Студопедия — Look at the picture and describe it.
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This museum is located in the president’s former residence and offers a unique insight into the birth of a nation and its progress through time. The exhibits reveal the most important stages in the formation of an independent Kazakhstan and talks about the life and work of President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The interiors are intact and the museum collection of over 60,000 items includes souvenirs, books, archival manuscripts, printed materials, film and documentary photographs, works of fine and decorative arts, weapons, personal

belongings and documents offered by the president.


The Kasteev State Museum of Arts

The Kasteev State Museum of Arts is the largest art museum in Kazakhstan and a well known regional center for research and education in the field of art history. The Museum has a rich collection of artistic treasures comprise about 22,000 pieces. These include works of ancient and contemporary Kazakhstan art, works of the Soviet period (1920s-1990s), Russian artworks from the 17th to early 20th centuries, Western European art of the 16th–20th centuries, and finally, art of the peoples of the East – India, China, Japan and Korea. The building, designed by the architects E. Kuznetsova, O. Naumova and B. Novikov, was constructed in 1976 with the total surface of 19,428 sq.m including the exhibition area of 5,642 sq.m. and the repository area of 1,055.9 sq.m. In 1976 the Gallery together with the Museum of Applied Art moved to the new museum and acquired the name The State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1984, the museum was renamed in honor of Abylkhan Kasteev (1904-1973), the first Kazakh professional artist and a People's Artist of Kazakhstan.




All manner of general and esoteric societies, institutions, museums and foundations can be found in England.

One of its more prestigious learned societies is the Royal Society (1660), which awards fellowships, medals and endowed lectureships based on scientific and technological achievements. The British Museum contains a wealth of archaeological and ethnographic specimens. Its extensive library — containing ancient and medieval manuscripts and papyruses — was merged in 1973 with several other holdings to form the British Library, a centralized repository.

The Zoological Society of London maintains the London Zoo and also conducts research, publishes journals, and supports a large zoological library.

The Royal Botanic Gardens are significant both as a research institute and as one of England's many places of great natural beauty.

There are also notable university libraries at the University of Cambridge and at the University of Oxford (the Bodleian Library). Art galleries abound in England.

The best known are based in London and include the National Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the National Portrait Gallery, the Tate Gallery (with superb collections of John Constable and the Pre-Raphaelites, and the Wallace Collection.


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