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Petrol consumption расход горючего

filling station | petrol station (British English) | gas station (American English) бензозаправочная / автозаправочная станция, бензоколонка: At gasoline stations it is illegal for customers to pump more than 10 gallons a minute.

to run on / be powered by petrol работать на бензине: All models run on unleaded petrol. | It will take many years to phase out existing cars that run on high octane leaded petrol.

to run out of petrol растратить / израсходовать бензин: He forgot to switch over fuel tanks, so he thought he ran out of petrol when he didn't.

6. oil refinery [ countable ] a factory where oil is made purer нефтеперегонный / нефтеочистительный завод: When oil was first imported this was the place chosen for an oil refinery. | By June 29 a further solidarity strike had halted production at the country's only oil refinery. | The company also plans to invest in some of its remaining 11 refineries to make them more efficient. | New investors would be allowed to set up oil refineries without government permission. | They have to put up with a giant oil refinery right on their doorstep.

7. (electric) power station (especially British English) | (electric) power plant | (electricity) generating station [ countable ] a building where electricity is produced to supply a large area электростанция: The power station burns coal from the Ruhr region. | Nearly all the power stations have worked out much more expensive to build than was estimated. | Our power stations are notoriously inefficient. | The electricians at the power stations went on strike and stayed out nearly five days. | The government's priority is to build more power plants. | In an electric power plant the heat converts water into high-pressure steam.

conventional power station / plant one using coal, oil, or natural gas as fuel, as contrasted with heat from a nuclear reactor электростанция на традиционных источниках энергии

thermal power station / plant тепловая электростанция: Thermal stations burning coal, oil or nuclear fuel work 24 hours a day and their output is less easy to adjust.

hydroelectric / water power station / plant гидроэлектростанция, гидроэлектрическая станция: It welcomed the realization of the joint hydroelectric power station project.

nuclear power station / plant атомная электростанция: Nuclear power stations are notoriously unreliable and construction costs go way over original estimates. | The Government insisted that Britain's nuclear power stations are as safe as houses. | The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 scattered radioactive contamination over a large part of Europe. | The concern arises when a nuclear power plant is refuelled.

geothermal power station / plant геотермальная электростанция

solar power station / plant солнечная электростанция, гелиоэлектрическая станция: But the idea of full-blown solar power stations is unrealistic in the foreseeable future.

coal-burning / coal-fired / coal-powered / coal-fuelled power station / plant электростанция, работающая на угле: Coal-fired power stations are among the worst offenders in the production of sulphur gases. | Even a new cleaner generation of coal-fired power stations is 10 years away. | Trees consume carbon dioxide emitted by coal-fired power stations and other sources. | This is because of the higher levels of carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired stations compared with natural gas.

oil-burning / oil-fired / oil-powered / oil-fuelled power station / plant электростанция, работающая на нефти / мазуте / жидком топливе: The power company is considering converting several of its rarely-used oil-fired stations for use with orimulsion.

gas-burning / gas-fired / gas-powered / gas-fuelled power station / plant / (electricity) generating station электростанция, работающая на природном газе: Of 32 planned gas-fired power stations, three-quarters are badly designed and likely to waste more than half the gas they use. | Emissions from a gas-fired plant are about half those from a coal-fired one. | Its last gas-fired plant was built in 1972 in Pittsburg. | Several large gas-fired electricity generating stations will begin to operate and that will inevitably take away a proportion of the market. | Will the Labour party shut down the new gas-fired generating stations, break those contracts and lay off the men?

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 410. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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