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Agricultural engineering агротехника

5. to farm [ transitive; intransitive ] to use land for growing crops or keeping animals заниматься сельским хозяйством; обрабатывать землю

to farm sth: They farmed some of the best land in Scotland. | His grandfather farmed 250 acres across the border in County Monaghan. | He farms sheep. | Their land is farmed very intensively. | The land has been farmed organically since 1995. | Apart from the small plots given to each member family for their house and garden, all the land is farmed collectively.

to farm: They've been farming in the area all their lives. | The family has farmed here for generations. | My family has farmed here since 1901. | The cossacks were given allotments of land and farmed there as the wooden fortifications gradually rotted away.

6. to cultivate [ transitive ] (1) to till | to work to prepare and use land for growing crops обрабатывать, возделывать: Farmers worked the fertile valleys. | He was left to work the farm alone.

to cultivate / till the land / field / soil: The land was too poor / rocky to cultivate. | Population growth is causing people to clear more woodland so that they can cultivate the land. | The tribe cultivated the land and grew the food. | Most of the world's fertile land is already being cultivated. | In agricultural societies, men tilled the land while women tended home and children. | The townspeople tilled the soil and produced most everything they ate. | Workers were singing as they tilled the rice paddy fields. | They were looking forward to tilling their own fields in a land of plenty.

cultivated land обрабатываемая земля: Today, we have only about two acres of cultivated land per person.

tilled field обработанное поле: freshly tilled fields

(2) (formal) to grow to plant and take care of a particular crop выращивать, культивировать; разводить: We cultivated maize and watermelons. | Gradually it was found more profitable to cultivate vines and olives rather than grain. | Rice is cultivated throughout the coastal regions. | Many people in other parts of the world grow crops for their own use. | Farmers grow only a few crops, while gatherers pick from a vast range of wild plants. | The villagers grow coffee and maize to sell in the market.

7. to fertilize [ transitive ] to add a natural or chemical substance to soil in order to help plants grow удобрять, обогащать (почву), вносить удобрение

to fertilize the soil / a field / a plant: The faeces contain nitrogen and it is that which fertilizes the desert soil. | When I do fertilize the plants you mention, I use a high-phosphorus fertilizer.

8. to irrigate [ transitive ] to supply land with water so that crops will grow орошать; поливать

to irrigate the soil / land / farm / area / region: A system of channels carries water down from the mountains to irrigate the soil. | This water goes first to generate hydroelectric power and then to irrigate the land. | The stored water is then used to irrigate nearby agricultural land. | None of the water from Lake Powell is used to irrigate the area. | In order to overcome the problem of an inadequate water supply, many parts of the arid and semi-arid regions have been irrigated.

irrigated land / field / farm / crop: All of the newly irrigated land has been allocated to Sri Lankan farmers and their families in plots of one hectare. | Large amounts of cotton are also grown in irrigated fields surrounding the town.

9. to harvest | to reap [ transitive; intransitive ] to gather a crop from the fields собирать / убирать / снимать урожай, жать: The group scatters to harvest the guavas. | The farmers are harvesting their crops. | Winter wheat is planted in the autumn and harvested in early summer. | The painting depicted a group of peasants reaping a harvest of fruits and vegetables. | Spring and summer are taken up by the reaping of hay and the threshing of corn.

10. cultivation [ uncountable ] the planting and growing of plants and crops обработка, возделывание; выращивание, культивирование; разведение: Shifting cultivation was still being practised in Czechoslovakia, for example, until the late 1970s at least. | Regularly, where intensive cultivation succeeds, civilized people in the Far East occupy only small areas. | Terraces for rice cultivation covered the hillsides. | Sugar cane cultivation is in decline on the island. | The ranch was used mainly for the cultivation of strawberries.

(to be / bring sth) under cultivation (to be / start to be) used for growing crops: These fields have been under cultivation for years. | Every inch of fertile land was under cultivation. | Even though the population expanded, there was no possibility of bringing ever-increasing amounts of land under cultivation. | Predicting how much more land can be brought under cultivation is complicated by two other factors.

11. irrigation [uncountable] орошение, ирригация; полив: a sophisticated irrigation system | major irrigation projects| The agricultural land is hilly and the irrigation poor.

12. harvest [ uncountable; countable ] (1) the act of gathering a crop from the fields сбор / уборка урожая, страда; жатва: The field was ploughed up after the harvest.

(2) harvest time / season the time of year when a crop is gathered from the fields сезон сбора урожая, время жатвы, страдная пора: It rained for the potato harvest. | There was about 300 million tons of grain in the fields at the start of the harvest. | It was harvest time. | It was impossible to carry out the perambulations during the harvest season.

at harvest (time) во время сбора урожая / жатвы: The way the year is running we could have a drought at midwinter and snowdrops at harvest time. | It won't be long now till harvest (time). | Her chief festival, of course, came at the harvest time.

