Выступите в качестве переводчика. Johnny Manglani is the owner and president of Uomo Collezioni
Johnny Manglani is the owner and president of Uomo Collezioni. In 1998 he started developing a network of multi-brand boutiques of luxury menswear under the trade name Uomo Collezioni. Today, Uomo Collezioni network consists of six boutiques in Moscow and one in Saint-Petersburg. Interviewer:Господин Маглиани, когда и зачем Вы посетили Москву в первый раз?
J. M.: In 1983. Then I came to the capital of the Soviet Union to carry out a market research on my own.
Interviewer:Каковы были Ваши первые впечатления от города? Не могли бы Вы описать их в двух словах.
J.M.: When I came in Moscow for the first time the city seemed dark to me — that is the feeling I had then as I remember it. As for now, the city has greatly changed.
Interviewer:Какие русские традицииВы используете в быту? (in your household) J.M.: Bathhouse, strong friendship and traditional Russian meals, e.g. beetroot and cabbage soup (borsch).
Interviewer:А у Вас есть русские друзья?
J.M.: Russians are very sincere: they either understand you with all their heart and become your friends, or they reject you without making any pretence of being interested in you. I have a lot of friends in Moscow and in Russia, I have a wonderful family, I love local culture and ethnic cuisine.
Interviewer:С какими трудностями Вы столкнулись в Москве?
J.M.: The life itself is a challenge and if you take difficulties as a part of your life, then you can easily accept and overcome them.
Interviewer:С какой проблемой Вам не удалось справиться в Москве?
J.M.: Road traffic management. It’s very difficult to drive around Moscow.
Interviewer:И наконец, закончите фразу «Я люблю Москву за…»
J.M.: I love Moscow for its being a very dynamic city. It always makes me want to move on!
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