State the type of coordination in the following sentences. Translate into Russian.
The semi-compound sentence is a semi-composite sentence built up on the principle of coordination. Proceeding from the outlined grammatical analysis of the composite sentence, the structure of the semi-compound sentence is derivationally to be traced back to minimum two base sentences having an identical element belonging to one or both of their principal syntactic positions, i.e. either the subject, or the predicate, or both. By the process of semi-compounding, the sentences overlap round the identical element sharing it in coordinative fusion, which can be either syndetic or asyndetic. Thus, from the formal point of view, a sentence possessing coordinated notional parts of immediately sentential reference (directly related to its predicative line) is to be treated as semi-compound. But different structural types of syntactic coordination even of direct sentential reference (coordinated subjects, predicates, objects, adverbial modifiers) display very different implications as regards semi-compounding composition of sentences.
[1] The conjunction while is not always coordinating. It may be a subordinating conjunction introducing adverbial clauses of time. Н.А. Тулякова Syntax. the composite sentence. Синтаксис сложного предложения. сборник упражнений Санкт-Петербург Тулякова Н.А. Синтаксис сложного предложения: Сборник упражнений для студентов филологических факультетов педагогических вузов. СПб.: Лема, 2011. 75 с.
Table of contents
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Предлагаемое пособие предназначено для студентов филологических факультетов педагогических вузов. Сборник включает в себя систему упражнений по синтаксису сложносочиненного и сложноподчиненного предложения. Выбор типов заданий, представленных в сборнике, продиктован особенностями материала и необходимостью подготовить студентов бакалавриата к выпускному экзамену. Большая часть упражнений предполагает анализ предложений, способов связи, порядка слов. Кроме того, в пособие входит большое количество заданий, направленных на совершенствование грамматических навыков студентов, которые они могут применить как в устной, так и в письменной речи. С целью закрепления изученного ранее материала студентам предлагаются задания на трансформацию предложений с неличными формами глагола и предикативными конструкциями в сложноподчиненные предложения. Это развивает умение студентов по-разному, в зависимости от коммуникативных целей, формулировать высказывание. В Приложениях содержатся тексты для анализа, принадлежащие к различным функциональным стилям, а также глоссарий, который позволит студентам самостоятельно проверить свое владение терминологическим аппаратом данной предметной области. Материал для упражнений заимствован в основном из неадаптированных художественных текстов американских и британских авторов XIX-XXI веков (Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Jack London, J.K. Rowling и др.), а также из нехудожественной литературы (в качестве источника материла привлекался корпус, составленный Сергеем Шаровым ( Материал для перевода на английский язык был в основном почерпнут из Национального корпуса русского языка. The Compound sentence
State the type of coordination in the following sentences. Translate into Russian. 1. Somebody called from an inner room and the Chinese stepped aside and let me in. 2. Of course he had duty to back him up; husbands were expected to do such things, therefore he must do them – just as he must wear heavy flannel and nailed boots to go walking in the country. 3. Oh, I’m no dancer, but I like watching her dance. 4. It could be done unhurriedly, scientifically and correctly with a half dozen charges laid and braced to explode simultaneously; or it could be done roughly with two big ones. 5. He may not know all, yet he tries to pretend that he does. 6. It was no answer, yet it said everything. 7. The wind moved them, but the figure stood motionless, staring, staring out to sea, more like a living memorial to the drowned, a figure from myth, than any proper fragment of the petty provincial day. 8. He was breathing heavily from the climb and his hand rested on one of the two heavy packs they had been carrying. 9. Her look back lasted two or three seconds at most; then she resumed her stare to the south. 10. He knelt by the stream and, pushing his automatic pistol around on his belt to the small of his back so that it would not be wet, he lowered himself with a hand on each of two boulders and drank from the stream. 11. Charles called himself a Darwinist, and yet he had not really understood Darwin. 12. Death was far more certain than God, and with death there would be no longer the daily possibility of love dying. 13. Either one rides it, or it rides one. 14. But again Sarah did the best possible thing: she said nothing, and simply bowed her head and shook it. 15. But he was happy there, and besides, he spent a great deal of time traveling. 16. “It is too strong for thee or I would give thee some,” he said to the girl and smiled at her again. 17. “There is little left or I would offer some to thee,” he said to Pablo. 18. “Phuong” means Phoenix, but nothing nowadays is fabulous and nothing rises from its ashes. 19. I see them but I do not see any sentry.