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Прочитайте текст и поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующую грамматическу форму.

A popular American politician (to travel) to a Latin American country several years ago. When he (to arrive) at the airport of the host country, he (to emerge) from the aircraft waving to the assembled crowd which included dignitaries and reporters from the local press. Someone (to ask) the American politician how his flight (to be). In response, he (to use) his thumb and forefinger to flash the common "O.K.!" gesture as the news cameras busily (to click away).

Leaving the airport, the American politician (to go) for a short visit with local government officials. Next, he (to go) to the major university in the area to deliver an address. He (to be) accompanied to the university by his official U.S. government translator who (to happen) to be a military man in full uniform. The American politician's speech (to deal) with the United States' desire to help their Latin American neighbours by way of economic aid.

The entire trip (to be) a disaster. Why? Because, though the American politician's verbal communication (to be) satisfactory, non-verbally he (to communicate) an entirely different message. When asked how his flight (to be), the American (to flash) what to him was a common "O.K." hand gesture. This act (to photograph) by the news media and (to print) on the front page of the local newspapers. While that hand gesture (to mean) "O.K." in North America, it (to be) a very obscene gesture in that part of Latin America. The university where the American politician (to choose) to deliver his policy address (to be) just the site of violent anti-government demonstrations. The students (to interpret) the presence of a military translator as meaning that the American politician (to support) the policies of the local government. The American politician (to communicate) two radically different sets of messages: one verbally and one nonverbally.

(by David Hesselgrave)

Прочитайте рекомендации правильного обращения с иностранцами. Напишите небольшое эссе -10-12 предложений. Дополните рассказ своими наблюдениями, относительно этикета общения в России.

ü Приветствия в ряде стран имеют национальную окраску. Рукопожатия - основная форма приветствия. Но в некоторых странах не принято пожимать руку женщинам, а потому подождите, пока женщина сама протянет вам руку. Во Франции и странах Средиземноморья распространены поцелуи в щеку, в Латинской Америке - объятия. Две прижатые друг к другу перед грудью ладони - индийское национальное приветствие.

ü Везде надо проявлять уважение к старшим. Именно они должны первыми начать разговор. Когда старшие по возрасту люди входят в помещение, вставайте.

ü Общий совет при принятии незнакомой пищи - ешьте то, что вам предлагают, и не спрашивайте, что это такое. Порежьте свою порцию на мелкие кусочки - так она без труда попадет вам в желудок.

ü Во многих странах религия оказывает влияние на деловую жизнь, в том числе на распорядок дня и рабочие месяцы и дни. Узнайте больше о религии данной страны, но не вступайте в дискуссии на такие темы. Например, буддийские образы священны: нельзя наступать на порог в Таиланде - под ним обитают добрые духи; никогда не отвлекайте человека, обращенного лицом к Мекке; без разрешения не фотографируйте и не трогайте руками религиозные атрибуты.

ü Везде Вы должны иметь при себе визитную карточку, на которой указывается: название Вашей организации, Ваша должность, титулы. Не следует использовать аббревиатуры. В Юго-Восточной Азии, Африке и на Среднем Востоке визитку всегда протягивайте правой рукой. В Японии ее подают двумя руками, нужной стороной к партнеру.

ü Остерегайтесь использовать привычные для вас жесты, скажем `V` (знак победы). В других странах они могут иметь совсем иное, не всегда приличное, значение.

Работа в парах. Выберите какую-нибудь страну и разыграйте в аудитории сценку общения с представителем этой страны, следуя обычаям и традициям выбранной Вами национальности.



Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

1. What does written communication include?

2. What does the effectiveness of written communication depend on?

3. What communication forms are described in the text?

4. What are the aims of writing memos?

5. What should you do before writing a memo?

6. What does effective use of emails require?

7. What is the best advice for writing emails?

Written communication includes traditional pen and paper letters and documents, typed electronic documents, e-mails, text chats, SMS and anything else conveyed through written symbols such as language. This type of communication is indispensable for formal business communications and issuing legal instructions. Communication forms that predominantly use written communication include handbooks, brochures, contracts, memos, press releases, formal business proposals, and the like. The effectiveness of written communication depends on the writing style, grammar, vocabulary, and clarity.

