this that
these those
now then
today that day
tomorrow the next day
yesterday the day before
ago before
next (year) the next (year)
here there
He said, “I visited the patient yesterday. ” → He said that he had visited the patient the day before.
При переводе вопросительного предложения в косвенную речь соблюдаются вышеизложенные правила. Помимо этого:
· порядок слов в косвенном вопросе такой же, как и в повествовательном предложении;
· общий вопрос вводится союзом if или whether:
He asked me, “Have you been to London?” → He asked me if I had been to London.
· специальные вопросы в косвенной речи вводятся соответствующими вопросительными словами:
He asked me, “Where are you from?” → He asked me where I was from.
При переводе побудительных предложений в косвенную речь необходимо соблюдать следующие правила:
· приказания и просьбы в косвенной речи вводятся глаголом to tell (велеть), to order (приказывать), to ask (попросить);
· глагол в повелительном наклонении заменяется инфинитивом или отрицанием not с инфинитивом для отрицательной формы:
Ann said, “Wait for me, please.” → Ann asked me to wait for her.
Ann said, “Don’t wait for me, please.” → Ann told me not to wait for her.
► 1. Переведите следующие предложения из прямой речи
в косвенную:
1) John said, “I am going to Paris on
2) Ann said, “I have to finish this report by
five o’clock.”
3) Nick said, “I saw this film yesterday.”
4) Mary said, “John, I can’t go to the
cinema with you.”
| 5) The boy said, “I am only eight years old.”
6) Helen says, “I know the author of these
7) President noticed, “Russia was and will
always be a great country.”
8)He said, “I will be here at night.”
1) John asked, “Where does Mary live?”
2) Ann asked, “Has my husband gone
3) I asked the clerk, “How much does it
4) Mr. Smith asked me, “Where are you
| 5) Tom asked me, “What time is it?”
6) He asked Helen, “When will it be
warmer at last?”
7) John asked me, “Have you sent the
8) I asked the shop assistant, “What is the
price of that tie?”
1) He asked his sister Mary, “Look after
my children please.”
2) The doctor told the patient, “Come
again tomorrow.”
3) Bob said to the police agent, “Find out
where your colleague has gone.”
4) My friend asked me, “Lend me some
money, please.”
| 5) The teacher said to the children, “Keep
6) My mother said, “Could you help me
with the dinner?”
7) My children said, “Buy a dog to us and
we will be the happiest children.”
8) The manager said to the workers,
“Improve your skills first.”
► 2. По пути в Кок Джон и его друг попали в аварию. Прочитайте полицейский отчет и запишите вопросы (в форме прямой речи), которые полицейский задал водителям.
I asked the driver of the jeep who he was and what he did. Mr. John Brown replied that he was a radio producer. He said that he lived in Dublin and that he was going to Cork. He said that he and his colleagues had been on a business trip for three days, and had an appointment to interview Mr. Somerset. He said that the mini-bus overtook their jeep. It then slowed down, probably because of the difficult road. Then Mr. Brown’s jeep hit it. The other driver, Mr. Frost, said that he overtook because Mr. Brown was driving very slowly. Suddenly Mr. Brown’s jeep started to go faster and then it hit Mr. Frost’s mini-bus.
Сослагательное наклонение выражает предполагаемое или желательное действие.
Формы сослагательного наклонения should + инфинитив без to (Present Subjunctive) в придаточных предложениях:
· после конструкций “it is necessary” (необходимо), “it is important” (важно), “it is desirable”(желательно), “it is natural”, “it is reasonable” (разумно):
It is important that he should hear it from you.
Важно, чтобы он услышал это от тебя.
· в дополнительных придаточных предложениях, если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения выражает приказание (to order, to require), предложение (to propose, to advise, to request), договоренность (to arrange, to agree), предположение (to suggest, to insist):
My brother insisted that I should follow him.
Мой брат настаивал, чтобы я пошел за ним.
В придаточных предложениях вводимых союзами as if (как если бы) может употребляться Past Subjunctive:
The student acted as if he were sick.
Студент вел себя, как если бы он был болен.
После глагола wish и выражений I would rather, I would sooner, I had better, I had rather могут использоваться различные формы глагола в зависимости от времени действия:
· действие придаточного предложения одновременно с действием главного предложения – Past Simple (Indefinite):
I wish I were (was) a known actress!
Как бы я хотела стать известной актрисой!
· действие придаточного предложения предшествует действию главного предложения – Past Perfect:
I wish you hadn’t gone.
Как жаль, что ты ушел.
Желательные или предполагаемые действия могут также вводиться глаголами should или would + инфинитив без to как в простом, так и в придаточном предложениях:
I would help you. Я бы помог тебе.
