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Task 4. К указанным ниже словам подберите из текста синонимы и переведите их на русский язык.

11. to conduct 12. profit 13. to perform 14. wide 15. general 16. to require 17. right (adj) 18. purpose 19. type 20. essential

Task 5. К указанным ниже словам подберите из текста антонимы и переведите их на русский язык.

11. to control 12. to agree 13. heavy 14. liable 15. frequently 16. individual 17. public 18. future 19. to receive 20. to distribute

Task 6. Раскройте скобки, употребив сложное дополнение.

1) The mother believes (in the word, to be, her daughter, the best girl).

2) They think (to be an expert, he, in his sphere).

3) The public made (to read, some of his poetry, the poet).

4) The boys saw (round the corner, to disappear, the car).

5) The people noticed (into the house, to get, the burglar).


Task 7. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное дополнение.

1) We know them to be experienced enough to do this work.

2) The director ordered the secretary to send off the letter.

3) I saw her come into the room, switch on the light and take the jewelry.

4) He likes papers to be in order.

5) He didn’t expect to be asked about it.


Task 8. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее.

1)You are supported to know too many secrets.

2)He is known to be hiding somewhere in the mountains.

3)This material is said to be very radioactive.

4)This device was known to have been designed in that laboratory.

5)The sun is known to represent a mass of compressed gases.


Task 9.Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя сложное подлежащее.

1. Говорят, что он закончил университет.

2. Известно, что исполнительная судебная власть в США принадлежит Верховному суду и системе федеральных судов.

3. Он, по - видимому, удовлетворён результатом своей работы.

4. Он, кажется, знает этот предмет очень хорошо.

5. Я случайно был дома, когда он пришёл.


Task 10.Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

When he had killed the guard, the prisoner... war quickly dragged him into the bushes. Working rapidly... the darkness, he soon changed... the dead man's clothes. Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly... and... in front of the camp. He could hear shouting... the camp itself. Lights were blazing and men were running here and there: they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped.... that moment, a large black car with four officers... it, stopped at the camp gates. The officers got... and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as the passed. When they had gone, the driver... the car came towards him. The man obviously wanted to talk. He was rather elderly... grey hair and clear blue eyes. The prisoner felt sorry... him, but there was nothing else he could do. As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him... the ground with a sharp blow. Then, jumping... the car, he drove off as quickly as he could.


Task 11. Вставьте пропущенные артикли.

— «At the time... murder was committed, I was travelling on the 8 o'clock train to London», said the man.

— «Do you always catch such... early train?» asked the inspector.

— «Of course, I do», answered... man. «I must be at work at 10 o'clock. My employer will confirm that I was there on time».

— «Would... later train get you to work on time?» asked... inspector.

— «I suppose it would, but I never catch... later train».

— «At what time did you arrive at... station?»

■— «At ten to eight. I bought a paper and waited for... train».

— «And you didn't notice anything unusual?»

— «Of course, not».

— «I suggest», said the inspector, «that you are not telling... truth. I suggest that you didn't catch... 8 o'clock train, but that you caught the 8.25 which would still get you to work on time. You see, on the morning of the murder,... 8 o'clock train did not run at all. It broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.»


Task 12. Разделите текст на несколько логических частей и озаглавьте каждую из них. Выразите главную идею каждой части одним или двумя предложениями.

Task 13. Составьте 5 типов вопросов к тексту.

Вариант V

Parliamentary Elections in Great Britain

Parliament is one of the most important parts of national life in Britain. You will also recall that the most important part of the Parliament is the House of Commons, the body composed of the elected representatives of Great Britain.
Elections to the House of Commons, known as parliamentary elections, form the basis of Britain’s democratic system. Unlike heads of Government in some countries, the Prime Minister is not directly elected by voters, although he or she is an elected Member of Parliament — an MP. Instead, The Prime Minister depends on the support of a majority of his or her fellow elected representatives in the House of Commons.
There are two types of elections, General Elections and By-Elections and of these the first is, naturally, the most important. In a General Election every seat throughout the whole country is usually contested, but a By- Election occasioned by the death or resignation of one particular member, is fought over one seat only. According to law, General Elections must be held at least every five years, although in very exceptional circumstances they may not take place so often (for example, during the Second World War).
Britain is divided into 650 parliamentary constituencies. Each constituency is a geographical area; the voters living within the area select one person to serve as a member of the House of Commons. The average number of electors in each constituency in England is about 70,000; in other parts of Britain the average numbers are slightly lower.
The simple majority system of voting is used in parliamentary elections in Britain. This means that the candidate with the largest number of votes in each constituency is elected, although he or she may not necessarily have received more than half the votes cast. It is thought that this system favours a two-party system, particularly when the parties’ support is concentrated geographically, as in the case with the Conservative and Labour Parties. It does not favour parties whose support is spread across constituencies, such as the Liberal Democrats, as they tend to accumulate relatively small numbers of votes in each constituency and do not win many seats. Voting is by secret ballot.
All British citizens may vote if they are aged 18 years or over and are not legally barred from voting. Under recent legislation, British citizens living abroad may register to vote for up to 20 years after leaving Brit Voting in elections is voluntary. On average about 75 per cent of the electorate votes.
Any person aged 21 or over who is a British citizen, or citizen another Commonwealth country or the Irish Republic, may stand for elec40 to Parliament, providing they are not disqualified. Those disqualif include:
- people who are bankrupt;
- people sentenced to more than one year’s imprisonment;
- clergy of the Church of England, Church of Scotland, Church 0c Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church;
- members of the House of Lords; and
- a range of public servants and officials, specified by law. They include judges, civil servants, some local government officers, full-ttme members of the armed forces and police officers.
Candidates do not have to live in the constituencies for which t}ey stand. However, candidates who are on the electoral register in constituencies for which they are standing may vote in their constituencies. Candidates must be nominated on official nomination papr5, giving their full name and home address. The nomination paper must be signed by ten electors. At the same time a sum of 500 pounds must deposited on behalf of each candidate: candidates who receive less than cent of the votes cast in the election lose this deposit. Candidates from the main parties very rarely lose their deposits. Candidates normally belon o one of the main political parties. However, smaller political parties j groups also put forward candidates, and individuals without party sup0 also stand.
For the purposes of voting, each constituency is divided into a nunbe of polling districts. In each there is a polling station: many types of buildig, including schools, are used. The official expenses of parliamentary electic5 as opposed to individual candidates’ expenses, are paid by Government.


Task 1. Find the English equivalents for the words and word- combinations given below. Дополнительные выборы, отставка, избиратель, Консервативная партия, Лейбористская партия, Либеральные демократы, секретное голосование, добровольньтй, банкрот, в интересах кого-либо.

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