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Перед исчисляемымисуществительными many много few мало a few несколько books, students, dollars, stars, meters, towns …
Перед неисчисляемыми существительными much много little мало a little немного (может употребляться самостоятельно) coffee, salt, bread, knowledge, silver, attention, money …


В разговорном языке вместо many и much часто используют выражения lots of, a lot of, plenty of, a great deal of как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными.



1. Прочитайте предложения, заменяя местоимение

в скобках соответствующими английскими местоимениями:

1) There aren’t (много) large factories in this town. 2) You have (несколько) mistakes in spelling. 3) Could you give me (немного) milk, please? 4) Does she spend (много) money on clothes? 5) I need (немного) time to think it over. 6) We have (мало) water left. 7) There isn’t (много) snow on the ground. 8) There were (мало) people on the bus. 9) How (много) time do you spend on your English every day? 10) She doesn’t drink (много) coffee. 11) (несколько) people were seen in the distance. 12) I’m tired (немного).


2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями much, many, few, a few, little, a little. Переведите предложения:

1)… hands make light work. 2) Only … of my classmates can speak English well. 3) The secretary hasn’t got … free time. 4) Can we have too … of a good thing? 5) … knowledge is a dangerous thing. 6) … laws but … justice. 7) He is lucky, he has … problems. 8) … with quiet is the diet. 9) … drinking … thinking. 10) If you have … friends you probably have … time.

3. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1)Она пьет слишком много кофе. 2) Я хочу купить немного молока. 3) Несколько лет назад у меня была машина. 4) В капусте мало соли. 5) Я получаю много писем каждый день. 6)Мало кто знает, что он был моряком. 7)Ты спишь слишком мало. 6) У нас разве мало еды в холодильнике? 7) Дети должны есть много фруктов. 8) Я немного устал. 9) На полке стояло несколько книг. 10) – Можешь мне одолжить немного денег? – Извини, у меня с собой мало денег.





Время Present Past Future Participles
Местои- мения   Глаголы   I He She It We You They I He She It We You They I He, She, It, We, You,They Participle 1 для всех местоимений Participle 2 для всех местоимений
to be am is are was were ’ll be being been
to do do does do did did ’ll do doing done
to have have has have had had ’ll have having had

· ’ll обозначает сокращенную форму вспомогательных глаголов будущего времени shall и will.


· Глаголы be, do, have употребляются в качестве смысловых глаголов:


Be – быть, находиться: The book is on the table.Книга (находится) на столе.

Be patient! Будь терпелив!


Do – делать: To do morning exercises is useful. Делать зарядку полезно.

He did the job yesterday. Он сделал работу вчера.


Have – иметь: Switzerland has a good climate. В Швейцарии хороший


My sister has blue eyes. У моей сестры синие глаза.


· Глаголы be, do, have употребляются в качестве вспомогательных глаголов для построения аналитических глагольных форм в активном и пассивном залогах. В этой функции они не переводятся на русский язык:



We are doing grammar at the moment. В данный момент мы занимаемся грамматикой.

I am explaining grammar to you now. Я объясняю вам грамматику.

He is reading right now. Как раз сейчас он читает.

The building was destroyed by the storm last night. Здание было разрушено штормом прошлой ночью.

Do you speak French? Вы говорите по-французски?

Does he play the piano? Он играет на пианино?

We do not speak Esperanto. Мы не говорим на эсперанто.

He has been to Italy two times. Он был в Италии два раза.

She had been reading the book for 2 months. Он читал эту книгу два месяца.


· Глаголы be, have употребляются в качестве модальных глаголов. Оба глагола обозначают долженствование, но be обозначает долженствование в силу договоренности, плана, расписания, а have в силу обстоятельств. После модальных be, have смысловой глагол употребляется с частицей to.


We are to finish the work by the end of the year. Мы должны закончить работу к концу года.

The train is to come at 5. Поезд должен прибыть в 5.

People in poor countries have to work hard to survive. Люди в бедных странах вынуждены (должны) много работать, чтобы выжить.


· Глаголы be, have употребляются как часть выражений: to have lunch, to have a smoke, to have a nap, to have a break, to be late, to be married, to be divorced, to be retired, to be interested in smth, to be good at smth.


