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Значения: must должен have to вынужден в силу обстоятельств be to должен в силу плана, расписания   ought to следует   should следует  
· необходимость I must do the shopping this week. I have to return the book now. The plane is to arrive at 7 p.m.   ---   ---
· совет, моральный долг --- --- --- You ought to be more attentive. You should help her.
· запрет One mustn’t smoke here. --- --- --- ---
· предположение He must know his address. --- --- --- ---

· Вопросительная форма модальных глаголов must, be to, ought to, should дается на примере глагола should.

! Модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим:

  + -
Should I come? Yes, you should. No, you shouldn’t.
Should you come? Yes, I should. No, I shouldn’t.
Should he come? Yes, he should. No, he shouldn’t.
Should she come? Yes, she should. No, she shouldn’t.
Should it come? Yes, it should. No, it shouldn’t.
Should we come? Yes, you should. No, you shouldn’t.
Should they come? Yes, they should. No, they shouldn’t.
When should we come? At 5 o’clock
Where shouldthey go? To the library
What should he do? To stay here
How should she look? Beautiful

Исключением является модальный глагол have to. Вопросительная форма глагола have to образуется по типу вопросительной формы Present Simple:

  + -
Do I have to stay? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Do you have to stay? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Does he have tostay? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Doesshe have to stay? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
Does it have to stay? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.
Do we have to stay? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Do they have tostay? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
How long do I have to stay? For a day or two.
Where doI have to stay? At the Browns.
When does she have to come? On Friday.
How longdo I have to stay? For a day or two.
When does she have to come? In a day or two.
When did he have tocome? In September.


· Отрицательная форма глаголов must, be to, ought to, should: частица not ставится после модального глагола. Cокращённые формы: mustn’t, isn’t to / aren’t to, oughtn’t to, shouldn’t:

Aaron oughtn’t to keep late hours. She isn’t to come on Tuesday. You mustn’t sleep in class.


· Отрицательная форма глагола have to образуется по типу глаголов в Present и Past Simple:

I don’t have to get up early. He doesn’t have to look after his younger brother.

He didn’t have to be on duty.



1. Переведите предложения. Образуйте отрицательные и

вопросительные формы:

1) He ought to change his doctor. 2) You must go now. 3) He ought to grow a beard. 4) That house must be built in the 1990s. 5) You should drink more water. 6) You must buy a new jacket. 7) I had to get up early yesterday. 8) We should answer the letter. 9)Everyone must obey law. 10) He has to be at work at 8a.m. 11)We had to get ready for the exam thoroughly. 12) We are to meet at the University.

2. Задайте общие и специальные вопросы к предложениям:

1) Gary has to write the final report. (what?) 2) Bob should check these figures because they may be inaccurate. (why) 3) Gilbert has to study this evening. 4) You should wear a seatbelt. 5) I oughtn’t to lift heavy things. 6) He must be here by this time (when). 7) People ought to treat animals kindly. 8)We ought to respect the environment. 9) You mustn’t make any noise.

3. Задайте вопросы к данным ответам:

1)No, I can't. 2)Yes, please. 3)Sorry. I couldn’t come because I was too busy. 4)Yes, she may. 5)Yes, I can. 6)No, I am still busy at five. 7)Thank you. 8)No, you needn’t. 9)No, it’s only nine. 10)Yes, thank you. 11)OK 12)No, I can only speak Russian. 13)Hold on! 14)Sorry, he is on holiday. 15)Fine! 16)He must come at five. 17)Yes, you can stay till eleven. 18)Well, I can play chess. 19)Just a minute.

4. Выберите правильный вариант:

1) Yesterday I …. to rewrite the contract twice.

a) had b) must c) am able

2) He … meet his chief in a few days.

a) have to b) must c) had to

3) Peter doesn’t look well. … you tell me what happened to him?

a) Can b) Must c) May

4) Sorry, I … speak Italian very well.

a) can b) cannot c) may

5) You … forget to ring your mother. Today is her birthday.

a) must b) mustn’t c) should

6) You … explain that I … give up smoking.

a) needn’t b) can c) must

7) We had little time, so we … take a taxi.

a) have to b) had to c) must

8) We … go for a walk, can’t we?

a) may b) can c) must

9) It’s already 7 p.m. and I’m tired. … I finish all the tasks now?

a) Do b) Can c) Must

10) I … sleep well last night.

a) can b) cannot c) couldn’t


5. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1) Следует ли мне ответить на письмо? 2) Ему следует заплатить эти деньги. 3) Он должен быть в библиотеке сейчас. 4) Почему я должна делать это? 5) Все должны повиноваться закону. 6) Он вынужден вставать рано. 7) Вам следует уехать завтра. 8)Ответ должен быть быстрым. 9) Вам нельзя входить в эту комнату. 10) Он умеет играть на гитаре. 11) Урок должен начаться в 10 часов.


