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An employer and

2) an employee and divide these sentences accordingly:

a) ensures a harmonious and productive working relationship affected by three significant factors – interests, control and motivation. b) provides the labour. c) is any person hired to do a specific "job". d) is a person or institution that hires workers. e) is given an official offer of employment within a company for a defined starting salary and position. f) can beexempt (salaried and not eligible to earn overtime) or non-exempt ( paid hourly and eligible for overtime pay). g) can be everything from individuals hiring a babysitter to governments and businesses which may hire many thousands of people. h) maintains control over the productive base of land and capital, and is the entity named in contracts. i) can organize into trade unions or labor unions, which represent most of the available workforce in a single organization. j) offers hourly wages or a salary in exchange for the worker's labor power.


3. Think about your own job or the job of a person you know well. Draw an organization chart using the following terms:

applicant blue-collar worker Board of Directors boss Chairperson (President) colleague employee employer job seeker Managing Director (Chief Executive Officer = CEO) middle manager personnel   senior manager staff supervisor white-collar worker worker workforce


4. Complete the passage about Mr. Pat Guerin, Industrial Relations Manager of Guinness Ireland. Use these expressions:


a) This job involved… b) I reported directly to… c) I was employed as… d) I worked… e)The next position I held was.. f) I was then promoted to… g) In this role… h) I’ve worked…  


When I first started working in Guinness 1___ a general worker. For three years 2___ in the bottling plant as a machine operator. 3___ for a period of seven years in the engineering department as a maintenance assistant. This involved working with technically skilled personnel in maintaining plant and equipment. In both jobs 4___ a supervisor. Since then, however, the structure of the company has significantly changed and the supervisor layer no longer exists. General workers now report to a plant manager. 5__ the position of laboratory officer in the quality assurance laboratory. 6___ carrying out a wide range of analyses on all aspects of the brewing process. For the past year 7___ in the personnel department as an Industrial Relations Manager. 8___ I report directly to the Personnel Manager of the company.


5. Where are you in your organization’s hierarchy? What are you responsible for? Use these word combinations in a paragraph:


- to advice - to appoint - to assist (to help, to support) - to be accountable to - to be assisted by - to be in charge of - to be responsinle for - to control - to depend on - to head the department - to work for - to manage - to produce - to report directly to smb on smth - to run the company  


6. Write a passage about the work conditions that suit you most:

full-time job, part-time job, permanent job, permatemp, temporary, internship, volunteer, numerary, supernumerary, work-at-home scheme. On-line encyclopedia Wikipedia can help you (http://en.wikipedia.org).

7. Give Russian equivalents to the following types of money that employees get:

income, salary, wage(s), remuneration, commission, fee, living wage, a wage ceiling, paid time off, holiday/sick pay, overtime rate.


8. Think about the place you work at. What fringe benefits (perks, perquisites, a benefits package) do you get along with your salary?

- allowances for lunch - company car - company pension scheme - daycare and child care benefits - discounts on movies - discounted shopping - free refreshments - funding of education - health, dental, life insurance - housing (employer-provided or employer-paid) - leisure activities on work time (golf, gym) - retirement benefits - share options - sick leave - stationery - something else


9. Sometimes people don’t work while at work. Write if any of these situations were applicable to you:break at work, leave of absence, no call no show, sick leave, academic leave, maternity leave, sleeping while on duty. Check Wikipedia or any other source.


10. Divide the ways of leaving a job into a) voluntary and b) involuntary:

- abdication (to abdicate) - to be on the dole - to be out of work (to be unemployed) - constructive dismissal - delayering - downsizing - firing (to be fired) - impeachment (to impeach) - lay-off (to be laid-off) - quitting a job, to quit a job - redundancy (to make smb. redundant) - resignation (to resign from) - (early) retirement (to retire from) - suspension (to suspend smb.) - termination (to terminate smb.) - wrongful dismissal (to dismiss smb.)

; 1. Give as many combinations of words with “work” and “job”

as possible, e.g. to work in a bank, a well-paid job etc.:




2. Make a list of professions related to the sphere of law, state and municipal government or accounting.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 700. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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