· Глагол do употребляется для усиления значения глагола, следующего за ним. Глагол do в этом значении на русский язык не переводится. На русском языке усиление передается интонацией или усилительными словами:


You may not believe it, but she does speak Chinese.

Может, ты не поверишь, но она действительно говорит по-китайски.


· Глагол be в вопросительных предложениях ставится перед подлежащим:

  + -
Am I ready? Yes, you are. No, you are not (aren’t).
Are you ready? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Ishe ready? Yes, he is. No, he is not (isn’t).
Isshe ready? Yes, she is. No, she is not (isn’t).
Is it ready? Yes, it is. No, it is not (isn’t).
Are we ready? Yes, we are. No, we are not (aren’t).
Are they ready? Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).
Where is he? He is at work.
Why are you here? I am invited.


· Смысловой глагол do,как и другие смысловые глаголы,образует вопросительную форму с помощью вспомогательного глагола do:

  + -
Do I do morning exercises? Yes, you do. No, you do not (don’t).
Do you do morning exercises? Yes, I do. No, I do not (don’t).
Does he do morning exercises? Yes, he does. No, he does not (doesn’t).
Does she do morning exercises? Yes, she does. No, she does not (doesn’t).
Does it do morning exercises? Yes, it does. No, it does not (doesn’t).
Do we do morning exercises? Yes, you do. No, you do not (don’t).
Do they do morning exercises? Yes, they do. No, they do not (don’t).
When do you do morning exercises? At 7 a. m.  
Where do you do morning exercises? In my room.  
Why do you do morning exercises? To keep fit.  


· Глагол have образует вопросительную форму как по типу глагола be,так и по типу глагола do: Have you a pet? Do you have a pet?


· Смысловой глагол have может иметь форму have got,которая является более разговорной: Have we got any butter in the fridge?


· Отрицательная форма глаголов be, have, do:

be have do
I am not Ihave not (haven’t) / I don’t have Ido not (don’t) do
You are not (aren’t) You have not (haven’t) / You don’t have You do not (don’t) do
He is not (isn’t) He has not (hasn’t) / He doesn’t have He does not (doesn’t) do
She is not (isn’t) She has not (hasn’t) / She doesn’t have She does not (doesn’t) do
It is not (isn’t) It has not (hasn’t) / It doesn’t have Itdoes not (doesn’t) do
We are not (aren’t) We have not (haven’t) / We don’t have We do not (don’t) do
They are not (aren’t) They have not (haven’t) / They don’t have They do not (don’t) do



1. Вставьте пропущенные формы глагола “be”:

1) I … a student. 2) You … a teacher. 3) Mr. Ash … a policeman. 4) Mary … a schoolgirl. 5) The man … on the train. 6) We … students. 7) What … you? 8) Who … he? 9) How... you? 10) I … Mr. Clark. 11)What … Henry? 12)What … I? 13)Who … you? 14)Who … I? 15)… I a student? 16)… he a student? 17)… she a doctor? 18)… they waiters? 19)… you all waiters? 20)… I a teacher? 21)… you Mr. Brown? 22)… you Mrs. Jones? 23)… he Mr. Kent? 24)There … one mountain in the picture. 25)There … three pencils on the table. 26)There … fifteen students in the class. 27)… there only one person in the picture? 28)Yes, there … only one.

2. Вставьте глагол “be” в Present Simple, сделав предложения утвердительными, отрицательными и т.д. по знаку в скобках. Предложения переведите:

1) It on my bill. (+) 2) It fine. (-) 3) He busy. (?) 4) She pleased. (?/-) 5) My friend in Moscow now. (-) 6) She in. (?) 7) His test simple. (+) 8) Ben on my list (-) 9) It ten. (?) 10)It easy. (?) 11)Tom sleepy. (-) 12)Kate only five. (?/-)

3. Вставьте нужную форму глагола “do”:

1) You … very well. 2) When … you … that exercise? 3) How … you …? 4) You must … as well as you can. 5) I … like eggs and bacon. 6) What … you … in your spare time? 7) … you speak Dutch? 8) Hob … not … anything unless he has to. 9) Lucille … not like brandy, and neither … Olaf and Jan. 10)He … quite well at the exam yesterday. 11)He … the shopping in the family last week. 12)What … the cook …? 13)When in Rome … as the Romans …. 14)… he … his best to help his friend?