A memo is a document typically used for communication within a company. Memos can be as formal as a business letter and used to present a report. Usually you write memos to inform readers of specific information. You might also write a memo to persuade others to take action, give feedback on an issue, or react to a situation. However, most memos communicate basic information, such as meeting times or due dates. Before writing a memo, outline what your purpose is for doing so, and decide if the memo is the best communication channel.



Email is used to communicate in many settings. Effective use of email requires a clear sense of the purpose for writing, as well as a clear statement of the message.

Email is not the same as talking to someone face-to-face or even over the telephone. When we talk face-to-face, we pick up meaning from facial expressions, body language, specific gestures, and, of course, tone of voice. Even telephone conversations preserve the meanings conveyed by tone of voice. But email messages lose these extra ways of conveying meaning as we exchange messages, and so writers need to take care when writing email messages, even though they seem impromptu or off-the-cuff.

The best general advice: What you include in your email message depends on why you are writing and to whom. Effective email messages are short and to the point. Receivers don't want to scroll through two or more screens of text to get your message. On the other hand, don't make your messages so short that the receiver doesn't understand you. Provide enough information so that the receiver understands both the context and the details of the message

Because email messages lack tone of voice and gestures that communicate so much during face-to-face and telephone conversations, some email writers include emoticons* to indicate humor, sarcasm, excitement, and other emotions; for example, :) is a happy face. As a writer, you’ll know which personal messages can include these touches, but they’re generally frowned upon in professional contexts.

Similarly, you may feel comfortable writing personalized abbreviations (such as imho for "in my humble opinion") in personal or social messages, but they are generally not considered appropriate for professional communications.

*emoticons – знаки, выражающие эмоции, смайлики

:) or:-) happiness, sarcasm, or joke
:(or:-( unhappiness
:] or:-] jovial happiness
:[ or:-[ despondent unhappiness
:D or:-D jovial happiness
:I or:-I indifference
:-/ or:-\ undecided, confused, or skeptical
:Q or:-Q confusion
:S or:-S incoherence or loss of words
:@ or:-@ shock or screaming
:O or:-O surprise, yelling or realization of an error
AAMOF as a matter of fact
BBFN bye bye for now
BTW by the way
BYKT but you knew that
CMIIW correct me if I'm wrong
EOL end of lecture
FAQ frequently asked question(s)
FITB fill in the blank
FWIW for what it's worth
FYI for your information
HTH hope this helps
IAC in any case



Прочитайте два электронных сообщения (A, B), обращая внимание на структуру их написания. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информации из обоих сообщений.

1. How many parts does email comprise?

2. What are these parts? Name them and translate into Russian.

3. How can we greet friends and good acquaintances?

4. How should we address to strangers and officials?

5. What kind of information does the opening sentence of email contain?

6. Is an effective e-mail long or short?

7. Is an effective email divided into paragraphs? What for?

8. Do we use red lines or white space to visually separate paragraphs into separate blocks of the


9. Is there anything brief but friendly in the closing salutations?

10. What else information should we put in closing? What for?





To: glenn@yahoo.com

Dear Glenn,

I am writing this email to apologize for the way I behaved with you yesterday. I want to clear all the misunderstanding that is there between us:(or:-(.

Today I would like to tell you something that I have never told you before. If I have understood the meaning of true friendship, then the person responsible for it is you. I still, remember the days when we used to have fun together during school days and when you used to stand up for me whenever I was punished. I still remember how you used to help me with my homework. You protected not only as a friend but also as an elder brother.


But, I don’t want to lose all those lovely memories only because of one misunderstanding. I am sorry for behaving with you rudely. I was not aware of the situation, so I shouted at you. Please forgive me, my friend.

With regards,

Your best friend,





3. Перепишите электронное сообщение (А) и поставьте «смайлики» там, где это возможно, чтобы показать в каком эмоциональном состоянии находится автор.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 894. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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