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Wave energy / power энергия волны

wind energy / power энергия ветра: Many congressmen are keen to revive research into renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. | The market could grow much bigger if countries further subsidize wind power to curb greenhouse gas emissions. | The success of wind power represents a litmus test for renewable energy. | Environmentally friendly energy sources include water and wind power.

tidal energy / power энергия приливов: The most important are nuclear fission, wind, wave and tidal energy sources and solar energy by direct conversion and biomass.

energy / power shortage(s) | a shortage of energy / power нехватка / недостаток / дефицит энергии: A world energy shortage is far more dangerous and could even lead to wars. | The coalition partners predict further elections in six to eight months, and the energy shortage threatens to hamper their reform plans.

energy crisis энергетический кризис: Like the oil crisis of the 1970s, the California energy crisis is fuelling an investment boom in alternative energy. | Oil shortages have brought on an energy crisis.

2. source of energy / power | energy / power source [ countable ] источник энергии; источник питания: The ultimate aim is to replace gasoline altogether by using battery power or other non-polluting energy sources. | But they are strongly opposed to his expected tax on oil, coal and other energy sources.

renewable energy / power source | renewable source of energy / power: The best rule is to conserve energy and to increase funding for research into renewable energy sources. | Attention should be focused on developing renewable energy sources. | The renewable energy sources must eventually dominate world energy supply.

alternative energy / power source | alternative source of energy / power: It is 40 percent more expensive than coal, and there is an abundance of alternative energy sources. | The nuclear plants will not be phased out until the alternative energy sources are ready to come on-stream. | Any and all ideas about alternative sources of energy are seriously being considered and explored. | This requires the development of alternative sources of energy that are either renewable or inexhaustible. | Although it is desirable to have a wider range of energy options, other alternative sources of power are not likely to provide large-scale solutions in the foreseeable future.

environmentally friendly energy / power source | environmentally friendly source of energy / power: Environmentally friendly energy sources include water and wind power.

3. electricity | (electric[al]) power [ uncountable ] a form of energy that is carried by wires, cables etc, and is used to provide light or heat, to make machines, computers, televisions etc work электричество, электроэнергия, электрическая энергия: The electricity has been cut off. | More than 18,000 consumers were left without electricity when snow brought down live cables. | In one case, a town went without electricity for a week. | Few people realize how much we live by electricity. | The power came back on. | Many of the mergers were designed to set up monopolies to raise prices in industries such as steel, electric power and railways.

to generate / produce electricity / (electric) power производить / генерировать / давать электричество: Household waste could be burned to generate electricity. | The gas will drive turbines to generate electricity for the local grid. | The possibility of using wood to generate electricity should also be explored. | Domestic refuse can be burned to produce heat and electricity. | A power station could produce enough electricity to supply a small town.

to provide electricity / (electric) power (for / to sb) | to supply / deliver electricity / (electric) power (to sb) | to provide / supply sb with electricity / (electric) power обеспечивать / снабжать электричеством, поставлять / доставлять электричество: The utilities couldn't deliver electricity at a fair price because the government forced them to sell at an unfairly low price. | But two reactors are still operating, providing heating and electricity to Tomsk. | Pinchot wanted to dam the Tuolumne River and flood the valley to provide water and electricity to San Francisco.

electricity / (electric) power supply | (the) supply of electricity / (electric) power: The electricity supply will be cut off if we don't pay our bill. | Within the state sector, the statutory public monopoly of electricity supply and express delivery service has been ended. | The company was also legally bound to promote competition in the industry and ensure electricity supplies met standards of supply and quality.

to use / make use of / consume electricity / (electric) power использовать / потреблять электричество: Anyone who used electricity or drove a car had no right to tell peasants to stop felling trees.

(the) use / consumption of electricity / (electric) power | electricity / (electric) power use | consumption: Worse was expected to come as industrial and domestic consumption of electricity picked up after the attrition of the war years.

to conserve / save electricity / (electric) power беречь / сберегать / экономить электричество

to waste / squander electricity / (electric) power безрассудно тратить / разбазаривать электричество

to cut (off) electricity / (electric) power отключать / выключать электричество, прекращать подачу электричества: They cut off the electricity last week. | The electricity supply had not been cut off and nor had the telephone. | Lightning from the storm cut off the electricity. | They threatened to cut off gas and electricity to Moldava, of which the Dnestr region supplied almost 80 percent. | If the electric power could be cut, industry everywhere would be brought to a standstill.

to turn off / switch off electricity / (electric) power выключать свет: The electricity has been turned off. | Turn off the power before starting to repair the machine. | Switch off the electricity before you attempt any repairs. | Make sure the power is switched off first.

to run on / be powered by electricity / (electric) power работать на электричестве: The machines run on electricity. | In the auto shop, students are retrofitting trucks from Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to run on electric power.