4. Вставьте нужную форму глагола “have”:

1) Her brother … curly hair. 2) A triangle … three sides. 3) … you … eggs and bacon for breakfast every morning? 4) He … a letter by the morning post. 5) They … an English lesson every day next term. 6) They … a lot of trouble with their car last year. 7) She … a lot of money. 8) She … an enjoyable time at the dance last Saturday. 9) Frieda … a bad cold. 10) … you been to France? 11)What … he been doing all these years? 12)They … just arrived. 13)… you … everything you want? 14)He … not … a job when I last saw him.


5. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым членам предложения:

1) He has got a good salary. (Общий вопрос) 2) There are nine students in our group. 3) John is a teacher. 4) Ann has got a few pets at home. 5) Children have got two teeth at this age. 6) This is Karla’s uncle. 7) Tom and Mary are very tired now. 8) You are in London now. 9) There is some tea in my cup. (Общий вопрос) 10)You have got many friends because you are kind and communicative.  

6. Переведите глаголы “be”, “do”, “have” на русский язык, где это возможно. Определите их функцию (смысловой, вспомогательный, модальный, усилительный):

1) This hotel was built last year. 2) Have you any pets at home? 3) She was listening to music at 5 o’clock. 4) Do you speak Chinese? 5) Did you do your hair yourself? 6) They had a nice Siberian cat last year. 7) They do not like to get up early. 8) He is in Turkey right now. 9) You don’t remember, he did visit them last year. 10) Have you ever been to Finland? 11)Who did this translation? 12)They have been building this house for two years. 13)She’ll be far away from here tomorrow. 14)They are to leave home at five. 15)She goes to live in Greece. She has to learn Greek. 16)Do you have to get up at six o’clock? 17)Do you have any spare time? 18)Has he got any English books at home?

· Present Simple употребляется для выражения:

а) обычных действий, происходящих регулярно: I call my parents every day. He comes to class every morning.

b) для обозначения фактов и истин: Fish get oxygen from water. The sun rises in the East.

· Сравните утвердительную и отрицательную формы глаголов в Present Simple:


Число Лицо Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Единственное   I set my alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. on weekdays. I do not (don’t) set it on weekends.
  You come to class every day. But you do not (don’t) come on time.
  He ask s questions in biology class. She speak s German fluently.   The math class (it) confuse s him. But he do es not (doesn’t) ask questions in math class. But she do es not (doesn’t) speak English very well. But it do es not (doesn’t) confuse me.
Множественное   We understandyour problem. We do not (don’t) understand John’s problem.
  You play golf every Saturday. You do not (don’t) play golf on weekdays.
  They usually study in the library. They do not (don’t) study at home.

· В утвердительной форме в 3 лице единственном числе (после he, she, it) глагол употребляется с окончанием –(e)s.


· Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола do,который согласуется с подлежащим, выраженным местоимениямиI, You, We, They, и с помощью вспомогательного глагола does, который согласуется с подлежащим, выраженным местоимениями He, She, It.


· Общая схема отрицательных предложений:

do / does + not + V (основная форма смыслового глагола)


· Вопросительная форма глаголов в Present Simple строится также с помощью вспомогательных глаголов do /does, которые ставятся перед подлежащим:

  + -
Do I get up early? Yes, you do No, you do not (don’t).
Do you get up early? Yes, I do. No, I do not (don’t).
Does he get up early? Yes, he does. No, he does not (doesn’t).
Does she get up early? Yes, she does. No, she does not (doesn’t).
Does it (a dog) get up early? Yes, it does. No, it does not (doesn’t).
Do we get up early? Yes, you do. No, you do not (don’t).
Do they get up early? Yes, they do. No, they do not (don’t).
When do you get up? I get up at 7 a.m.
Why does he get up early? He gets up early because he lives far from his work.
How doyou like it? I like it a lot.
Where does he study? He studies at the Academy.

· В вопросах к подлежащему вспомогательные глаголы do / does не употребляются: Who gets up early in your family? Who jogs every morning? What rises in the east every morning?


· С Present Simple употребляются следующие частотные наречия:


100 % времени - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 % времени
always usually frequently often sometimes seldom hardly ever rarely never


· Частотное наречие ставится перед смысловым глаголом в Present Simple, но после глагола be: John always comes. He is always here.


· Наречие sometimes может также употребляться в начале и в конце предложения: Joe is sometimes late. Sometimes Joe is late. Joe is late sometimes.


