Artificial reservoir искусственное водохранилище
to build a reservoir: Water companies should concentrate on reducing waste instead of building new reservoirs. a reservoir dries up водохранилище / водоем высыхает / пересыхает: Reservoirs are drying up and farmers have begun to leave their land in search of water. 12. (water) catchment area [ countable ] (technical) the area of land around a river or lake that it gets its water from водосбор, водосборный бассейн, водосборная площадь, область водосбора: Attempts will be made to reduce pesticide use in water catchment areas. 13. to dam (up) [ transitive ] to stop the water in a river or stream from flowing by building a special wall across it перегораживать / подпирать плотиной, запруживать реку, сооружать дамбу: Pinchot wanted to dam the Tuolumne River and flood the valley to provide water and electricity to San Francisco. | The local people dammed up the river to make a lake for their water supply. | The East Branch River was dammed in 1952. | The Stanislaus River is dammed fourteen times on its short run to the sea. 14. power failure | power cut (British English) | (power / electrical) outage (American English) | blackout [ countable ] a period of time when there is no electricity supply нарушение энергоснабжения, (аварийное) отключение / прекращение подачи электроэнергии; перерыв в подаче энергии; авария в энергосистеме: Half way between Victoria and Gatwick there was a power failure, the lights went out and the train ground to a halt. | A drop in voltage can be more serious than a power cut. | I keep a supply of candles to use in power cuts. | He said there was no power outage. | A brief electrical outage sapped its power. | There was an electricity blackout in a large area in the north of the country. to have / suffer / experience a power failure / cut / outage / blackout: Customers of San Diego Gas & Electric had power failures that lasted an average of 57 minutes that year. | Parts of the country have had power cuts because of the storm. | On enquiry they were told that the other had been lent to a local restaurant when it suffered a power cut. | Several neighbourhoods in the San Francisco area experienced blackouts last night. a power failure / cut / outage / blackout occurs: For example, the specialist Sun Frost range keeps food fresh for weeks rather than days if a power cut occurs. | Even a one-day outage, such as the one that occurred last June, can cost these giant companies $ 100 million. to cause a power failure / cut / outage / blackout: The last locally-caused power failure of greater magnitude was the Loma Prieta earthquake in October, 1989. | Storms caused power cuts in hundreds of homes last night. | A windstorm in Washington is causing power outages throughout the region. | The storm caused a sudden blackout and brought down telephone lines. 15. to black out [ transitive ] to cause a failure of electrical power in sth нарушать / отключать энергоснабжение; вызывать аварию энергосистемы: Storm damage blacked out much of the region. | The entire city was blacked out overnight. 16. renewable (adjective) renewable energy and natural materials replace themselves by natural processes, so that they are never completely used up возобновляемый: Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on. | They are at last beginning to invest in renewable energy. | Worldwide, groundwater is 40 times more abundant than fresh water in streams and lakes, and although groundwater is a renewable resource, reserves are replenished relatively slowly. | Trees are a renewable resource that when managed properly can sustain our needs indefinitely. | The basic challenge for sustainable agriculture is to maximize the use of locally-available and renewable resources. | Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical. | And we should develop renewable sources of energy. 17. non-renewable (adjective) non-renewable types of energy such as coal, oil, or gas cannot be replaced after they have been used невозобновляемый, невосполнимый: All countries are being asked to cut down on their use of non-renewable resources. | Estimates of the availability of non-renewable fuels vary. | The key threat that Green politics poses to the capitalist global system is in the matter of the consumption of non-renewable resources. | They are also increasing their rate of consumption of non-renewable resources in the form of fossil fuels. | These are the non-renewable sources of energy that have been used predominantly in the past. 18. water / electricity / gas supply [ uncountable ] the act of providing water, electricity, or gas водоснабжение, электроснабжение, газоснабжение; подача / поставка воды / электроэнергии / газа: The local people dammed up the river to make a lake for their water supply. | The electricity supply industry is to be broken up and sold. | Some estimates suggest that up to 11 percent of total gas supply in Britain is being lost. 19. water / electricity / gas supply (system) [ countable – usually singular ] a system that is used to supply water, electricity, or gas система водоснабжения / электроснабжения / газоснабжения; водопровод: Industrial waste leaked into the water supply. | Chemical waste has found its way into the water supply. | Chemical waste has poisoned the city's water supply. | The chemical leak poisoned the water supply. | The fertilizers and pesticides used on many farms are polluting the water supply. | Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority. | It is claimed the dust left behind pollutes water supplies. | Most urban water supplies in the United States now contain fluoride in varying amounts. | The electricity supply is less reliable in mountainous areas of the country. | Alarms sound if gas supplies break down, and automatically connect reserve tanks. | A simple change in the weather can make significant changes in demand on the gas supply system. to cut off the water / electricity / gas supply отключать систему водоснабжения / электроснабжения / газоснабжения: The town is without electricity and the water supply has been cut off. | The electricity supply has not been cut off. 20. to site | to locate [ transitive ] to place or build something in a particular place размещать, помещать; располагать в определенном месте; назначать место (для постройки и т. п.): Any coal-burning power plant must be sited with extreme care. | Where have they decided to site the new factory? | The new factory is to be sited in Fort Collins. | Where is the new factory to be located? | Newly formed global corporations in the emerging world are also gradually beginning to locate facilities in the developed world. | Atlanta was voted the best city in which to locate a business by more than 400 chief executives. 21. to disrupt | to dislocate [ transitive ] to prevent something, especially a system, process or event, from continuing in its usual way by causing problems нарушать; разрушать; подрывать; срывать: The drought has severely disrupted agricultural production. | The aim of the strike was to disrupt rail services as much as possible. | Climate change could disrupt the agricultural economy. | Frequent strikes dislocated the economy. | The strike at the financial nerve centre was designed to dislocate the economy. 22. disruption | dislocation [ uncountable; countable ] a situation in which something, especially a system, process or event, is prevented from continuing in its usual way нарушение; разрушение; подрыв; срыв: There had been loss of shipping and sales of overseas assets, but there was no great disruption and dislocation. | The disruption has now spread and is affecting a large part of central Liberia. disruption / dislocation to / of sth: There was severe disruption to the gas, water and electricity supplies. | The new building was stained by smoke, but there was no disruption to normal operations. | A big jump in energy conservation could be achieved without much disruption of anyone's standard of living. to cause disruption / dislocation (to / of sth) | to impose disruption / dislocation on sth | to lead to / result in disruption / dislocation: The strike caused widespread disruption to train services. | The storm caused considerable dislocation of air traffic. | Snow has caused serious dislocation to / of train services. | They very often impose large-scale social and environmental disruption on a society. | Change without unity would lead to disruption and chaos. | These could easily lead to the disruption of overseas markets and sources of raw materials. to minimize disruption / dislocation: If you are considering going on secondment during term time it is obviously important to minimize disruption to the teaching programme. economic / industry / social / civil disruption / dislocation: This will cause economic disruption comparable with a hike in oil prices or interest rates. | The 1930s was a period of economic dislocation. | At the time of the shooting the students were not rioting or causing civil disruption. serious / major / severe / substantial / massive / widespread disruption / dislocation: They caused serious disruption to the government's privatization plans. | But it would have caused major disruption in many other areas as well. | The rail strike is causing major disruptions at the country's ports. | The accident, which left wreckage spread over a wide area, blocked the road causing severe traffic disruption. | To support such action, officials would have to show that the publications caused or would probably cause substantial and material disruption. | The one day strike will close many government offices causing massive disruption.