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To treat sewage очищать / обрабатывать сточные воды

treating facility очистное сооружение: a water treating facility

7. protected species [ countable ] охраняемый биологический вид: Spotted owls are a protected species.

to list / class an animal / plant as a protected species: The winter-run chinook was listed as a protected species under the state and federal endangered species acts in 1989.

8. protection [ uncountable ] the act of keeping natural things such as a rare animal or an old building safe from harm or destruction, by means of special laws охрана; защита: This includes such activities as the protection and restoration of endangered species, the careful use or recycling of scarce mineral resources, the rational use of energy resources, and the sustainable use of soils and living resources.

environmental protection | (the) protection of the environment: Over the next 10 years, we need to move away from a production-based support mechanism to a mechanism that supports environmental protection. | Towards this end, agreements were signed on fishing, trade, environmental protection and the peaceful use of nuclear energy. | Among projects rejected on the grounds of a lack of funds are a number researching into climate change and environmental protection technology.

to ensure protection | to ensure (the) protection (of sb / sth): We have long believed the land use planning system is a vital mechanism for ensuring environmental protection and enhancement. | The companies also undertake to ensure the protection of four marine species: kelp, abalone, sand dollars and sea urchins.

to give / offer sb / sth protection (against / from sth) | to give / offer protection to / for sb / sth | to give / offer protection against / from sth: The tortious principle gives protection to the ultimate consumer of a product where the product has caused physical damage. | New legislation still does not offer adequate protection for many endangered species.

to provide protection for sb / sth | to provide protection against / from sth: This law provides protection for threatened animals and plants. | The atmosphere provides protection from the ultra violet light produced by the Sun. | A healthy diet should provide protection against disease.

to receive / enjoy protection (against / from sth)

9. conservation [ uncountable ] (1) the protection of natural things such as animals, plants, forests etc in order to prevent them from being spoiled or destroyed охрана (природы), защита: Over the years conservation has acquired many connotations: to some it has meant the protection of wild nature, to others the sustained production of useful materials from the resources of the Earth. | In the past, one of the cornerstones of the economic argument for conservation was its value to tourism. | The committee soon offered a comprehensive plan for redevelopment and conservation in all areas of the city.

environmental / nature / wildlife / forest / soil / water conservation: Any attempts to persuade farmers of the necessity of environmental conservation must take all these factors into account. | Progress both in environmental conservation and technology were officially deemed inadequate, even though 12,000 million roubles were spent on the former. | The National Trust owns a considerable land area, much of it of importance for nature conservation. | Strong science-based strategies for wildlife conservation have emerged over the last one hundred years. | The group is mainly concerned with bird conservation in coastal areas.

(the) conservation of the environment / nature / wildlife / forests / soil / water / the countryside: This realization of the cultural dimension to landscape history has implications for modern nature conservation. | In consequence, agriculture and nature conservation are not in conflict in the Auvergne uplands. | The document defines the objectives of the conservation of living resources.

conservation group / body: The Worldwide Fund for Nature and other conservation groups have called for a simplification of this network. | These are just some of the projects carried out by volunteers from local conservation groups in Essex. | Courses on the latter are open to non-members who are actively involved with other voluntary conservation bodies.

conservation issue / problem проблема охраны / защиты природы: This should be altered to apply generally to ensure that nature conservation issues are taken into account in all development decision-making. | With the attainment of concrete operations, the ability to reason logically about and solve conservation problems emerges.

conservation policy политика в области охраны природы, политика сохранения окружающей среды: Thus a conservation policy involves a wide ranging set of economic, political and social issues.

conservation work: Living in camps, they carried out conservation work, planting new forests and helping with flood control projects.

to promote conservation способствовать / содействовать охране природы, пропагандировать охрану природы: The organization promotes conservation of forest resources.

to practise conservation охранять / беречь природу: They hope that the public realizes the need for practising conservation, even underwater.

(2) saving the careful use of something such as energy, water, land, or other natural resources so that it is not wasted сбережение, сохранение, экономия: Conservation strategies have to become more widely accepted, and people must learn that energy use can be dramatically diminished without sacrificing comfort.

energy / gas / oil / coal / water / waterpower conservation / saving: Predicting fuel consumption and the effects of energy conservation practices has had only limited success. | Instead of energy conservation, they advocate building more dams and nuclear plants. | Campaigners claim that the company has not examined other approaches, such as water conservation and the cleaning of existing reservoirs. | Energy saving is an essential issue for every kind of organization. | Often substantial energy savings are achieved by recycling waste materials.

(the) conservation / saving of energy / fuel / gas / oil / coal / water / waterpower / natural / mineral / living resources: Efficiency improvements in cars are likely to be responsible for significant conservation of fuel in the next 10 years. | Recycling is an important part of the conservation of resources.

10. preservation [ uncountable ] the act of keeping something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed охрана, сохранение; защита

wildlife / tree preservation: The tree preservation order will be extended to cover hedgerows.

(the) preservation of the environment / wildlife: Preservation of the environment is vital. | We are working for the preservation of the environment.

preservation group / society: Tim Wallace is appointed to the committee and is to be responsible for the funds allotted to the preservation group. | Happily, preservation groups stepped in to save some stock for posterity.

to ensure preservation обеспечивать охрану / сохранность / защиту: There is a desperate need to provide these precious specimens with surroundings that are better designed to ensure their preservation.

11. clean-up | cleanup [ countable – usually singular ] the process of removing pollution or waste from a place or an industrial process чистка, очистка; приведение в порядок: The polluter should pay for the cost of the clean-up. | As huge as this fund is, it is inadequate to deal with the thousands of hazardous sites in need of cleanup. | The mayor launched the clean-up campaign. | Residents have called for a clean-up campaign to keep their streets free from rubbish. | The Governor has now called in the National Guard to assist the cleanup operation.

12. purification [ uncountable ] the process of making something clean by removing dirty or harmful substances from it очистка, очищение: water / air purification | an air purification system | water purification tablets

purification facility / facilities / plant очистная станция / установка, очистное сооружение: a water purification plant / facility | purification facilities

13. purifier [ countable ] a machine or a substance which removes dirty or harmful substances from something очиститель, очистной аппарат: Air purifiers actually remove odours and particles from the air through a series of filters. | Domestic equipment is run off a new generator and includes a water maker, water purifier, ice maker and microwave.

14. treatment [ uncountable; countable ] the process of putting a special substance on or into something or use a chemical process in order to clean it, to protect it, or to give it special properties очистка; (технологическая) обработка: This is a new product for the treatment of industrial waste. | There should be greater treatment of sewage before it is discharged.

treatment facility / facilities / plant очистная станция / установка; очистное сооружение: The new treatment facilities should be commissioned in late 1993. | Water treatment facilities are non-existent in the area, with chemicals such as chlorine unobtainable to stop the outbreak. | Growing population placed increasing demands on electric generation and water treatment facilities. | But unless the city met the requirement, it would have to build a $ 135 million treatment facility.

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