I would help you if you allowed me to help you. Я бы помог тебе,
если бы ты разрешил мне сделать это.
► 1. Переведите предложения:
1) I wish I knew the laws.
2) But for him, I wouldn’t have translated
this article.
3) He would be a good civil servant.
4) He wouldn’t have fallen, but it was very
5) She wished we had informed the
population in due time.
6) I suggest that you prepare the list of
participants now.
7) She speaks Swedish so well as if she
lived in Sweden for many years.
8) We wished you hadn’t left your glasses
at home.
| 9)She would be glad to see you,
but she is ill now.
10)I wish I had taken an umbrella, it’s
11)I should have passed the exam, but I
didn’t work.
12)It is necessary that she should do this
work immediately.
13)I’ll put down your e-mail address lest I
should forget it.
14)I wish I could be given the driving
15)It is required that the court should take into account all the details.
► 2. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму:
1) I wish I (own) a new car.
2) John wishes he (be) a lawyer.
3)I wish I (go) to the movie with you last
4) Mary wishes she (can) drive a car.
5) I wish, when a boy, I (study) Latin
instead of Greek.
6) I wish it (be) possible for me to help
| 7) I wish I (not / spend) so much money
8)I wish I (be) in California now.
9)I wish I (have) today off. I’d go swimming.
10)I wish I (have) yesterday off. I’d have
gone swimming.
11)Ann wishes she (live) nearer me.
Условные придаточные предложения вводятся союзами if, unless, in case (that), on condition (that), provided (that). Условие, необходимое для совершения действия главного предложения, может быть реальным или нереальным.
· Условные придаточные предложения 1 типа выражают реальные условия выполнения действия в будущем времени. Несмотря на то, что действие в условном предложении относится к будущему времени, глагол употребляется в форме Present Simple, а в главном предложении, в котором говорится о результате, глагол употребляется в форме Future Simple Tense:
Главное предложение
| Придаточное предложение
Future Simple (Indefinite)
We will go to our friends
Мы пойдем к нашим друзьям,
| Present Simple (Indefinite)
if we finish our work in time.
если закончим работу вовремя.
· Условные придаточные предложения 2 типа выражают нереальные условия выполнения действия в настоящем или будущем времени:
Главное предложение
| Придаточное предложение
should, would, could, might
+ инфинитив без частицы to
We could go for a walk
Мы бы могли пойти погулять,
I would talk to him
Я бы поговорил с ним,
| Past Simple (Indefinite)
if we had time.
если бы у нас было время.
if I were you. (! форма глагола)
если бы был на твоем месте.
· Условные придаточные предложения 3 типа выражают нереальные условия выполнения действия в прошедшем времени:
Главное предложение
| Придаточное предложение
should, would, could, might
+ перфектный инфинитив без частицы to
He would have passed the exam
Он бы сдал экзамен,
| Past Perfect
if he had worked harder last term.
если бы работал лучше в семестре.
· Условные придаточные предложения смешанного типа:
- условие относится к прошедшему, а следствие - к настоящему или будущему времени:
Главное предложение
| Придаточное предложение
should, would, could, might
+ инфинитив без частицы to
You would know the material better
Вы бы знали материал лучше,
| Past Perfect
if you had visited the library yesterday.
если бы вчера сходили в библиотеку.
- условие относится к неопределенному времени, а следствие - к прошедшему:
Главное предложение
| Придаточное предложение
should, would, could, might
+ перфектный инфинитив без частицы to
I should have invited them
Я бы пригласила их,
| Past Simple (Indefinite)
if I liked them.
если бы они мне нравились.

► 1. Употребите правильную форму глагола для выражения
действий, относящихся к будущему:
1) If the instructor (be) absent tomorrow
we (go) home earlier.
2) We (not to be) able to go out if the
instructor (give) a lot of homework for
the weekend.
3) If the university (raise) tuition many
students (not to be) able to pay.
4) There (be) problems with lack of food if
the world population (continue) to grow
| 5) George (help) us if you (ask) him nicely.
6) If mankind (stop) polluting the
environment there (be) more fresh water
and air.
7) If women (be) given the same rights as
men there (be) more women in the
8) The environment (be) healthier if the
government (ban) the use of pesticides.
► 2. Закончите предложения:
1) If there isn’t any class tomorrow, ….
2) If I earn a million rubles some day, ….
3) If the temperature rises tomorrow, …..
| 4) If I study hard tonight, ….
5) If my friend comes today, ….
6) If it rains today, ….
► 3. Ответьте на вопросы полными предложениями:
What will you do if it snows tomorrow? → If it snows tomorrow I’ll go skiing.
