Программа тренировок. 1. The Top University of Taiwan:National Taiwan University is the most prestigious and historical university in Taiwan
1. The Top University of Taiwan:National Taiwan University is the most prestigious and historical university in Taiwan. Most government officials, heads of large companies, deans of academic institutions, and leaders in all occupational fields are NTU alumni. If you come to NTU, you will find that the students and faculties are friendly and top-tier, and that the campus is beautiful. WeЎ¦re sure youЎ¦ll love NTU! (Please visit our website: http://www.ntu.edu.tw/english/) 2. A Great City:Taipei is an international city. ItЎ¦s convenient, modern and full of possibilities. Taipei boasts the tallest building in the world, and the biggest bookstore in Asia. We have fully developed commercial centers, as well as traditional cultural landmarks and sites, and numerous museums and art events. We also have beautiful natural scenery. If you come to Taiwan, weЎ¦ll guide you through this beautiful city. 3. An Ideal Destination:Taiwan has distinguished achievements in business and international trade, and the people are noted for their entrepreneurship. TaiwanЎ¦s political environment is also intriguing and dynamic. Taiwan has a special relationship with China, and there have recently been particularly compelling political events within Taiwan itself. If you are interested in the politics or economics of Asia, participating in the IDEA project would be unique opportunity for you to delver deeper and hear the voices of the Taiwanese people. 4. A Great Diversity: Taiwan, a beautiful island with various landforms and ecosystems, is located in the key position of East Asia. As a result, the culture of Taiwan not only includes traditional Chinese culture and indigenous Taiwanese culture, but also consists of our own homegrown synthesis of aboriginal, Japanese, and Western cultures. This fusion of cultures is quite unique because it is founded upon Chinese tradition as a base, then further developed under foreign historical influences. Taiwan is famous for the hospitality of its people and for its delicious food. Come to Taiwan, and youЎ¦ll know why! Seeing is believing.(To know more about us, please visit http://www.tbroc.gov.tw/ and http://www.youthtravel.tw/web/) 5. The Pioneer and Innovator in Chinese society:Taiwan is a pop culture trend maker within the pan-Chinese regions, including China, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Many of the regionЎ¦s most celebrated artists, such as the singer Jay Chou and the dance troupe Cloud Gate, hail from Taiwan. Several months ago, the troupe Peony Pavilion, a famous literary masterpiece with a 500-year history in China, caused a great sensation on the west coast of the U.S. (http://www.international.ucla.edu/china/mudanting/) The producer Kenneth Pai is from Taiwan. In addition, the eminent director of Ў§Life of Pi,ЎЁ Ang Lee, who won the Oscar for Best Director, is Taiwanese. Furthermore, TaiwanЎ¦s modern-day economic development has preceded ChinaЎ¦s. For predictions of what is next in ChinaЎ¦s future, Taiwan is an important starting point. For example, TaiwanЎ¦s market is so complex and competitive that many multinational corporations come to Taiwan to test products aimed at consumers in greater China. Appendix 2: Official Application Form Intercultural Discovery and Exchange in Asia Project (IDEA Project 2013)
Date: Aug 4th to Aug 11th, 2013 Location: Taipei, Taiwan DELEGATES APPLICATION FORM (Delegates may adjust the size of the blanks depends on their needs.)
Please fill out and mail this application form to ntuiso@gmail.com Before May 5th 2013, before 24:00 (GT +8:00).
Программа тренировок