Студопедия — Point out the object clauses. Translate into Russian.
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Point out the object clauses. Translate into Russian.

1. I agreed with George, and suggested that we should seek out some retired and old-world spot. 2. It was standing quite still, all six eyes staring at them, and Harry knew that the only reason they weren’t already dead was that their sudden appearance had taken it by surprise, but it was quickly getting over that, there was no mistaking what those thunderous growls meant. 3. Getting up, he told Ron and Hermione he was going to ask Snape if he could have it. 4. I was unfortunate enough in my youth to come across a vomit-flavoured one, and since then I’m afraid I’ve rather lost my liking for them. 5. There you dream that an elephant has suddenly sat down on your chest, and that the volcano has exploded and thrown you down to the bottom of the sea. 6. Do you know that it’s nearly nine o’clock, sir? 7. Little did I know that this spelled the end of my career. 8. Percy said that he really needed to get to work. 9. We didn’t realize he was so disappointed. 10. I can certainly see why we’re trying to keep them alive. 11. Little does she suspect that he is her ally. 12. He swears he’s not going to fly to Bologna. 13. I don’t care whether you stole it from him or not. 14. Do you wonder that I avow this to you? 15. I cannot flatter myself that I am better than he. 16. He then said that she was the daughter of a French opera-dancer, Celine Varens, towards whom he had once cherished what he called a “grande passion”. 17. But you must know how heavy it is for one man to carry. 18. Do not imagine, mon pere, that I spent my day watching the bakery. 19. I’d rather you didn’t say such trite things! 20. From her I learned what sheaped me. 21. Little did we know love was just a glance away. 22. Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up. 23. I began to suspect that they were trying to get rid of me.


Put the verb in brackets in the correct form. Sometimes more than one variant can be possible.

1. He wished he ………….. (be) numb and deaf and ………. (can) hear or say something stupid. 2. I fear that you …………. (catch) some contagious disease if you go to India. 3. I frequently wish I …………. (have) a tycoon among my relatives. 4. The solicitor urged that the client ……………….. (draw up) his will as soon as possible. 5. My in-laws wish they ………… (move in) in that semi-detached house in the suburbs instead of staying in the block of flats. 6. The chef demanded that all cooks ………….. (wear) aprons and caps.


Paraphrase the sentences with object clauses to use inverted word order in the principal clause.

1. We can say with good reason that they will fail.

2. His story just doesn’t add up.

3. There is some evidence that the train is delayed.

4. He did not understand that measles is the disease you have only once.

5. The student did not think there was any difference between the cushion and the pillow.

6. I can truly well predict that people will need ore and steel and iron just as diamonds, gold and platinum.


5.4. Define what types of clauses are introduced by what. Translate into Russian.

1. What they do shouldn’t affect us. 2. Is this what you worry about? 3. What I want now is just a cup of good chocolate. 4. What does upset me, though, is that they think I’m a sucker. 5. And the concierge gives me a blank stare, exactly as though he’s got no idea what I’m talking about. 6. Thought what a pity it was that, with his integrity and conscientiousness, he could see no far than the prerogatives of the crown. 7. What I really need is a place to sleep. 8. Rabbit, with the intervening glass and the rustle of blood in his head, can’t hear what they say. 9. It’s amazing what a bit of home comfort does for the spirit. 10. What he really wants is another map. 11. She should be really sore, or not sore at all, since all he had said was what he had done a couple hundred times. 12. What you don’t like, dear, is that there’s a pain you have to live alongside that can’t be made better. 13. I have said what I have said. 14. This is what it is, he thought, this it what it is to offer oneself and have the offer accepted. 15. What they meant was that it was wicked to be fertile. 16. They uttered water as if this were yet another penalty of damnation; and what they uttered joined with what screamed down glass and lead and moulding, down members and pinnacles, down faces and squared headlands to run bubbling and clucking in the gutter at the foot of the wall.


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