1) What will you do if you have a test
2) What will you do if we don’t have good
mood tomorrow?
3) What will you do if you have free time
4) What will you do if you run out of money
| 5) What will you do if your friend leaves town
this weekend?
6) What will you do if I give you a lot of
homework today?
7) What will you do if your parents call you
► 4. Раскройте скобки и употребите правильную форму глагола:
1) He will come tomorrow unless he (to
leave) for Finland.
2) If I were you I (to accept) this offer.
3) If you (to run) into him in the street you
wouldn’t recognize him, he’s changed a
4) If he (to have) more free time he would
have taken French lessons.
5) If she spoke these languages she (to
be) a very useful assistant.
6) I could do it today if I (to have) any free
7) If Nick were not so absent-minded he
(not to forget) the book at home.
8) If it snows tomorrow we (to ski).
| 9)If it (to start) to rain we should take the
10)If somebody (to follow) him at night he
wouldn’t be frightened.
11)If I had been in a hurry I (to take) a taxi.
12)If you don’t like children you (to choose)
the profession of a teacher.
13)If I (to be) in your position I would resign
rather than wait to be sacked.
14)If you (not to lose) your job you could
have improved your qualification.
15)If he (to come) I will ask him to help you.
► 5. Закончите предложения:
1)If I were you …
2)If I could …
| 3)If I had …
4)If it were Friday evening …
Личные формы
| Неличные формы
· к ним относят:
a) формы глагола в трёх лицах ед. и мн. числа во всех временах активного и пассивного залога в изъявительном и сослагательном наклонении:
I ama diligent, creative and hard-working student. My family lives in Petrozavodsk.
We are planning to go to Turkey in June.
We have never been there before but we werein Tunis last year.
We were invited to Tunis by our close friends.
If I had more time, I would learnEnglish at last and use it in my trips.
b) форма повелительного наклонения: Come in! Don’t shout, please.
| · к ним относят:
a) инфинитивсочетает черты глагола и существительного
To be or not to be, that is the question.
b) герундийсочетает черты глагола и существительного
The best part of living is loving and giving.
c) причастие 1сочетает черты глагола и прилагательного / наречия
Lose an hour in the morning and you will spend the whole day looking for it.
d) причастие 2сочетает черты глагола иприлагательного / наречия
Losttime is never found again.
· выражают грамматические категории:
- время (настоящее, прошедшее, будущее) - залог (активный, пассивный)
- число (единственное, множественное)
- лицо (1, 2, 3)
- наклонение (повелительное, изъявительное, сослагательное)
This grammar topic isquite difficult.
I wish it wereeasier.
| · выражают категории времени и залога, но они относительны:
Simple (Indefinite), Progressive (Continuous) означают одновременность действия:
It is pleasant to be working with you now.
Perfect, Perfect Progressive (Continuous) означают предшествование действия:
It is good of you to have helped me.
Неличные формы глагола:
| Герундий
| Причастие 1
| Причастие 2
| Active
| Passive
| Simple
| to build
| to be built
| Prog.
| to be building
| -
| Perfect
| to have built
| to have been built
| Prog.
| to have been building
| -
| |
| Active
| Passive
| Simple
| writing
| being written
| Prog.
| -
| -
| Perfect
| having written
| having been written
| Prog.
| -
| -
| |
| Active
| Passive
| Simple
| writing
| being written
| Prog.
| -
| -
| Perfect
| having written
| having been written
| Perfect Prog.
| -
| -
| |
| Active
| Passive
| Simple
| gone
| broken,
| Prog.
| -
| -
| Perfect
| -
| -
| Perfect Prog.
| -
| -
| |
- Don't talk too much if you want people to listento you.
- The children were happy to be taken to Disneyland.
- The weather seems to be changing.
- She was sorry to have missed the train.
- He avoided making the same mistakes again.
- No one likes being thoughta fool.
- He admits having madethe same mistake again.
- He resented having been criticized by the manager.
| - Leaving her son alone the mother told him to behave himself.
- Being left alone he started to play computer games.
- Having asked a question, the teacher was waiting for an answer.
- Having been asked a question, the pupil was thinking of an answer.
- The train isgone.
- The vase isbroken.
- She had her hair waved for the birthday party.
· служат в предложении сказуемым;
при них имеется подлежащее:
We study at the Karelian Branch of the North-West Academy of Public Administration.
| · могут быть только частью сказуемого:
I don’t know.
She dislikes getting up early.
We are learning now.
We have understood everything.
| · могут быть другим членом предложения:
Функции неличных форм глагола:
| Подлежащее
| Часть сказуемого
| Дополнение
| Обстоятельство
| Определение
(to) learn
| - To learnEnglish is necessary in modern life.
