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Burial ground / underground disposal захоронение (отходов) в землю, подземное захоронение

space disposal | disposal into space захоронение (отходов) в космосе: For nuclear waste, disposal into space is more feasible but has been discounted on numerous occasions because of the risks.

(waste) disposal site место сброса отходов / свалки; место захоронения (отходов): Although waste disposal sites are well controlled, there is an ever present risk of pollution. | No one has yet tackled the technical problems of finding suitable disposal sites on land or at sea.

waste / rubbish disposal facility / plant | facility for waste / rubbish disposal очистная станция; очистное сооружение; завод по переработке отходов / отбросов; утилизационный завод, утилизационная установка: She added that the party would not approve the construction of nuclear waste disposal facilities. | At present the local authority has no facilities for toxic waste disposal, which must be sent elsewhere.

waste disposal system система удаления отходов: A survey will be carried out of sewage disposal systems and it is highly likely that major expenditure will be necessary. | We will improve recycling and waste-disposal systems.

5. recycling | reprocessing [ uncountable ] the process of treating used objects or materials so that they can be used again переработка / утилизация (отходов), повторная / вторичная обработка: Recycling is important to help protect our environment. | Recycling reduces the waste of raw materials. | Next come our policies for encouraging waste recycling. | Collecting and cleaning some types of plastic for recycling uses more energy than making new plastic.

6. recycling / reprocessing plant [ countable ] a place where objects or materials are changed so that they can be used again предприятие по переработке / утилизации (отходов): The same cannot be said for the San Marcos recycling plant, which could be considered more of a liability. | At the nuclear reprocessing plant they extract plutonium from spent atomic fuel rods.

7. sewer (pipe / line) [ countable ] an underground pipe or passage that carries sewage сточная труба; канализационная труба, (канализационный) коллектор: The sewers collected sewage and storm runoff and discharged it, untreated, into the harbour. | Today's sewers are built with an expected life of 60 years. | The best way to dispose of so much water is to pour it into the city sewer.

8. sewerage [ uncountable ] | sewerage / sewage / sewer system [ countable ] a system of pipes and passages that carry sewage канализация, канализационная система / сеть, система канализации: Engineers now realize that sewerage cannot be technically viable without a large domestic water supply. | The town has already put in a proper sewerage system. | Even waste water from water changes is not allowed to go into our sewage system during this period. | The disposal costs could include a one-time charge to dump the water permanently into the sewer system. | There were reports of fuel cuts and a breakdown of the water and sewage systems in Stepanakert. | What enthusiasts often overlook is that western communities do not always depend on sewer systems. | London owes much of its rat problems to the poorly maintained sewer systems.

9. sewage (treatment) / sewerage works (British English) | sewage farm (British English) | sewage (treatment) plant (American English) | sewage treatment facility / system [ countable ] a place where sewage is treated with chemicals to make it less harmful очистные сооружения, станция / сооружения очистки / по очистке сточных вод; установка для очистки / обработки сточных вод: The water companies will have to improve the performance of their sewage works or risk other claims. | A modern sewerage works was built at Tudhoe Village. | Should we close down sewage plants because they are not absolutely perfectly clean? | Demonstrating the cleaning powers of modern sewage treatment plants is something of an obsession for those who work there. | The first priority is to provide sewage treatment facilities. | Those beaches which benefit from improved sewage treatment systems are praised for their water quality.

10. recyclable (adjective) able to be recycled пригодный к повторному / неоднократному использованию: For example, glass products are completely recyclable. | A number of products are now packaged in recyclable materials. | Waste Management had a facility in Philadelphia that originally took in recyclable materials for free.

11. recycled (adjective) having been used before and then processed so that it can form a new product повторно / неоднократно использованный: This newspaper is made of recycled paper. | Recycled water can never be legally considered sewage.

12. refuse collector (British English)(formal) | dustman (British English) | dustbin man (British English) | garbage collector / garbage man (American English) [ countable ] someone whose job is to remove waste from dustbins мусорщик, сборщик мусора: Aylesbury's refuse collectors are out on the job around seven hours a day. | Whether one considers lawyers and doctors as more important than farm labourers and refuse collectors is simply a matter of opinion. | It was followed by a rash of local selective strikes by health-service workers, dustmen, even the grave-diggers of Liverpool. | Everybody else became a fireman or a cop or a garbage collector or truck driver. | He praised the virtues of volunteerism and made vague mention of garbage men he knows who collect trash as volunteers.

13. dust cart (British English) | dustcart (British English) | garbage truck (American English) [ countable ] a large vehicle that goes from house to house to collect waste from dustbins мусоровоз: And putting it in an alley can cause garbage trucks to sink up to their axles.



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