Согласитесь или опровергните утверждения.
Разделите слова из текста, найдите глаголы. Переведите их на русский язык и составьте с ними предложения. Entertainmentinvolvefriendweatherconversationpresentationanythingeventemployeestranger airplanechatreligionoccurrudeletterappropriatefeelcornerreachofficesalary.
5. Найдите определение понятия “small talk” и переведите это понятие на русский язык.
or an agreement to the satisfaction of both parties.
Посмотрите на фразы, приведенные ниже, и распределите их по соответствующим колонкам таблицы.
1. "What sort of music do you like?" 2. "You seem to have put on some weight" 3. "Who did you vote for at the last election?" 4. "The garden looks lovely, doesn't it?" 5. "It's a lovely day today, isn't it?" 6. "Do you believe in God?" 7. "Hello. May I introduce myself? My name is Mark" 8. "What a lovely dog. What is his name?" 9. "How is your family?" 10. "Why is British food so bad?" 11. "How much do you earn?" 12. "How old are you?" 13. “I like your watch. A Rolex, isn’t it?” 14. “What do you think of the presentation?”
Работа в парах. Составьте по образцу небольшой разговор, используя одну или несколько допустимых фраз из предыдущего задания. Model: William: Morning, Paul. Paul: Oh, morning, William, how are you? William: Fine, thanks. Have a good weekend? Paul: Yes, thanks. Catch you later. William: OK, see you. Прочитайте и переведите диалоги. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What topics do the speakers discuss? 2. Are these topics safe? 3. Do they get on well with each other? Why do you think so? 4. What mistakes do they make?
Conversation 1
A: Is this your first visit to Russia? B: Yes, it is, actually. Fascinating place! A: Yes, that’s right. I come here quite a lot. What do you do, by the way? I see you work for Galaxy. B: How did you know? … Oh, yeah, my badge. I’m in R&D. Molecular modeling, to be precise. A: Really? We should talk. Can I offer you a drink? B: Oh, no, thank you. A: Are you sure? B: Well, ok, just a little coffee. And what line of business are you in?
Conversation 2
A: Hi, Sandra Smith, High Engineering. Would you mind if I join you? B: Erm, no. Michael Smooth. A: Pleased to meet you, Mike. Try one of these – they are delicious. B: No, thanks, but seafood doesn’t agree with me. A: Oh, then try this cheese instead. It’s good too. Haven’t we met before? In Warsaw, perhaps? B: I don’t think so. A: But I was sure I recognised you… You are an Aquarius, aren’t you? I can tell. B: Well, I don’t know. I’m not really into horoscopes, I’m afraid. A: When is your birthday? B: Oh, on the 5 of February. A: I knew it! A typical Aquarius. B: Er, yes. If you excuse me, I have to make an urgent phone call. It’s been nice talking to you.