(electric) power line линия электропередачи / электроснабжения; линия высокого напряжения: Living close to overhead electric power lines causes health hazards.

4. fuel [ uncountable; countable ] a substance such as coal, gas, oil, or petrol that can be burned to produce heat or energy топливо, горючее: Coal is one of the cheapest fuels. | Wood, coal, oil, petrol and gas are all different kinds of fuel. | When the war ended, the most pressing need was to provide food and fuel. | Gas is also competing directly with coal for the heavy fuel oil market. | Polar ice also would provide hydrogen for rocket fuel and for industrial processes.

fuel supply | fuel supplies поставки топлива: Officials now warn that fuel supplies could be seriously disrupted this winter. | The nation's fuel supplies will not last forever.

fuel shortage(s) | a shortage of fuel нехватка / недостаток / дефицит топлива: They said there was a fuel shortage. | Refugees are facing serious food and fuel shortages.

liquid / solid fuel жидкое / твердое топливо: Do you have room to store oil or solid fuel or wood?

nuclear fuel ядерное топливо: Revenues, from reprocessing domestic and imported nuclear fuels, are not expected to exceed £5.2 billion. | Officials have still to decide how the radioactive dust and nuclear fuel inside should be cleaned up. | After three years' work the last consignment of nuclear fuel rods has been removed. | Energy Department officials say nuclear fuel rods have been safely transported for decades.

lead-free / unleaded fuel топливо, не содержащее тетраэтилсвинца: How will unleaded fuel affect the performance of my car? | New vehicles will be required to comply with set standards from 1995, while unleaded fuel will become available in 2000.

fuel oil топливная нефть, жидкое топливо, мазут: Prices of fuel oil, diesel and kerosene were also raised.

bunker fuel / oil флотский мазут; котельное топливо для судов: Up to that time coal was chiefly used as a domestic fuel but from 1812 onwards it went to sea as bunker fuel.

spent (nuclear) fuel отработанное ядерное топливо: At that stage the inspector did not mention spent nuclear fuel. | If the spent fuel cannot be reprocessed, alternative dry storage is needed. | Reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods increases the volume of waste and should be undertaken only when necessary for safety reasons.

fuel consumption расход / потребление топлива: Just as fuel consumption grows disproportionately as speeds rise, so does the emission of air pollutants. | Given that pollution levels relate to fuel consumption, private cars and taxis are also the greatest polluters.

fuel efficiency топливная экономичность (двигателя): Greater fuel efficiency is essential and there are now prototype cars that can travel between 52 and 100 miles per gallon. | The only certain way of cutting CO2 emissions is to encourage fuel efficiency.

fuel leak утечка топлива: Delays were caused by the discovery of dangerous fuel leaks.

to burn / use / consume fuel использовать / потреблять топливо / в качестве топлива: Do we carry on burning fossil fuels at rapid rates? | Mr Livingstone has offered exemptions for business deliveries and if vehicles use green fuels. | In addition to better economy, diesel cars use cheaper fuel and are no less environmentally-friendly than petrol-engined models fitted with catalytic converters.

the use // burning / combustion of fuel: We are hastening this process with the burning of fossil fuels. | It has not yet been established that global warming is due to excessive combustion of fossil fuels.

to produce fuel производить топливо: Development costs could be reduced by expanding these existing nuclear sites which are currently used primarily to produce fuel for military purposes. | Environmentalists argue that the costs of producing the fuel must also be taken into account.

to run on / be powered by fuel работать на топливе: Most cars run on unleaded fuel. | By 2000 the great majority of cars will run on unleaded fuel.

to run out of fuel растратить / израсходовать топливо: They ran out of fuel.

to discharge fuel (into sth) сливать / выливать топливо: The defendants negligently discharged fuel oil into Sydney Harbour.

to save fuel экономить топливо: Drivers are being encouraged to save fuel. | Now, remaining supplies of fossil fuels should be saved, not squandered.

to economize / save on fuel экономить на топливе: Higher taxes encourage people to economize on fuel. | Also, in his view, it saves on fuel and oil costs.

5. petrol (British English) | gasoline | gas (American English) [ uncountable ] a liquid obtained from petroleum that is used as fuel for cars and other vehicles бензин

leaded petrol / gasoline этилированный бензин: As a first step, the sale of leaded petrol will be banned from January 1992. | What is the situation with regard to leaded petrol? | The leaded petrol market is shrinking so fast that some major petroleum companies have discontinued refining leaded petrol. | In the United State, (the) use of leaded gasoline was phased out on January 1.

lead-free / unleaded petrol / gasoline неэтилированный бензин; бензин, не содержащий свинца: Some people say that once the car is adjusted I should alternate between leaded and unleaded petrol? | In February unleaded gasoline fell 3. 75 cents to 54. 44 cents a gallon.

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