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Прочитайте пример делового письма и сопоставьте буквы с соответствующими частями делового письма.

  • Body of the letter
  • Signature
  • Address of the writer
  • Name and job title of the writer
  • Closing
  • Date
  • Opening statement
  • Subject heading
  • Name and address of the recipient
  • Signature


a. Adventure Travel Ltd 2012 High Street London W1M 2FM Tel. + 44 35 983752 Fax. + 44 35 983752 Email. info@adventuretravel.com b.Ms. Susan Benton Office Manager Island World Holidays 643 Highway street New York 120012   c.27 February 2012   d.Dear Ms. Benton   e.Our agreement   f.I am writing to thank you for visiting us in London so that we could discuss the details of our agreement on travel by our clients to New York. I think we covered all the points that we needed to talk about in order to reach a deal. I have asked our lawyers to draw up a contract for an agreement between our two companies.   Please find enclosed two copies of the contract. Please could you sign one copy and send it back to me by courier?   As agreed the first clients will be travelling to New York in a year, so we must work on the details of the tours that they will go on.   If this agreement is successful, we look forward to doing more business with you.   g.Yours sincerely   h. M.Lindel j.Margaret Lindel Sales Director, Adventure Travel Ltd.

Cогласитесь или опровергните следующие высказывания.


  1. Margaret doesn’t know the name of the person she is writing to.
  2. Margaret and Susan still have to work on the details of the tour.
  3. Margaret asked the lawyers to draft a contract.
  4. Margaret asked Susan to send the contract back by post.
  5. Margaret hopes to work with Susan on other projects.
  6. Margaret had met Susan in New York before she wrote this letter.
  7. Margaret tells Susan for the first time that the customers will start going to New York in a year.
  8. Margaret uses abbreviations, emoticons and contractions in her letter.
  9. Margaret uses informal closing to finish her letter.
  10. We don’t know what position Margaret takes in her company.


Заполните пропуски словами из рамки.


top (3), bottom, right, left (3), after (2), under (4)  



  1. The address of the sender (the person who is writing a letter) is at the ___________, on the ___________.
  2. The name and address of the addressee (the person you are writing to) is at the __________, on the __________.
  3. The date is at the __________, on the ___________, ___________ the address.
  4. The subject heading is _________ Dear
  5. The paragraphs start at the __________ margin. Between the paragraphs there is a space.
  6. The signature is _________ Yours
  7. The name and the title of the sender is at the ___________, ___________ the signature.
  8. There is no punctuation in the addresses or ________ Dear … or ____________ Yours faithfully/sincerely.


Прочитайте ситуацию и выполните задания.


  1. Хелена Зельтсберг получила письмо из шотландского центра изучения английского языка, в который она собирается поехать этим летом. Прочитайте и переведите это письмо.
English Language School 31 Castle Street Scotland 567 132 Tel. +44 567 965 0319 Fax. +44 567 965 0319 Email. info@englishcentre.com Ms. Helen Zeltsberg Daybackstr. 435 560278 Frankfurt Germany   21 May 2012   Dear Ms. Zeltsberg   English Language course   Thank you for your letter enquiring about courses in British culture and language. I am pleased to tell you that we will be offering such a course in our Summer School Programme.   The course will be taught by Professor Taylor, who has recently published a book entitled “Peculiarities of Britain”, which has been highly praised by reviewers.   The course is suitable for everyone interested in British culture and the English language. It will cover a large range of topics concerning British life, customs and attitudes. The course will include such topics as the Press and Mass Media, Education, the British Humour, the British Film Industry and many others. There will be a number of guest speakers, which will give their presentations. Two excursions will be arranged to the Scottish Parliament and Edinburgh Castle.   As you can see from the enclosed brochure, the course begins on July 1 and ends on 26 June with a farewell dinner.   We look forward to seeing you at the beginning of the course. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.   Yours sincerely Linda Longfellow Linda Longfellow Senior Manager, English Language Summer School

Прочитайте и переведите диалог между Хелен и ее подругой Луизой. На какие вопросы Хелен не нашла ответы в полученном письме. Составьте список основных вопросов.


H: I have just received a letter from English Language Summer School. I’d like to attend the course. I think it must be interesting.

L: Yes, I’ve read the brochure too. I must say, I like the topics they are covering. Professor Taylor is good. I’ve seen him giving lectures in London; he’s well worth listening to. I’ve seen his book in a store the other day, it looks rather interesting. Why don’t you read it before the course begins?

H: Good idea, I’ll do it. But Louse, there are some points in the letter which are not completely clear to me.

L: Which ones?

H: Well, for one thing, I’d like to know what sort of people will attend the course. I mean, are they teachers or students, young or old? And where do they come from mainly? I don’t want to spend the time with a group from Germany. I’d prefer an international group, so I could practise my English.

L: Mmm, I can understand that. Why don’t you check? Also, have you thought about accommodation? I noticed there was a little about family-stay possibilities in the brochure, but not much else. What about accommodation in student hostel? It’s often cheaper and a lot better than living in a family.

H: Ok, I’ll check that too when I write to Linda Longfellow. You know, I don’t see anything about methods of payment for the course. The prices are all there, but nothing about how to pay. I’d like to pay by credit card if possible, when I arrive. I hope they accept them.

L: I’m sure they will. Another thing – when you write, why don’t you find out how the course will be organized? I mean, what methods will they use? Will it just be lectures, or will you have to make presentations, individually or in groups? And, erm… will there be a lot of discussion, videos, films, that sort of things? I don’t think you can get very much from just lectures.

H: Good point. One more thing – do you think I’ll get a certificate or something if I complete this course? That’d be useful. And are there any examinations? Oral or in writing? Actually, there are a lot of questions I need to ask.


Напишите письмо в центр английского языка в Шотландии от имени Хелен Зельтсберг. Задайте интересующие вас вопросы. Не забудьте использовать необходимые формулы вежливости.


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