· В отрицательных предложениях наречие ставится после отрицательной части глагольной формы: Julie doesn’t always have dinner. She isn’t always hungry.


· Частотные наречия seldom, hardly ever, rarely, never в отрицательных предложениях не употребляются: He never flies in an airplane.


1. Напишите семь предложений, выбрав действия, которые вы выполняете каждый день или регулярно:We subscribe to this magazine every year. She walks her dog twice a day. They usually watch

television in the evening. Sometimes he drives to classes.


- read a newspaper - do the laundry - do morning exercises - eat breakfast - have guests - go to work - walk to classes - drive to classes - cook breakfast - tidy up (dust, wash, sweep, clean) - talk to friends - do the shopping - jog - take a shower - do homework - watch television - go to the cinema - wash up - go out in the evening


2. Напишите семь вопросов своему сокурснику, используя список глаголов из Задания 1.:

Do you go to the library every day? Who usually does the laundry in your family? Do you drive to work?


3. Выберите из списка действия, которые вы, ваши родные или друзья не выполняют регулярно:

My sister doesn’t go to work every day. I don’t drive to classes. He doesn’t jog regularly. She doesn’t watch television on week days.


4. Измените подлежащее каждого предложения на местоимения he, she, it:

They call their parents every day. → She call s her parents every day.

1) They use the computer every day. 2) I wash my clothes every weekend. 3) You ask questions in class every day. 4) We need some money. 5) I want a new mobile phone. 6) They often go to the cafeteria. 7) You have a big problem. 8) We do our homework after dinner. 9) You speak Arabic and English. 10) The lake is beautiful.

5. Ответьте на вопросы, используя Present Simple:

1)What do students do at the Academy? 2) What does an ideal student do? 3) What does your English teacher do at the Academy? 4) What do your friends usually do in the evenings? 5) What do you like doing at weekends? 6) When do you prefer to have holidays? 7)You have a pet at home, don’t you? 8)Why don’t you take part in the students’ conference? 9)You are often busy, aren’t you? 10) Have you got a fascinating hobby? 11)Your family is large, isn’t it?

6. Составьте предложения:

1)come, Peter, time, to, doesn’t, class, always, in. 2)he, his, the, job, morning, begins, early, in. 3)the child, does, play, where, every afternoon? 4)visit, she, to, Caracas, wants. 5)often, in, in, rains, this, it, autumn, region. 6)little, stamps, my, collects, brother. 7)are, stories, many, book, there, this, interesting, in. 8)o’clock, at, plane, ten, leaves, the. 9)exercises, like, the, to, boys, practice, don’t, English. 10)you, in, use, do, your, often, books, class? 11)lunch, he, in, every, cafeteria, day, the, eats. 12)here, area, it, because, often, of, snows, the, location. 13)on, I, the, tenth, work, floor. 14)well, feel, today, I, don’t.  



· Настоящее длительное время употребляется для выражения действия, происходящего в определенный момент речи. С этим временем употребляются наречия now, right now, at this moment, this minute: Jane is practicing her piano exercise now.

· Форма Present Progressive состоит из вспомогательного глагола “be”, который согласуется с подлежащим, и причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола (с окончанием – ing): be + V (смысловой глагол) + ing.


Число Лицо Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Единственное   I am writing I am not writing.
  You are writing You are not writing
  He is writing She is writing It (the sun) is rising He is not writing She is not writing It (the sun) is not rising
Множественное   We are writing We are not writing
  You are writing You are not writing
  They are writing They are not writing


· В отрицательной форме после глагола “be” ставится частица “not”.

· В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол “be” ставится перед подлежащим:

  + -
Am I writing? Yes, you are. No, you are not (aren’t).
Are you writing? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Is he writing? Yes, he is. No, he is not (isn’t).
Is she writing? Yes, she is. No, she is not (isn’t).
Is it (the sun) rising? Yes, it is. No, it is not (isn’t).
Are we writing? Yes, we are. No, we are not (aren’t).
Are they writing? Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).
Where are you going? I’m going to the library.
What is he doing? He is writing a letter.
When arethey coming? They are coming at 7 p.m.

· Глаголы believe, belong, hate, have, hear, know, like, love, mean, need, owe, own, prefer, see, seem, understand, want не употребляются в Present Progressive: I like this class. Mary has a new watch.

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