer?

Where will you spend your summer vacation?

- to spend summer vacation - to go to Turkey (Europe, Spain) - to take the Italian (French) language course - to go to work as an au pair (поехать работать няней) - to stay and relax at the dacha - to go to the Black sea (the White sea) - to sunbathe - to swim - to play outdoor games - to laze away days


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 643. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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