13. crop [ countable ] (1) a plant such as grain, fruit or vegetable that is grown by farmers and used as food сельскохозяйственная культура: The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes. | The main crop in China is rice. | The main crops were oats and barley. | The wind and rain flattened the crops.

to plant a crop сажать сельскохозяйственную культуру: They're all out planting the crops today. | Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand.

to grow a crop выращивать сельскохозяйственную культуру: With high-yield varieties of rice the farmers can grow two or three crops a year. | Most of the land is used for growing crops. | Enormous discipline would be necessary to run the irrigation systems necessary to grow crops. | There is enough rain in this region to provide grazing for cattle and good land to grow crops.

to spray crops (with sth) | to spray sth (on / on to a crop) опылять / опрыскивать культуру: Farmer Chris Slatter was spraying a crop of flax when he made the grim discovery. | If the food market expands, they reason, it could reduce the need to spray crops with harmful pesticides. | Most viruses used in pest control programmes have been sprayed directly on to crops.

to be in crop / out of crop to be / not be cultivated: The land is in / out of crop.

cash crop grown to be sold for profit товарная культура: Tobacco is the state's largest cash crop. | Why don't producer nations simply switch crops and either become more self-sufficient in food, or produce a different cash crop?

to rotate crops чередовать культуры

crop rotation: To these ends, longer and new crop rotations can be introduced. | What crop rotation will suit the farm?

(2) harvest the amount of grain, fruit or vegetable that is produced in a season урожай: a crop of wheat / rice / potatoes | the wheat / corn / grain / potato / grape / rice crop / harvest | Indian farmers have doubled their output of cereal crops like wheat. | The US government says that this year's corn crop should be about 8 percent more than last year. | By the 1880s half the wheat harvest was being exported. | It was estimated that 20 percent of the grape harvest had been lost.

good / excellent / bumper / record / ample / abundant / bountiful / bounteous / rich crop / harvest a very large amount of grain, fruit or vegetable produced in a season хороший / большой / богатый / щедрый / небывалый / невиданный / обильный урожай: We had a good harvest this year. | An excellent rice harvest caused prices to plummet by 40 %. | Last year we had a bumper crop of strawberries. | Farmers have reported a bumper crop this year. | Plum growers are expecting a bumper harvest this year. | Wheat farmers have had a record crop this year.

poor / bad / scanty crop / harvest плохой / бедный / скудный урожай: Poor harvests increased food prices. | The unfairness lay in the fact that these very poor harvests were mainly the result of natural causes. | Then there was a long drought which produced a very poor harvest. | Millions of people are threatened with starvation as a result of drought and poor harvests. | But a succession of bad harvests has sent the price of this most popular bubbly soaring.

to produce a crop выращивать; заниматься производством сельскохозяйственной культуры: In autumn 1995, each produced a small crop of their designated variety. | Each year it produces a fine crop of fruit.

crop production производство сельскохозяйственной продукции: How can it benefit crop production? | Such measures inevitably incur substantial costs which in turn increases the cost of crop production. | The amount of new land available for crop production is extremely limited in almost every part of the world. | The higher concentration boosted crop production by 40 percent in cotton and by 10 percent in wheat.

to bear / yield a crop / harvest приносить / давать урожай

to gather in / get in / harvest / reap a crop | to bring in / reap a harvest to collect crops from the field when they are ready собирать / убирать / снимать урожай, жать: Fruit growers are gathering in a bumper crop. | Be ready to harvest crops from April. | A good solution is to harvest the crop early in September, storing the tubers out of harms way.

to lose a crop / harvest: The rain was so bad this year that he lost the whole crop of barley. | And if the rain continues, some farmers may lose their entire crop. | It was during the floods in 1984 when lots of people lost their crops and there was no work for them.

crop yield урожайность: He pored over geography books in the Richmond library, searching for information on climate, soil conditions, and crop yields. | In 1922 it was not so easy to predict crop yields as it is today. | Plantations had an excellent year with increased crop yields and improved prices for its produce. | The project has enabled farmers to reduce environmental pollution whilst raising crop yields. | With cross-breeding, they improve crop yields and increase resistance to pests and disease.

crop failure неурожай, недород: The famine was caused by drought, which led to widespread crop failure. | That year, crop failure led to widespread famine. | In the Middle Ages, years of crop failure were always followed by terrible disease.

a crop fails случается неурожай: The maize crops have almost completely failed for several years running.

14. genetically modified / engineered | GM (adjective) a genetically modified substance or crop has had its genetic structure changed in order to make it more suitable for a particular purpose, for example, so that they are not affected by particular diseases or harmful insects генетически модифицированный / измененный: genetically modified food / crops | Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods. | Many of us may be eating food containing GM ingredients without realizing it.

15. soil [ uncountable; countable ] the top layer of the earth in which plants grow почва, земля, грунт: sandy / chalky / clay / dry / soggy / swampy / waterlogged soil(s) | The bush grows well in a sandy soil. | Most herbs grow well in dry soil. | The dry rocky soil is suitable for planting vines.

to enrich the soil: This can be promoted by burning which removes woody tissue and locally enriches the soil.

fertile soil плодородная почва: We have the most fertile soil in Europe. | Agriculture flourished on the fertile soils of Kosovo and Metohija. | They do best in a deep, fertile soil that is well drained, but does not seriously dry out.

barren / poor soil бедная / бесплодная почва: The soil here is very poor.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 597. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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