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Sewage treatment очистка / обработка сточных вод

sewage treatment facility | sewage / treatment / disposal works / farm (British English) | sewage / waste (treatment / disposal) plant (American English) a place where sewage is treated so that it can be safely got rid of or changed into fertilizer установка для очистки / обработки сточных вод, станция очистки сточных вод: The first priority is to provide sewage treatment facilities. | At present, sewage works must ensure that effluent meets the required standards of cleanliness for 95 percent of any 12 month period. | Ocker Hill Power Station with two prominent chimneys, a sewage works and a canal surface with oil and floating debris. | The water companies will have to improve the performance of their sewage works or risk other claims.

15. conservationist [ countable ] someone who works to protect the environment from damage or destruction специалист по охране окружающей среды; специалист по охране и рациональному использованию природных ресурсов: But conservationists said words must be backed by actions. | That was abolished after an outcry from conservationists. | Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests. | Conservationists are mostly wedded to preserving diversity in nature.

16. wildlife area / site [ countable ] район дикой природы; заповедник; долгосрочный заказник дикой природы: The money could be better spent protecting existing wildlife areas. | The 20 state and federal wildlife areas and refuges are open for duck hunting generally on Wednesdays and weekends. | Projected figures suggest that over 1,500 wildlife sites would be damaged or destroyed in the national roads programme.

17. (nature / wildlife) reserve (British English) | (nature / wildlife) preserve / reservation (American English) | conservation area [ countable ] an area of land in which animals and plants, especially rare ones, are officially protected заповедник; природная охраняемая территория; национальный парк: Care would be taken not to harm the environment in the nature reserve there, which was designated a world heritage area. | It is a nature reserve, with not a single permanent human inhabitant. | The impressive wildlife reserve of the Algonquin Provincial Park is a stunning array of native animals in the wild. | The flower now exists only in a small conservation area in Essex. | He's the chief warden of a big-game reservation.

18. sanctuary [ countable ] a special area where animals live in a natural environment protected from people заказник, заповедник: But the mountains are more than sanctuaries. | A number of bird sanctuaries were seriously affected by the spill.

wildlife / nature sanctuary заповедник живой природы: The park is the largest wildlife sanctuary in the US. | A wildlife sanctuary is releasing eight of the animals into a special protected set. | No less than 35 per cent of the country is protected in the form of parks and nature sanctuaries.

19. wildlife refuge [ countable ] заповедник: The island of Angistri went up in flames within minutes of being declared a wildlife refuge.

20. wildlife park [ countable ] парк-заповедник живой природы: a wildlife park with tigers and various other felines

21. national park [ countable ] land which is protected by a government because of its natural beauty or historical or scientific interest, and which people can visit национальный парк; заповедник: The Hwange national park alone is said to have 45,000 elephants: three times as many as the vegetation can support. | I live in Exmoor, which is designated as a national park. | Exmoor National Park stretches over 265 square miles of moor.

22. wilderness area [ countable ] (American English) an area where the government has decided that no roads or buildings can be built so that it can be enjoyed for its natural beauty and animals can live there in peace нетронутая человеком местность; природный заповедник: It's a wilderness area, under the protection of the Parks Department. | Each sovereign state has enacted legislation establishing national parks, scientific or scenic reserves and wilderness areas. | The proliferation of this literature has so simplified going into our wilderness areas that readers are literally taken by the hand. | I have consistently maintained that the canoe is the traditional craft for exploring wilderness areas without disturbing wildlife.

23. green (adjective) (1) clean designed to protect the environment or limit damage to the environment экологически чистый: Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet and economical. | Nuclear power is cleaner than coal.

clean air / water / energy / fuel / product: Environmentalists have spread the alarm about clean air and water. | Local government has not been able to supply clean water from surface sources. | The Government has made moves to encourage owners of vehicles to adopt cleaner fuel, but action is slow. | Gas usage will increase particularly in the home-heating sectors and in industries requiring clean fuels.

clean / green policy / method / technology: trying to persuade governments to adopt greener policies | greener farming methods | wind farms and other green energy schemes | I simply say that it is fairly obvious that Britain could have taken the lead in clean coal technology.

clean / green environment: Preferences in politics can include anything from higher wages, a cleaner environment, world peace, or the realization of democracy. | Even the most affluent – who can afford private health care and private education – cannot buy a clean environment. | By investing in public transport, we start to transform commuters' lives and create a cleaner environment.

green revolution: Biotechnology is going to be speeding up the green revolution in agriculture. | We all know that there has been a green revolution. | But the potential of biotechnology, like that of the green revolution, is assessed in different ways by different people.

green activist: In Bolivia, Mexico and Brazil, green activists have recently entered government.

(2) Green relating to the protection of the environment принадлежащий движению защитников окружающей среды, поддерживающий движение защитников окружающей среды: He was an early champion of green politics. | Green campaigners are aiming to block development of the site. | He pledged to make Europe greener. | Our children are being educated to be green in everything they do. | The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials. | The proposed launch of the green paper last week was postponed on the orders of Downing Street.

24. Green [ countable ] a member of the Green Party участник движения защитников окружающей среды: He used to be a Liberal, but now he's a Green. | The Greens have 254 candidates in the election.

25. the Green Party a political party whose main aim is to protect the environment Партия зеленых: They are now in a position to govern the state in alliance with either the Free Democrats or the Green Party. | The names of political parties are always capitalized, e.g. the Green Party.



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