Glossary of Mining Terms
Bacterial oxidation
Ball Mill
Bulk Sample
Carbon in Column (CIC)
Carbon in Leach (CIL)
Carbon in Pulp (CIP)
Channel sample
Country rock
Crown Pillar
Cut and fill
Draw Points
Feasibility Study
Fire Assay
Hanging Wall
INCO process
Metallurgical testwork
Non refractory ore
Ordinary kriging (OK)
Ore body
Pressure cyanidation
Pressure oxidation
Refractory ore
SAG Mill
Selective mining
Shrinkage stoping
Stratigraphic control
Whittle optimisation
Horizontal passage to access mineralization, usually in the side of a hill
A variety of volcanic rock
Value of a given element that is deemed to be above the background or normal value
Arsenic-iron sulphide mineral
The analysis of minerals, rocks and mine products to determine and quantify their constituent parts
Material placed into stopes to support the hangingwall following extraction of ore
Oxidation of sulphide ore using bacteria in order to make the ore amenable to leaching
Mineral processing equipment containing steel balls used to reduce the particle size of the ore
Individual levels in the extraction of an open-pit which often remain as steps in the walls of the pit
Rock composed of angular fragments
A large volume sample commonly taken for metallurgical testing or trial mining purposes
Process for the extraction of gold from the leach solution in a series of columns
Process in which carbon is added to the solution following leaching in order to extract gold
Process in which carbon is added to the ore pulp during leaching in order to extract the gold
Relating to rocks rich in calcium and/or magnesium
A means of taking a sample from a rock face by collecting the cuttings from a small channel
Copper-iron sulphide mineral
A term used to describe the rocks surrounding an ore body
A horizontal underground drive developed perpendicular to the strike direction of the stratigraphy (orebody)
A pillar of ore left for safety and stability reasons between the base of the open-pit and the first level of underground mining and strategically between levels for support
A mining method where the void resulting from mining the ore is filled with material in order to stabilise the roof and walls enabling extraction of nearby ore
Mineral processing equipment used to separate milled ore into different size fractions
An anomalous occurrence of a specific mineral or minerals within the Earth's crust
An intrusive igneous rock with a mixture of dark and light minerals
Incorporation of low grade or waste material into the mined ore as a function of the mining process
Inclination of a geological feature/rock from the horizontal (perpendicular to strike)
Fine grained material scattered quite evenly throughout the rock
Access into stopes from which broken ore is removed
An underground passage for exploration, development or working of an ore body
A hydrothermal ore deposit formed at lower temperatures (50-200oC) and depths (<1km)
A fracture in a rock along which there has been relative displacement
A detailed study of the economics of a project based on technical calculations and specific mine designs undertaken to a sufficiently high degree of confidence to justify a decision a construction
Assaying method commonly used for the determination of precious metal content
A mineral processing method used to concentrate the economic minerals from the ore prior to further processing
The underlying side of a fault, ore body or mine working
Branch of engineering tasked with determining the factors influencing the stability of excavations such as pit slopes and stopes
The quantity of ore or metal in a specified quantity of rock
The overlying side of a fault, orebody or mine working
Branch of geology associated with the study of underground water
The name given to geological processes associated with heated or superheated water
A process used to detoxify tailings prior to their disposal
Body of igneous rock that invades older rocks
A hand held drill used for drilling holes for explosives in underground mining
Lens shaped
Description of the characteristics of rocks
A hydrothermal ore deposit formed at intermediate temperatures (200-300oC) and depths (1,200-4,500m)
A prefix attached to the name of any rock which has undergone metamorphism
Studies pertaining to the metal content of a rock and the extraction of such metals
A process in which the particle size of the ore is reduced in order to extract the valuable component
The concentration of metals and their chemical compounds within a body of rock
Ore that is relatively easy to process for the recovery of valuable minerals or elements
A geostatistical method used to interpolate grades into a block model from the sample data
The volume of rock containing the mineral resource
Soft, weathered rock. Formed by the processes of weathering near surface
Columns of ore left in place as part of the mining process in order to support the hangingwall of the excavation
Process in which the precious metals are extracted from the processed ore by leaching with a cyanide compound under high pressure conditions
Oxidation of sulphide ore under high pressure conditions in order to make the ore amenable to direct leaching
An area of ground considered worthy of investigation with respect to mineral potential
Iron sulphide mineral
A common rock forming mineral (SiO2)
A tunnel driven vertically or sub-vertically perpendicular to the strike of the orebody
Ore in which the gold is not directly amenable to leaching by cyanide without an intermediate process such as pressure oxidation
Relative level. Elevation relative to a datum
Run-of-mine. Commonly referring to the ore delivered to the mill from the mine
A process in which the sulphide ore is heated to high temperatures in order to make the ore amendable to leaching
Semi-autogenous grinding. A type of mineral processing equipment in which steel balls and the ore itself is used to reduce the particle size of the ore
Metamorphic rock type with a characteristic layered fabric
An accumulation of solid matter usually transported by and deposited from water
Preferentially mining higher-grade material from within a lower-grade mineral deposit
Introduction of sericite into a rock via groundwater or fluids of igneous origin
A fine-grained white micaceous mineral often the product of alteration processes
Underground mining method where the broken ore is used to provide temporary support to the walls of the stope
Introduction of silica into a non siliceous rock via groundwater or fluids of igneous origin
The major ore mineral of antimony
Mineral deposit formed of a network of small, irregular veins
Progressively extract blocks of ore in an underground mine. It can also refer to openings left after complete or partial orebody extraction
Control on the deposition of ore minerals by rocks of a particular sequence or age
Direction taken by a structural surface such as an ore body, fault or bedding plane as it intersects a horizontal plane
Narrow quartz vein/veinlet
Metalliferous minerals formed with sulphur and often iron
Waste product from mineral processing operations
A means of exposing and sampling near surface geology by digging a trench
Rock formed from volcanic ash fall deposits
Where excavation is carried downslope from access level (see cut and fill)
Pertaining to igneous rocks which have been erupted from volcanoes
Degradation of rocks at the Earth's surface by climatic forces
A computerised method of determining the amount of material economically extractable by open pit methods
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