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Volcanic eruption извержение вулкана

10. landslide | landfall | landslip (British English) | mudslide [ countable ] a sudden fall of a lot of earth or rocks down the side of a cliff, hill, mountain etc обвал, оползень: There were also a number of landslides in the area. | Small communities in Idaho were cut off when highways were closed by landslides or flooding. | Areas threatened by landslides and floods are being identified and rezoned to prevent later devastation. | Most of the deaths were caused by landslides and collapsing buildings. | Roads were flooded or blocked by landslips. | Five homes there were evacuated because of mudslides. | Some mudslides were reported throughout the region, blocking part of a river and causing some flooding.

to cause / trigger (off) a landslide / landslip / mudslide: Flooding caused landslides and serious property damage. | Torrential rains caused a massive mudslide. | Initial rescue efforts were hampered by a lack of heavy equipment and by landslides triggered by the initial earthquake.

11. avalanche [ countable ] a large mass of snow, ice, and rocks that suddenly falls down the side of a mountain лавина, обвал: Two skiers were killed in the avalanche. | The original station in the open was destroyed by an avalanche with the loss of thirty-five lives in 1964. | Eventually he is killed by an Alpine avalanche.

12. storm [ countable ] a period of very bad weather when there is a lot of rain or snow, strong winds, and often thunder and lightning буря, гроза; ураган; шторм: The forecast says there will be storms. | The Spanish ships were wrecked in the storm. | A lot of trees were blown down in the recent storms. | They're still clearing up the storm damage.

a storm brews / gathers собирается буря: There was a storm brewing on the horizon. | There's a storm brewing in the Pacific. | A storm was gathering.

a storm breaks / unleashes itself it suddenly begins буря поднимается / начинается / разражается: The storm broke at five o'clock. | A violent storm broke just as we reached the mountain. | That very night a fierce storm broke over the sea. | In the evening the wind became stronger and soon a great storm broke above us. | It was when they decided to return to shore that a terrible storm unleashed itself in the Moray Firth.

13. hurricane [ countable ] a storm that has extremely strong winds and heavy rain and that moves over water, especially found in the West Atlantic Ocean ураган; тропический циклон: The hurricane blew some palm trees over. | In 1842 six ships were at anchor in Funchal Bay when a hurricane blew them all on to the shore. | Hurricane Andrew was last night heading into the Gulf of Mexico. | In 1346 a hurricane whipped up the sea to destroy the town. | Hurricane George was just the latest calamity to hit the state.

the eye of a hurricane центр урагана: The eye of the hurricane hit Florida just south of Miami.

hurricane force very strong: Everywhere there are typhoons, sometimes of hurricane force. | Hurricane force winds are expected tonight. | A hurricane-force gust blew off part of a church tower.

14. tornado ( plural – tornadoes / tornados) | whirlwind | twister (American English) (informal) [ countable ] an extremely strong wind that moves quickly with a circular movement, causing a lot of damage смерч, торнадо; вихрь; сильный ураган: A tornado destroyed twelve homes in Ashport, Tennessee yesterday. | Rival scientists battle to place scientific equipment in the path of a raging tornado. | A team of scientists chases tornadoes, then the twisters chase the scientists. | Being in a car that is lifted into the sky by a twister tends to give you good material.

15. cyclone [ countable ] a violent tropical storm or wind in which the air moves very fast in a circle циклон; область низкого давления: Darwin was flattened by Cyclone Tracy in 1974. | The north and south winds met where the house stood, and made it the exact centre of the cyclone. | A cyclone in the Bay of Bengal is threatening the eastern Indian states.

16. typhoon [ countable ] a very violent storm in tropical areas in which the wind moves in circles, found in the West Pacific Ocean тайфун: Suddenly a fierce typhoon descends upon the Pequod. | This is because the hottest time coincides with the typhoon season. | It has called the typhoon the worst natural disaster in South Korea in four years. | The typhoon has left a trail of death and destruction across much of central Japan.

17. storm | hurricane | tornado | whirlwind | twister | cyclone | typhoon COLLOCATIONS

to cause a storm / hurricane / tornado / whirlwind / twister / cyclone / typhoon: That collision of conflicting air masses usually causes particularly rambunctious storms to slam California.

a storm / hurricane / tornado / whirlwind / twister / cyclone / typhoon occurs: It is designed to withstand the sort of storm that statistically would be expected to occur once in every 10,000 years.

a storm / hurricane / tornado / whirlwind / twister / cyclone / typhoon hits / strikes (sth) буря налетает / наносит урон: The storm finally hit. | The hurricane / tornado / typhoon hit / struck (several cities). | Hurricane Louis is expected to hit at the weekend. | The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. | The 1987 hurricane was the worst natural disaster to hit England for decades. | The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that did serious damage. | Twenty people were killed when storms struck the Mid-West.

a storm / hurricane / tornado / whirlwind / twister / cyclone / typhoon destroys / devastates / flattens / razes (to the ground) / levels (to / with the ground) / ravages sth буря разрушает / наносит урон: Hundreds of homes were flattened by the tornado. | The storm levelled hundreds of houses, but left some untouched. | A tornado ravaged the countryside.

a storm / hurricane / tornado / whirlwind / twister / cyclone / typhoon rages буря бушует: By the time we reached the airfield next morning a tropical storm was raging.

a storm / hurricane / tornado / whirlwind / twister / cyclone / typhoon abates / subsides / blows over / blows itself out буря стихает / утихает: The ship sailed when the storm abated. | We waited for the storm to abate. | The storm has lasted a long time, it should soon blow over. | The hurricane blew itself out.

to be / get caught in a storm / hurricane / tornado / whirlwind / twister / cyclone / typhoon: They are believed to have been caught in a storm without enough food or water. | Then one day Johnny Appleseed got caught in a fierce storm.

great / fierce / heavy / severe / terrible / raging / violent / howling storm / hurricane / tornado / whirlwind / twister / cyclone / typhoon сильная буря: But there may also be more extremes in the weather such as severe storms, droughts and floods. | Once there was a terrible storm with very heavy rain. | The sky was overcast and suddenly there was a violent thunder storm. | The authors also predict an increase in violent storms, fires, landslides and avalanches in the Alpine region as well as widespread deforestation.

18. lightning [ uncountable ] a powerful flash of light in the sky caused by electricity and usually followed by thunder молния: There was a great summer storm, with thunder and lightning and heavy rain.

lightning flashes / flickers молния сверкает: Lightning flashed overhead. | Overhead, lightning flickered frequently as the static electricity accumulating in the ash cloud discharged.

lightning strikes / hits (sb) молния ударяет: Two farm workers were struck by lightning. | Another bolt of lightning struck behind him. | That tree was struck by lightning.

flash / bolt of lightning вспышка молнии: A flash of lightning lit up the sky. | Another flash of lightning lit up the cave. | The rumbling becomes louder and is interspersed with flashes of lightning as the sky blackens. | Atop a mountain he slew his daughter, then was immediately struck dead by a bolt of lightning.

lightning strike | stroke of lightning удар молнии: I believe that there was a lightning strike on the car. | Energy was released into the building by a lightning strike.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 422. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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