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Restaurant Guides

Restaurant guides list the best places to eat. One of the most famous of these, in Western Europe, is the Michelin series of guides which accord from 1 to 3 stars to restaurants they perceive to be of high culinary merit. Restaurants with stars in the Michelin guide are formal, expensive establishments; in general the more stars awarded, the higher the prices. In the United States, the Mobil Travel Guides and the American Automobile Association rate restaurants on a similar 1 to 5 star (Mobil) or Diamond (AAA) scale. Three, four, and five star ratings are roughly equivalent to the Michelin one, two, and three star ratings while one and two star ratings typically indicate more casual places to eat. The popular Zagat Survey compiles individuals' comments about restaurants but does not pass an "official" critical assessment.

Nearly all major American newspapers employ restaurant critics and publish online dining guides for the cities they serve. American newspaper restaurant critics typically visit dining establishments anonymously and return several times so as to sample the entire menu. Newspaper restaurant guides, therefore, tend to provide the most thorough coverage of various cities’ dining options.


In economics, restaurants are the end of the suppl y chain in the food service industry. There is usually too much competitio n in most cities since barriers to entry are relatively low, which means that for most restaurants, it is hard to make a profit. In most First World industrialized countries, restaurants are heavily regulated to ensure the health and safety of the customers.

The typical restaurant owner faces many obstacles to success, including rising initial capital, finding competent and skilled labour, maintaining consistent and excellent food quality, maintaining high standards of safety, and the constant hassle of minimizing potential liability for any food poisoning or accidents that may occur. This is why restaurants seem to come and go all the time.


Перечитайте текст, сосредоточив внимание на его важнейших деталях, и выполните нижеследующие задания.

7.1. Выберите правильные варианты ответов на поставленные вопросы (на каждый вопрос – только один правильный ответ).

1. Restaurants are sometimes a feature of...

a) a hotel

b) a supermarket

c) both “a” and “b”

d) a canteen


2. The restaurant became established in France…

a) after a community work day

b) after the French Revolution

c) after a conference

d) both “a” and “c”


3. A waiter comes to take customers’…

a) hallo

b) good bye

c) order

d) advice


4. Some restaurants are licensed to serve…

a) cakes

b) beer

c) cigarettes

d) alcohol


5. Restaurants are the end of the supply chain in…

a) the light industry

b) the food service industry

c) the heavy industry

d) both “a” and “c”


Заполните таблицу, выяснив вклад каждого из упомянутых лиц в историю развития ресторанного дела.

What did they do?
  Antonin Careme  
  Prince Kourakin  

7.3. Определите, истинно или ложно каждое из нижеперечисленных утверждений (относительно текста). Пометьте каждое предложение как “T (true)” или “F (false)”. Откорректируйте ложные утверждения.

1. A restaurant is an establishment that serves prepared food and beverages.

2. Restaurants are sometimes a feature of a smaller complex, typically a hotel

3. The term "restaurant" came from the Latin "restaurer".

4. The modern sense of the word was born in around 1765 when a Parisian soup-seller opened his establishment.

5. The restaurant became established in Russia after the French Revolution.

6. Restaurants range from unpretentious lunching or dining places to expensive establishments serving refined food and wines in a formal setting.

7. Restaurants often specialize in certain types of food.

8. Restaurant guides list the worst places to eat.

9. The typical restaurant owner faces many obstacles to success.


Дайте развернутые ответы на поставленные вопросы, опираясь на содержание текста.

1. Why are restaurants established as part of hotels very often?

2. Where does the word “restaurant” come from?

3. How was the French tradition of dining out born?

4. What is service “a la franchise”?

5. What is service “a la russe”?

6. What is the job of a restaurant critic?

7. Why is a newspaper restaurant guide often more reliable than any other restaurant guide?

8. Why is competition in the restaurant business so high?

9. What are restaurant's biggest concerns in Western countries?

10. What obstacles does a typical restaurant owner face?


Подготовьте развернутые высказывания (от 25 развернутых предложений) в ответ на вопросы, заданные ниже. Задание, помеченное звездочкой, выполнять не обязательно.

1. Imagine that you are going to start running your own restaurant. How would you call it? Describe its interior, menu, intended customers.

2. Prepare a written report “Restaurants In...” (choose any city or country).

3.* If you happen to know any foreigners, ask them to describe some typical restaurants (or other places for eating out) of their country. Share everything you have found out with the group/instructor.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 494. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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