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Определительное придаточное предложение


· Определительные придаточные предложения соединяются с главным предложением следующими союзными словами: местоимениями who (который), whom (которого), whose (чей, которого), which, that (который), а также и наречиями when (когда), where (где, куда), why (почему):

The man who is standing at the window is my brother.

I have found the book that I was looking for.

The times when we were students will always remain in my soul.

· Относительные местоимения whom (объектный падеж от who) и which часто заменяются местоимением that:

Do you know the woman that (whom) we met at the corner?

· Относительное местоимение who редко заменяется местоимением that. Местоимение whose не может быть заменено местоимением that.

· Относительные местоимения, выполняющие функцию дополнения, часто опускаются:

He answered the letter that (which) he received a few days ago. = He answered

the letter he received a few days ago.

· Относительные местоимения, играющие роль подлежащего, не могут быть опущены: The student who is answering now comes from Finland.



1. Из двух предложений составьте одно.

Вам могут понадобиться союзные слова:

Tom works for this company. The company makes computers.

Tom works for the company that makes computers.

1) That woman lives next door. She often comes home late. 2) Yesterday I met my first teacher at school. I recognized her at once. 3) This is a medicine. You need it. 4) This is the same story. I heard it a year ago. 5) Where is the mail? It was on the table. 6) He left one day. I don’t remember that day. 7) I got that letter yesterday. It came too late. 8) I slept in that bed last night. It wasn’t very comfortable. 10)You bought a car not long ago. What happened to it?

2. Вставьте соединительные слова who, whose, which, where.

Don took the train from Edinburgh to Dundee, … is on the east coast of Scotland. He found a cheap hotel … he could stay for the night, and then he went to a pub … he could get something to eat. He talked to an old lady … son was living in Canada. He also met a man … had seen a ghost at the castle … was not far from the hotel.






► 1. Answer the questions in writing:

1) Have you got a family? Is it large or small? How many are you in your family? Are you all great friends?

2) Does your mother work? What is she? Is she fond of her job?

Do you help her about the house (do you do the rooms, keep

the house, clean the rooms, dust the furniture, help with the cooking,

vacuum clean the flat, water the flowers, wash up, take the dog for a walk, do the shopping)?

3) What is your father? How old is he? Is he your mother’s senior or junior or are they of the same age?

4) Have you got brothers or sisters (or both)? What are their names? What are they? Are you fond of each other? Are they your senior or junior?

5) Have you got grandparents (grandmothers and grandfathers)? How old are they? Do you spend much time together? Do you help them from time to time? Are they retired pensioners or do they still work?

6) You have got many relatives, haven’t you? Where do they live? Do you keep in touch with them? Are you fond of them? Draw your family tree and explain who is who in writing. Add some details on every family member.

7) What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Do you live with your family or alone? What is your place of living like? Are you married or single? Who are you married to? Have you got any children? What are you? Where do you work? Do you enjoy your work? Why do you want to get higher education? What are you going to be?

8) What is your hobby? You have got a pet at home, haven’t you? Are you a book-lover? You often go to the theatre or to the cinema, don’t you? Are you good at knitting, sewing or woodworking? Do you like to be in the open air and go for a walk? Is your favourite pastime fishing and hunting? Are you fond of cooking and trying new recipes? Do you keep fit? Are you on a diet? What do you think about skating and skiing? Can you say that you are musical (can you sing, dance or play a musical instrument)? You are good at driving, aren’t you? Are you interested in learning foreign languages? How do you usually spend time with friends?

► 2. Complete the Table:

Status a baby        
Stage 2 years old childhood in your teens middle-aged retirement


► 3. Add three more words and word combinations to each line to describe your personality:

My appearance: handsome/beautiful, pleasant-looking, tall, well-built, sporty, overweight, fair -haired, hazel-eyed, …

My character:(very, quite, rather, a bit, totally, extremely, completely, absolutely, slightly, pretty) good-humoured,impatient, …

My family:supportive, united, sociable, …

My job:competitive, conventional, serious, …

My home:cozy and sunny, …

My free time:enjoyable, practical, …

My ambitions:to be a civil servant / a lawyer / an economist, …

My current activities: learning English, …

► 4. Complete the text using the words from the box:

parents, to succeed, photo, works, get on well, easygoing, elder, divorced, thoughtless, attractive, relations

This is a family (1). And this is me standing behind my (2). They are (3) but still (4). My parents are (5) and not strict. Next to me is my (6) sister Ann. She is quite (7), isn’t she? She (8) as a lawyer. My parents say I’m more immature and (9). But I think I’m quite ambitious – I want (10). So that’s all my (11).


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 611. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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