Студопедия — Spiral Classifier
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Spiral Classifier

We produce high weir type, single and double spiral, and immersed single and double spiral classifiers. Our spiral classifiers are widely used in the distribution of ore in closed circuits with ball mills, grading ore and fine slit in gravity mills, grading granularity and flow of metal ore-dressing, and de-sliming and dehydrating in washing.


Fig. 6 Spiral Classifier



This product features simple structure, reliable working conditions and convenient operation. Because different grains have different specific gravity and sedimentation rates in liquid, this product allows the fine ore to flow in the water, while coarse ore sinks to the bottom.


This classifier can filter materials and send coarse materials to the feeding mouth and discharge fine materials from the pipe. The seat of the machine features channel steel material, while the body is armor plated and the spiral axle is made of cast iron for durability. The machine's lifting equipment can be used manually or electronically.



Exercise 54

Complete the chart using information from the text:

  Round disk granulator Rotary Drum Granulator Spiral Classifier  
Features and benefits      



Choose the appropriate translation:


1) сила тяжести a) gravity; b) granulation; c) speed; d) power

2) дробилка a) filter; b) granulator; c) gravity; d) van

3) разгрузка a) loading; b) mass; c) discharge; d) select

4) осадка a) remark; b) seldom; c)truck; d) sedimentation

5) руда a) mining; b) mountain; c) ground; d)ore

6) удобрение a) fertilizer; b) frost; c)complexion; d) extent

7) затрата a) payment; b) consumption; c)common; d) medium

8) загрязнение a) chart; b)fertilizer; c) contamination; d) destroy



Exercise 56

Define whether the following sentences are true or false


Statement True False
1. The equipment is typically used for high capacity applications and usually requires some type of recycle depending on the product specifications.    
2. The barrel body adopts special stainless steel or rubber plate lining structure.    
3. Conversion of fine metal ores into easy to handle agglomerates or balls for further processing.    
4. Only liquid can be added into the bed of material to get a complete reaction and contain or reduce any emissions that may be generated    
5. Agglomeration involving chemical reactions where the feed components consist of reactive ore.    
6. Granulating disc is a cubage measuring feeding equipment.    
7. Drum Granulators are used when an agglomeration - chemical reaction process is not required.    
8. Spiral Classifier is widely used in gold concentrator, coal mine, chemical plant, construction and foundry for quantitative and even feeding.    
9. Rotary drum granulator is applicable to cold, heat, and guniting and ammoniated granulation and big scale fertilizer production of high, medium and low concentration.    
10. Spiral Classifier is suitable for conveying of materials with granularity more than 50mm.    



Exercise 57

Make as many word-combinations as you can:


ammoniated measuring

product ores

cubage plate

Spiral granulation

Metal industry

stainless structure

rubber mouth

simple specifications

feeding steel

fertilizer class


Список литературы



1. Glossary of Mining Terms


2. Holder Gruner, Clarence H. Lorig. Mineral processing. Encyclopædia Britannica.

2010. Encyclopædia Britannica 2006 Ultimate Reference Suite DVD 6 Mar. 2010

3. Errol G. Kelly and David J. Spottiswood, Introduction to Mineral Processing

(1982), Comprehensive works on the separation and concentration of minerals.

4. Wills B.A., Mineral Processing Technology: An Introduction to the Practical

Aspects of Ore Treatment and Mineral Recovery, 4th ed. (1988)

5. Norman L. Weiss (ed.), SME Mineral Processing Handbook, 2 vol. (1985

6. Mineral Facts and Problems (quinquennial) massive review published by the U.S.

Bureau of Mines.


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