- It is not easy to stop smoking.
| - He has to go there.
- I can help you.
- Your task is to get a diploma.
| - I want to go to India.
- I want you to go to the South.
- She began to dream.
- We sawJane enterthe hotel.
| - (In order) To knowEnglish wellyou must study regularly.
- He is too young to understandit.
- I have come here to meet you.
| - This is a good bookto read.
- The children have a good roomto playin.
| - Learning English is hard but necessary.
| - He finished reading.
- I could not help smiling.
- My hobby istravelling.
| - I enjoydriving.
- The car needswashing.
| - On hearingthe good news she started to jump.
- He left without saying good-bye.
- Thank you for coming.
| - The ideaof paintingcame to him at the age of 40.
- His habit of taking a nap annoyed his wife.
Причастие 1
| | - She is always complaining.
- He has been waiting for you for an hour now.
- The problem is beingdiscussed now.
| - I heardmy daughter talking to her boyfriend in English on the phone!
| - He answered, lookingat us suspiciously.
- Being an actress, she knew how to present herself.
| - The girl dancingwith John is my sister.
- The test being carried out is of great importance.
Причастие 2
Learnt / played
| | - My fiends have helped me.
- She has beenworking in the garden.
- The job was done last week.
| | - Embarrassed, he didn’t know what to say.
- Having read the secret e-mail, she immediately deleted it.
| - I don’t eat fried meat.
- We used all the advice given.
► 1. Найдите личные и неличные формы глаголов в предложениях:
Most people work because they need to earn a salary, but money is not the only motivation or reason why people work. People get job satisfaction from different factors, such as social interaction with colleagues. Status, that is your professional position, and achievement, doing something well, can be important. Some companies really value their employees and see them as the company’s main asset. Managing people well can lead to better results and higher productivity for the company, but this can be difficult to do. People respond differently to different styles of management. Some organizations give their workers freedom to develop their roles and others don’t.
► 2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив:
1) The weather is nice; we can go out.
2) The main problem is to find time.
3) To forget the past was impossible.
4) To be a good doctor, it is necessary to
study for many years.
5) We believed her to be a great actress.
6) The book is to be published soon.
| 7) He read the telegram the second time to
understand it.
8) They were too surprised to speak.
9) This is just the man to consult.
10) The children agreed never to quarrel
11) Here are some instructions to follow.
► 3. Выберите форму инфинитива в активном или пассивном залоге:
1) Speak louder if you want... (to hear / to be heard).
2) Don't talk too much if you want people... (to listen to you / to be listened to you).
3) Always ask yourself: how can your work... (do / be done) better?
4) The doctor prescribed medicine... (to take / to be taken) every three hours.
5) I expect the telegram... (to bring / to be brought) in two hours.
► 4. Ответьте на вопросы, используя герундий:
1) Do you mind getting up early?
2) Are you used to working on your own?
3) Do you prefer doing practical things to
reading or creative writing?
4) Do you mind working under pressure?
5) Are you good at persuading others?
6) Do you usually put much effort into
doing the job you like?
| 7) Are you good at socializing with other
8) Are you good at using computers and
learning foreign languages?
9) Do you mind doing routine work?
10) Can you keep on doing paper work all
day long?
► 5. Переведите предложения с причастием 1:
1) The study process can be tiring.
2) It is 10 o’clock now. We are studying
Participle 1.
3) The train arriving on Platform 5 is one
hour late.
4) Being a foreigner, Josh needs a visa to
stay in our country.
| 5) John became more and more nervous as
he thought of the approaching interview.
6) While writing a report, she was interrupted
by urgent phone calls.
7) Having spent nearly all the money, Lucy
went for a cup of coffee.
► 6. Образуйте словосочетания с причастием 2 и составьте с ними предложения:
- to fall; to cut; to ask; to excite; to send; to exhaust; to hide; to frighten
- a question; a tourist; a look; a tree; bread; an e-mail; a child; things
► 7. Выберите причастие 1 или причастие 2:
1) I’ve got nothing to do. I am (boring /
2) The boss’s comments were (confusing /
confused) and the employees didn’t
understand them.
3) The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for
ages. It was really (disgusting /
4) I seldom visit art galleries. I’m not
particularly (interesting / interested) in
| 5) I’ve been working hard all day and now I
am (tiring / tired).
6) I asked Emily if she wanted to go with us
but she wasn’t (interesting / interested).
7) Tom is very good at telling funny jokes.
He can be very (amusing / amused).
8) Liz is a very (interesting / interested)
person. She has travelled a lot.
9) The lecture was (boring / bored) and I fell