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To refine oil очищать нефть

oil / petroleum products нефтепродукты: Domestic consumers of petroleum products have an interest in a secure source of petroleum products.

oil well нефтяная скважина, скважина нефтяной залежи: How deep do you drill an oil well?

oil crisis: Cheap solar energy conversion has been a dream of some scientists since the first oil crisis back in the late 1970s. | The loss of confidence in the mid-1970s is usually put down solely to the oil crisis.

9. oil reserves [ plural ] (балансовые) запасы нефти: But as oil reserves dwindled over the past decade, local school property taxes doubled to help make up the difference. | Many other countries of the world that are deficient in oil reserves have coal and natural gas. | Two-thirds of the worlds oil reserves still sleep quietly beneath the soil of Mecca. | Estimates of world oil reserves have increased steadily since the 1970s, more than doubling by some calculations.

known / available oil reserves достоверные / доступные запасы нефти: Known oil reserves are enough to last for 40 years, natural gas for over 65 years and coal for 250 years. | Despite an increase in consumption of these materials of between two- and tenfold over the past 50 years, the number of years of available reserves has actually grown.

to deplete // exhaust / use up oil reserves: As oil reserves are depleted, its price will continue to rise.

10. (natural) gas [ uncountable ] gas that is taken from under the ground and can be used for heating, lighting, or cooking природный газ: Today, oil and natural gas have replaced coal and wood in most areas. | Natural gas gives off less carbon dioxide than coal. | This pipeline will supply the major Greek cities with Russian natural gas. | The dwindling supplies of crude oil and natural gas are frequently discussed in newspaper articles.

11. gas reserves (балансовые) запасы газа: the planned exploitation of its potential oil and natural gas reserves

12. hydrocarbon | hydrocarbons [ countable ] (technical) a chemical substance that is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon, such as coal, oil, or gas углеводород, углеводороды (уголь, нефть, газ): Because of the huge up-front investment in production platforms, modestly-sized hydrocarbon discoveries in deep water are not economic. | Is it feasible to deliver so large a quantity of hydrocarbons to the required point? | Studies on a range of alternative singlet forms of basic hydrocarbons have been done.

hydrocarbon fuel углеводородное топливо: Natural gas, which is an ecologically acceptable hydrocarbon fuel, now represents more than half of our reserve base.

13. to harness [ transitive ] to control and use the natural force or power of something использовать; овладевать: We can harness the power of the wind to generate electricity. | The Missouri River is harnessed for hydroelectric power. | We are experimenting with ways to harness energy from the wind. | We are harnessing the power of the waves. | There is a great deal of interest in harnessing wind and waves as new sources of power. | Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for big hydroelectric power projects.

14. to deplete [ transitive – usually passive ] to reduce the amount of something that is present or available уменьшать; исчерпывать, истощать, обеднять, опустошать; хищнически эксплуатировать: If we continue to deplete the Earth's natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment. | It is an economic nonsense to deplete the world of natural resources. | As oil reserves are depleted, its price will continue to rise. | The oil fields have been depleted by a rapacious exploitation policy. | Over the last few years, rainforests have been steadily depleted. | CFC is just one chemical that depletes the ozone layer. | Their numbers became so depleted in this country that in 1969 they were placed on the endangered species list. | Measures have been taken to protect the world's depleted elephant population.

15. to dwindle (away) [ intransitive ] to become gradually less or smaller over a period of time until almost nothing remains сокращаться, уменьшаться, убывать, истощаться: Resources are dwindling. | But as oil reserves dwindled over the past decade, local school property taxes doubled to help make up the difference. | Water supplies have dwindled to their lowest level in ten years. | The stream has dwindled to a trickle. | The elephant population is dwindling.

16. to exhaust | to use up [ transitive ] to use all of something исчерпывать, израсходовать, использовать полностью; истощать: What will happen when we have exhausted all our natural resources? | We are in danger of exhausting the world's oil supply. | The earth's resources are being used up at an alarming rate.

17. depletion [ uncountable ] (a) reduction уменьшение; исчерпание, истощение, обеднение, опустошение; хищническая эксплуатация: the depletion of the ozone layer | the problem of ozone depletion | the depletion of underground water supplies | the depletion of forests in Uganda

18. exhaustion [ uncountable ] the use of all of something расходование, опустошение, истощение; исчерпание: the exhaustion of oil supplies | Increased consumption will lead to faster exhaustion of our natural resources. | Poor farming techniques have led to the exhaustion of the soil.



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