Предлоги времени
При указании: · года: in 1945, in2009; · времен года: in spring, in summer, in winter, in autumn; · месяца: in January, in February, in March; · дня недели: on Sunday, on Monday, on Tuesday; · части суток: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening,! at night,! on Monday evening); · показания часов (времени): at 8 o’clock, at half past 7, at 10 p.m.; · промежутка времени, через который начинается действие: in 2 days (через 2 дня); · даты: on the 1st of May, on the 17th of June; · from …… till: from 9 a.m. till 7 p.m. (с 9 утра до 7 вечера); · during: during summer holidays (во время летних каникул); · · since: since last week, since 2009 (с прошлой недели, с 2009 года).
► 1. Заполните пропуски предлогами: Go … the table. Take the red pen … the table, please. Put it … your bag. Don’t close your bag. Please, put it … your chair. Take the pen … the bag and give it …. your colleague. Take the pen …. him / her and put it back… the table.
► 2. Заполните пропуски предлогами:
► 3. Составьте предложения из следующих слов: 1) in, not, Mr., yet, Smith, is, office, the. 2) exhibition, meet, of, let’s, at, stamps, the. 3) go, sometimes, to, on, we, Sunday, the, cinema.
► 4. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
a) существительное - глагол: answer, budget, call, copy, cost, cry, e-mail, help, laugh, love, man, offer, paper, place, support, talk, test, water, wish, work He will call me this afternoon. His call is very important for me. b) прилагательное - существительное:light,round,steel, tea We use the tea set given to us on our wedding every day. I prefer tea with lemon. c) прилагательное - наречие: back, daily, early, far, fast, little, long, low, much, straight, well, weekly He took a fast train to Odessa. The train goes very fast. d) прилагательное - глагол: clean, iron I need to clean the room now. It will be nice to breathe in the clean room after that.