6. Переведите предложения, содержащие разные модальные глаголы:

1) Roger can play the piano beautifully, but he cannot sing very well. 2) He might come tomorrow, but she mightn’t come on Thursday. 3) You shouldn’t talk to George. 4) He won’t be able to go to the language lab tomorrow. 5) He is able to understand a little French, but not very much. 6) A secretary can organize files very well. 7) John might be in his office now. 8)I might take a computer course next term. 9) How many hours a day should I sleep? 10) Children should not watch TV too much. 11) You will have to register for at least three courses each term. 12) Sara ought to begin her biology project this week. 13) We didn’t have to go to the meeting yesterday. 14) Sally grew up in Mexico, so she must speak Spanish fluently. 15) A good husband must not flirt with other women. 16) They are to arrive next Monday. 17)He won’t be allowed to leave soon.






Активный залог Пассивный залог
Подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, совершающийдействие:   Students study English. Студенты изучают английский язык. Подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, подвергающийся действию со стороны другого лица или предмета: English is studiedby students. Английский язык изучается студентами.



· Если известен деятель – используем предлог “by”:

The birthday cake was cut by Liz into 6 equal parts.

· Если известно, чем было совершено действие – используем предлог “with”:

The birthday cake was cut with a knife.


· Если у сказуемого два дополнения, возможны следующие варианты:

Mark gave a letter to Rosa. - Rosa was given a letter by Mark.

- A letter was given to Rosa by Mark.


· Если пассивный залог заканчивается послелогом – начинаем перевод с него:

The children are well looked after. - О детях хорошо заботятся.

The situation was put up with. - С ситуацией смирились.

· Пассивный залог в английском языке всегда начинается с подлежащего в именительном падеже:

Меня искали. Ей помогли. Его заметили. Вам покажут презентацию. Намразрешили прийти. Ихограбили. Ihave been looked for. She was helped. He was noticed. You will be shown a presentation. We were allowed to come. They were robbed.

· Общая формула пассивного залога: be + V³ed

    Активный залог Пассивный залог
Simple (Indefinite) Tenses Present V, V(e)s They often invite me to the theatre. We eat a lot of rice at home. She speaksFrench fluently. am / is / are + V³ed I am invited to the theatre quite often. Rice is eaten a lot at our home. French and English are spoken in Canada.
Past V²ed   The workers built this house last year. The teacher examined the students. was / were + V³ed This house was built last year. Students were examinedyesterday.
Future shall/will + V   We shall tell you about it. They will build a new stadium next year. shall / will + be + V³ed   I shall be told about it. The new stadium will be built.
Progressive (Continuous) Tenses Present am / is / are + Ving   I am teaching you now. We are discussing this question now. The teacher is asking us now. am / is / are + being + V³ed   I am being taught grammar now. This question is being discussed now. We are being asked by the teacher.
Past was / were + Ving   Parents were papering the kitchen in the evening yesterday. The managers were discussing the problems when the boss came in. was / were + being + V³ed   The kitchen was being papered then.   The problems were being discussed when the boss came in.
Future shall / will + be + Ving   We shall be translating an English text at the exam next week. = Future Simple Passive shall / will + be + V³ed A text will be translated from English into Russian at the exam next week.
Perfect Tenses Present have / has + V³ed   The secretary has just typed the letter. We have sent two e-mails to them so far. have / has + been + V³ed   The letter hasjustbeen typed. Two e-mails have been sent to them.
Past had + V³ed   When I came home, Mom had already cooked dinner. had been + V³ed   When I came home, dinner had already been cooked.
Future shall / will + have + V³ed   They will have built the cinema by the end of this year.   shall / will + have been + V³ed   The cinema will have been built by the end of this year.
Perfect Progressive Tenses Present have / has + been + V ing   I have been reading this magazine for an hour. = Present Perfect Passive have / has been + V³ed The magazine has been read for an hour.
Past had + been + Ving   He had been repairing his car all the morning so he felt tired. = Past Perfect Passive had been + V³ed The car had been repaired all the morning.
Future shall / will + have + been + Ving   By next year our university will have been training civil servants for fifty years.   = Future Perfect Passive shall / will + have been + V³ed Civil servants will have been trained by our university for fifty years by next year.


1. Найдите русские эквиваленты английским пословицам

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