Steps to a better life
What does all this mean to you? If money won’t bring you happiness, what will? How can you stop making yourself miserable and start learning to love life? According to my research, these are the thirteen actions most likely to encourage happiness: 1) Don’t compare yourself to others. Financially, physically, and socially['səuʃ(ə)lɪ], comparing yourself to others is a trap. You will always have friends who have more money than you do, who can run faster than you can, who are more successful in their careers. Focus on your own life, on your own goals. 2) Have close relationships. People with five or more close friends describe themselves as happy rather than those with fewer. 3) Have sex. Sex, especially with someone you love, is ranked as a top source of happiness. A long-term loving partnership goes hand-in-hand with this. 4) Get regular exercise. There’s a strong tie between physical health and happiness. Anyone who has experienced a prolonged injury or illness knows just how emotionally devastating it can be. Eat right, exercise, and take care of our body. 5) Obtain enough sleep. Good sleep is an essential component of good health. When you’re not well-rested, your body and your mind do not operate at peak capacity. Your mood suffers. 6) Set and pursue goals. I believe that the road to wealth is paved with goals. More than that, the road to happiness is paved with goals. Continued self-improvement makes life more fulfilling. 7) Find meaningful work. There are some who argue a job is just a job. I believe that fulfilling work is more than that — it’s a vocation. It can take decades to find the work you were meant to do. But when you find it, it can bring added meaning to your life. 8) Join a group. Those who are members of a group, like a church congregation, experience greater happiness. But the group doesn’t have to be religious. Join a book group. Meet others for a Saturday morning bike ride. Sit in at the knitting circle down at the yarn shop. 9) Don’t dwell on the past. I know a guy who beats himself up over mistakes he’s made before. Rather than concentrate on the present, he lets the past eat away at his happiness. Focus on the now. 10) Receive the routine. Research shows that although we believe we want variety and choice, we’re actually happier with limited options. It’s not that we want no choice at all, just that we don’t want to be overwhelmed. Routines help limit choices. They’re comfortable and familiar and can make us happy. 11) Practice moderation. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. It’s okay to cherish yourself on occasion — just don’t let it get out of control. Addictions can ruin lives. 12) Be grateful. It’s no accident that so many self-help books encourage readers to practice gratitude. When we regularly take time to be thankful for the things we have, we appreciate them more. We’re less likely to take them for granted, and less likely to become jealous of others. 13) Help others. Over and over again, studies have shown that altruism['æltruɪzm] is one of the best ways to raise your happiness.