Text C. Guglielmo Marconi - Significance with Radio
1. Reading Strategies: a) First, read the text to get the general idea. b) Then ask questions and identify important words. c) Find the relevant part of the text and 3 identify the important words. d) Decide if the important words in the question/statement and text express the same ideas.
The first photographic process or heliography was invented around 1824 by NicephoreNiépce.Images were obtained with Judea bitumen spread on a silver plate after an exposure time of many days. In 1829, Niépce associated Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre to his research. In 1832, they put the last touch, using a residue of lavender oil distillation, a second process producing images in a one day exposure time. In 1833 Niépce died, Daguerre went on working alone and invented, in 1838, the daguerreotype, the first process including a development stage. A silver plate coated with a very thin silver iodide layer was exposed in a camera obscura then exposed to mercury vapors that induced the apparition of the invisible latent image that had been formed during the exposure to light. This development was in fact such an amplification of the effect of light that the exposure time was hardly more than 30 minutes. Fixing was done by immersing the plate in sea salted water. In July 1839, another frenchman, Hippolyte Bayard, discovered the way to obtain positive images directly on paper. A sheet of paper covered with silver chloride was blackened by light then exposed in a camera obscura after being sensitized in silver iodide.
Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1. Which of the discovery in the text do you think is the most interesting? Why? 2. What world-famous invention do you know from history? 3. What famous contemporary inventors do you most admire?
Look at the picture and do the task.
4. Answer the questions:
1. Can we imagine our life without inventions? 2. Will they change the world? 3. What modern inventions do you know? 4. How often do you use them? 5. How did the telephone change the world? 6. Do inventions make our life easier?
Text D. Television (1920s)
Look through the text and ask questions. Give your opinion about discovery and discuss them with your partner.
The invention that swept the world and changed leisure habits for countless millions was pioneered by Scottish-born electrical engineer John Logie Baird. It had been realised for some time that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light.
Answer the following questions. a) How did the television change the world? b) Is television good in your country? c) Can we imagine our life without television? d) What are your favorite types of programmer? e) How do you watch television? (Do you plan carefully, record, watch everything?) f) How many hours television do you watch every day? g) What would you do without television? h) How many channels have you got in your country? i) What are the advantages of television?
4. What do you usually on different television programmers? Match each Type of programmer on the left below with the correct item on the Right.
(a) Nature films (1) football, boxing, swimming etc. (b) quiz shows (2) life in different countries (c) news and current affairs (3) people trying to win prizes by answering questions (d) soap operas (4) advertisements for products (e) commercials (5) animals, fish, birds, flowers, plants (f) travel films (6) information about what’s happening in the world (g) comedies (7) jokes and funny situations (h) sport (8) information for pupils and students (i) educational programmers (9) story of the daily life of a family
5. Which of the programmers above do you like? Use the following words:relaxing exciting amusing interesting useful boring
E.g. I find nature films interesting.
Put the correct word or phrase from the following list into the