Практична граматика англійської мови для студентів 4 курсу
«Складне Речення»
Навчально-методичний посібник з граматики
Для студентів 4 курсу
Факультету іноземних мов
Харків – 2011-2012
| Contents
| page
| Composite sentences……………………………………………………
| Compound sentences……………………………………………………
| Coordinate connection ……………………………………………………
| Complex sentences ……………………………………………………
| Functional classification of subordinate clauses ……………………………
| Complex sentences with subject clauses ……………………………………
| Complex sentences predicative clauses ……………………………………
| Complex sentences with object clauses ……………………………………
| Complex sentences with attributive clauses ………………………………
| Complex sentences with attributive appositive clauses ……………………
| Complex sentences with attributive relative clauses ………………………
| Types of relative clauses ……………………………………………………
| Complex sentences with adverbial clauses …………………………………
| Complex sentences with adverbial clauses of place …………………………
| Complex sentences with adverbial clauses of time ………………………
| Complex sentences with adverbial clauses of manner ………………………
| Complex sentences with adverbial clauses of comparison …………………
| Complex sentences with adverbial clauses of condition ……………………
| Complex sentences with adverbial clauses of concession …………………
| Complex sentences with adverbial clauses of purpose ……………………
| Complex sentences with adverbial clauses of reason / cause ………………
| Complex sentences with adverbial clauses of result / consequences ………
| Linking devices ……………………………………………………………
| Punctuation …………………………………………………………………
| Glossary of grammar terms
1. A composite sentence is a sentence consisting of more than one clause, whether compound or complex.
2. Compound sentences are joined by coordination which is a way of linking grammatical elements to make them equal in rank. Each clause in compound sentences is called a coordinate clause and has its subject-predicate unit, e.g.
· The leaves are turning to gold, squirrels are fattening, hunting time is near. (3 subject-predicate units)
· They have their meals at the same table, they play bridge together; and not a day passes without a row. (3 subject-predicate units)
3. Complex sentences are joined by subordination which is a way of linking grammatical elements that makes one of them depend upon the other. The basic element is called the main or the principal clause, the dependent clause is called the subordinate clause. All clauses no matter principal or subordinate have a subject-predicate unit. In the sentences below all subject-predicate units are underlined.
Composite sentences
Compound Sentence
| Complex Sentence
· Jason offered the girl his handkerchief (first coordinate clause) and she took it without a moment’s hesitation. (second coordinate clause).
· Children have never been very good at listening to their elders (first coordinate clause) but they have never failed to imitate them. (second coordinate clause)
| · The mother often tells her kids (principal clause) how terrific they are. (subordinate clause).
· He was so pale (principal clause) that he seemed to emit a pearly glow. (subordinate clause).
4. Compound sentences may be subdivided into compound sentences (proper) that consist either of two or more clauses of equal rank and compound-complex sentences where coordinate clauses are extended by subordinate clauses. In the sentences below all subject-predicate units are underlined.