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Health Emergency In A Foreign Country

One of the most common problems facing global travellers is how to deal with a sudden illness, accident or other health emergency in a foreign country. Illness not only presents a danger to travellers but results in unexpected cost, lost opportunities and an inability to complete activities. Travellers need to consider some simple precautions to guarantee a safe and memorable journey. Illnesses can be avoided with modern, safe and effective vaccinations and a clear understanding of other important preventative measures. A visit to Vaccinations for Travel before your trip can certainly help ensure that your journey will be remembered for all the right reasons!


Malaria is the leading cause of death in the world each year. In some localities such the malarial risk is so extreme that almost the entire population carries parasites in their blood. Travellers who have no immunity to Malaria are at risk of serious illness or even death if infected from the bite of the mosquito vector – the Anopheles mosquito. Fortunately, Malaria can normally be effectively prevented.


Dengue Fever is a common viral illness which occurs widely throughout tropical regions throughout the world. Dengue Fever is transmitted from the bite of the Aedes mosquito and results in a flu-like illness commencing a few days after the bite. Major epidemics of dengue with thousands of cases occur each year and the illness poses a significant risk to travellers.


Hepatitis A is an extremely common illness in travellers to many countries around the world. The illness is severe and recovery often takes several months. Even on very short trips, Hepatitis A poses a significant risk to travellers. Hepatitis A is normally contracted from poorly prepared food and unsanitary water. The vaccination for Hepatitis A has very few side effects, is extremely effective and provides rapid immunity. A completed course of Hepatitis A vaccination is thought to provide lifelong immunity.


Typhoid fever results from an infection involving bacteria called Salmonella. The illness usually occurs as a severe form of gastroenteritis which can become progressive and even fatal. Cases of typhoid are frequently severe and resistance to antibiotic treatment is quite common. Vaccination usually poses few side effects and is recommended for most travellers to developing countries. A completed course of typhoid vaccination provides protection for up to three years.


In contrast to Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B is contracted from the blood or body fluids of other people. Hepatitis B causes severe liver disease in the acute stage but may also result in long term complications including cirrhosis or even liver cancer. Hepatitis B infection is quite common even in industrialized countries. Vaccination against Hepatitis B is strongly advised for travellers who are going ‘off the beaten track’ or travelling for prolonged periods. All travellers who suffer from serious pre-existing medical problems and might require medical treatment should discuss vaccination during their consultation at our clinic. Even on a short trip, the possibility of an event like a traffic accident is a significant possibility.

A Traveler's Medical and First Aid Checklist

Weeks before you're slated to leave on your trip you should think about the medical and first aid supplies you will need. These supplies depend on your health and your destination. In addition to your passport, you should bring your immunization record with you and a photocopy of this record.

Your prescription medicine should be in the original bottle so customs officials can identify the medicine(s). Do NOT repack pills in other containers or plastic zipper bags. If you have a heart condition and need to take an antibiotic before dental work, bring the heart condition card with you. Also make note of any allergies you may have.

EQUIPMENT (* Medical alert bracelet if you wear one * Eyeglasses and case. * Sunglasses * Lens cleaner * Sun hat or cap with visor * Earplugs *).

MEDICATIONS (* Antibiotic * Nasal spray. * Pain reliever * Prescription medicine in original bottles * Motion sickness pills or patches * Antacid tablets such as Tums or Gas-X * Cough drops * Sunscreen (15 rating or higher)

Check the prescription date of all medicines before you pack them. Dated medicine may be ineffective or dangerous. Ask your doctor for prescription refills if you need them. Travelers with special health needs should check with their doctor several weeks before departure. Have a great trip!


A User's Guide to Your Doctor's Visit

Why is it so important to have a primary care provider?

Data suggest that individuals who have an established, regular source of care, such as a primary care physician, receive more preventive visits and necessary screenings. Evidence also suggests that those who have good continuity of care with their doctors use the emergency room less often and may have lower rates of hospitalization. They may also have greater trust in their doctors and greater patient satisfaction.

What Is a Primary Care Provider?

A primary care provider is the main medical professional involved in your nonemergency care over time. The PCP's role is to (1) provide preventive care and teach healthy lifestyle choices; (2) identify and treat medical conditions; and (3) assess your medical problems in a timely manner, and to refer you to medical specialists when necessary.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 378. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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