(It’s 13.00. I am having lunch. My boss……. My colleagues ……..)
1) It is 7.30 now. What are you doing? What about your boss? And your colleagues?
2) It is 8.00 now. What are you doing? What about your boss? And your colleagues?
3) It is 9.00 now. What are you doing? What about your boss? And your colleagues?
4) It is 12.00 now. What are you doing? What about your boss? And your colleagues?
5) It is 17.00 now. What are you doing? What about your boss? And your colleagues?
6) It is 21.00 now. What are you doing? What about your boss? And your colleagues?
► 2. Измените предложения, поставив глагол в отрицательную форму Present Progressive:
Mary calls her parents every week. But she isn’t calling them now.
1) He eats in the cafeteria every day.
2) She regularly calls her grandparents.
3) Bob reads a newspaper every morning.
4) We often practice grammar.
| 5) I usually sit in the front row.
6) My parents watch television every
7)We do grammar exercises in class every
► 3. Задайте a) общие, b) альтернативные, c) разделительные и d) специальные вопросы к предложениям:
1) He is reading a newspaper.
2) Your grandparents are skiing in the
3) Your friend is taking a math exam at the
moment. (What exam?)
4) I am calling my friend now.
| 5) We are basking in the sun on the beach.
6) She is getting ready for the exam at home.
7) Your parents are watching television now.
► 4. Ответьте на вопросы, используя Present Progressive в значении будущего времени:
1)What are you going to do tonight?
2)What are you planning to do tomorrow?
3)When are you seeing your best friend?
4)When are you going to learn English?
5)Who are you meeting after work today?
6)Are you having guests tonight?
| 7)What are you going to wear for the New
Year party?
8)What are you going to do after you
graduate from the Academy?
9) Is your friend coming back from Italy next
► 5. Какое время следует использовать при переводе предложений на английский язык, Present Simple or Present Progressive?
1)- Что она обычно делает по вечерам?
- Она обычно читает или слушает
2)Аня сейчас шьет себе платье. Она
всю одежду шьет себе сама.
3)Библиотекарь: “Вы много читаете?” –
Посетитель: “Да. Довольно много.”
4)- Вы видите где-нибудь мои папки?
- Нет, не вижу. Я их как раз ищу.
5)-Почему Вы так быстро идете?
6)Я никого не жду.
| 7)Говорите громче, я не понимаю, что вы
8)Обычно июль у нас теплый, а в этом
году он очень холодный.
9)-Что у вас обычно на завтрак?”
- Я обычно ем бутерброд и выпиваю
чашку кофе.
10)Пойдем гулять, сейчас нет дождя.
11)- Вы слышите что-нибудь?
- Я слушаю, но ничего не слышу.
12)Что обозначает это слово?
13)Ты видишь того человека там?
► 6. Объясните употребление форм Present Simple и Present Progressive в следующих предложениях. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:
1) Jerry and Michael are working very hard
2) They work very hard every day.
3) We study in the library on Tuesdays.
| 4) They are speaking clearly now.
5) I read newspapers every morning.
6) He enjoys his English classes.
7) The car is working now.
► 7. Дайте краткие ответы на следующие вопросы:
Do you study Arabic? No. I don’t. / Yes, I do.
Are they studying in the library now? No, they aren’t. / Yes, they are.
1) Do you smoke?
2) Does he drive a car?
3) Is she washing up?
4) Are you listening to me?
5) Do they go to Egypt every summer?
| 6) Does he dance?
7) Is he dancing now?
8)Do you speak English?
9)Are you speaking English now?
10)Is he listening to music now?
► 8. Поставьте глагол в скобках в форму Present Simple или Present Progressive.
1)I usually (to enjoy) parties but I (not to enjoy) this one very much.
2)George says he’s 80 years old but I (not to believe) him.
3)Robert (to speak) just now to my uncle, and they (to shake) hands.
4)I always (to write) him on his birthday. You (to want) to send any message?
5)- Where (to be) Kitty?
Susan (to put) her to bed. You (to hear) her singing to the baby?
6)Actions (to speak) louder than words.
7)Every star (to have) its own orbit.
8)She is very sick. That’s why she always (to take) some medicine.
9)I often (to stay) with my parents in the evenings.
10)Why (to be) Nick at home today? (to be) he ill?
11)You (to be) usually so kind.
| 12)- Can you drive?
- No, I can’t but I (to learn). My father (to
teach) me.
13)- Can you hear?
- No, I (not to hear) anything.
14)Ron is in London at the moment. He (to stay) at the Hilton Hotel. He usually (to stay) at the Hilton Hotel when he is in London.
15)-(to be) lunch ready, mom? I (to be) hungry and I (to have) little time.
16)Planes (to travel) more quickly than trains?
17)He (to laugh) best, who (to laugh) last.
18)-Where (to be) Ted?
- He (to have) lunch. He always (to
have) it at this time.
19)What you (to think) about?
20)We usually (to grow) vegetables in our
garden but this year we (not to grow)
· Прошедшее простое время обозначает действие, произошедшее в прошлом, действие как факт: yesterday, last week, two years ago, in 2000:
J.S. Kilby developed the first pocket calculator in 1972.
· Форма прошедшего простого времени от правильных глаголов образуется при помощи окончания - ed, которое произносится:
[t] после глухих согласных звуков: walk - walk ed [t], stop – stopp ed [t]
[d] после звонкого согласного звука + “y” и гласного звука + “ y”: study - studi ed [d],
stay - stay ed [d]
[ιd] после согласных звуков [t] и [d]: land - land ed [id], want – want ed [id].
· Формы прошедшего простого времени от неправильных глаголов представлены в таблице.
· Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола “did”, при этом смысловой глагол теряет окончание – ed.
· Общая схема отрицательных предложений:
did + not + смысловой глагол в исходной форме
J.S.Kilby did not (didn’t) develop the first pocket calculator in 1971.
Susan did not (didn’t) break her promise yesterday.
· Вопросительная форма глагола в прошедшем простом времени образуется по схеме: did + подлежащее + смысловой глагол в исходной форме:
Did J.S.Kilby develop the first pocket calculator in 1972?
When did J.S.Kilby develop the first pocket calculator?
What did J.S.Kilby develop in 1972?
Did Susan break her promise yesterday?
· Вопрос к подлежащему образуется как в русском языке, т.е. заменой подлежащего вопросительными словами who (кто) или what (что). Сравните:
Д.С. Килби изобрел первый карманный калькулятор в 1972 году.
Кто изобрел первый карманный калькулятор в 1972 году?
J.S Kilby developed the first pocket calculator in 1972.
Who developed the first pocket calculator in 1972?

► 1. Заполните таблицу. Употребите предложенные подлежащие.