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Exercise 1. Cross out the unnecessary words to make a dialogue.

А – Hello!

В – Hi! / Bye! / See you!

А – I are / you / I'm Kate.

В – Nice to meet I / you / they, Kate. I'm Tom

А – Nice to meet you, you / it / too.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct option.

10:48 a) Good morning! b) Good afternoon! с) Good evening!

12:01 a) Good morning! b) Good afternoon! c) Good evening!

17:55 a) Good morning! b) Good day! c) Good evening!

9:32 a) Good morning! b) Good day! c) Good evening!

Exercise 3. Arrange the words into sentences.

1. fine, I'm thanks!

2. are, How, you?

3. is, your, name? What

4. yourself! Take of care

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box.

meet you hello 'm

– Hello!

– ……….!

– I..........Jake. What's your name?

– I'm Jane. Nice to..........you!

– Nice to meet.........., too, Jane!

Exercise 5. Check the correct translation.

1. Nice to meet you!

a) Мне очень приятно!

b) Приятно с тобой/вами познакомиться!

c) Как ты?

2. Nice to see you!

a) Приятно тебя видеть!

b) Как тебя зовут?

c) Держись!

3. What's your name?

a) Рад тебя видеть!

b) Как тебя зовут?

c) Что у тебя?

4. What's your first name?

a) Как тебя зовут?

b) Как твоя фамилия?

c) Как твоё отчество?

5. My name's Jake.

a) Меня зовут Джейк.

b) Мне очень приятно, Джейк!

c) До свидания, Джейк!

6. My name's Jake Turner.

a) Меня зовут Джейк.

b) Меня зовут Джейк Тернер.

c) Мне очень приятно, господин Тернер!

7. Pleased to meet you!

a) Спасибо, у меня всё хорошо!

b) Приятно с тобой встретиться!

c) Мне очень приятно!

8. Excuse me!

a) Извинись передо мной!

b) Простите! / Будьте любезны!

c) Привет!


Exercise 6. Put the lines of the conversations in order. Then write the conversations.

1. ___ I'm Felipe Mendez, the new computer programmer.

___ Yes, I am.

___ Excuse me, are you Mr. Pappas?

___ Hello.

___ Oh, yes. How do you do?

2. ___ Nice to meet you, too, Robert.

___ O.K.

___ Mizumi Tanaka, I'd like you to meet Robert Gray.

___ Oh, just call me Bob.

___ Hi, Mizumi. Nice to meet you.

Exercise 7. Choose the best answer.

1) When you meet someone whom you know very slightly (in the morning) you say:

a) How do you do; b) Good morning; c) Hello.

2) When you meet an acquaintance at about 12.30 p.m. you say:

a) Good morning; b) Good afternoon; c) Hello.

3) When you come into a room where there is a group of your fellow-students, you say:

a) Hello, everybody; b) Hello; c) Morning.

4) When a senior colleague asks, "How are you?", you reply:

а) О. К., thanks; b) Thank you; c) Very well, thank you.

5) When your hostess says, "Nice to see you", you reply:

a) The same to you; b) It's a pleasure; c) Nice to see you, too.

Exercise 8. Greet the following people:

a) a close friend Mike;

b) an elderly neighbour (Elsie South) at 3 p.m.;

c) your parents, on arriving home in the evening;

d) a group of fellow-students;

e) your sister;

f) your doctor to whom you have come for examination (David Ben­nett);

g) your university professor (Frank Simpson);

h) your business colleague (Henry Watson).

Exercise 9. Respond freely to the following.

1) Hello! How are you?

2) Hello! How are you keeping?

3) Good morning.

4) How is it going?


Exercise 10. Make up a dialogue for the following situation.

Mrs Jones is visiting London on business. She has been invited to a party by Mr Bennett. When she arrives, Mr Bennett greets her, and then introduces her to his wife Susan and a colleague of his, Henry Watson.

Exercise 11. Answer the questions.

1. What forms of address do you know? 2. What word do you use before the surname of a man when you address him? 3. What word do you use when you address a man if there is no surname? 4. What word do you use before the surname of a married woman when you address her? 5. What word do you use before the surname of an unmarried woman or a young girl? 6. What do you say when you address a young woman or a girl (or young women or girls)? 8. What words do you use when you address a group of guests (men and women)? 9. How do you greet your colleagues and what do they say in answer to your greeting? 10. How do you greet your friends and what do they say in answer to your greeting? 11. What other forms of greeting: in the morning, in the daytime, in the evening do you know? 12. What parting words do you use: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening? 13. What other parting words do you know? 14. What do you say when you meet your guests? 15. What are the forms of introduction? 16. What does the head waiter say to his guests when he meets them in the lobby? 17. What are the forms of invitations? 18. What do you say at parting? 19. What do you say when you thank your people, friends etc.? 20. What are the forms of apology? 21. What are the answers to the apology?

Exercise 12. Fill in the gaps with the words given below.

1.... Smith! We are happy to receive you. 2. Thank you,... Black! 3.... guests! Welcome to our city! 4. The old man to the young girls: “Pardon,...! Show me the way to the station, please!” 5. The head waiter to the guests: «Good evening,...!” 6. The waiter to the lady guest: “Pleased to see you in our restaurant,....” 7. The waiter to the man: “I'm at your ser­vice,....” 8.... friends! Happy to see you! 9. How d'you do,... Green! –..., Mr White! 10. Oh, excuse my coming late. – ….

That's all right, Miss, dear, young ladies, dear Mr, ladies and gentlemen, Mr, sir, how d'you do, ma'am.

Exercise 13. You have invited the following people to a dinner party: Peter and Jane Bennett (your friends from Britain), Jim Bradley (your university friend). Introduce them to:

1) each other;

2) your parents;

3) your sister or brother;

4) your neighbour (Frieda Witham) who dropped in to Inquire about your father's health.

Exercise 14. Make up a dialogue for each of the following situations.

1) You see someone at a party who looks very interesting. Go up to this person and introduce yourself.

2) You are at a party with your girlfriend / boyfriend. You want to introduce her / him to your senior colleague. What do you say?

3) Peter and his wife Jane are walking through the park when Peter meets an old friend of his, Steven. They greet one another and Peter introduces Jane to him.


Exercise 15. Read each introduction. Is it formal or informal?

1. I'd like you to meet Professor Wilson.

2. Hi. I'm Bob.

3. This is Rachel Miller, our new manager.

4. I'm Susan, but please call me Susie.

5. Hi there. My name is Liz.

6. Hi, Sue. This is my friend Jim.

Exercise 16. Complete the sentences with the correct names and nicknames.

1.Hi! My name is Patricia, but you can call me ___________.

2. I'm Lawrence. Please just call me ___________.

3. My sister's name is ___________, but everybody calls her Terry.

4. Everybody calls him Charley, but his full name is____________.

5. My name is Richard. My nickname is____________.

6. My parents call me____________, but all my friends call me Liz.

Exercise 17. Complete the conversations. Fill in the blanks with in, on, or at.


A:Excuse me. Is there an Interbank branch here ____ Beverly Hills?

В: No, there isn't. But there's one ­­____Hollywood. It's ____Sunset Boulevard.

A: Sunset Boulevard? Where? Do you know the address?

В: I think the bank is ___1200 Sunset.

A: 1200? O.K. Thanks very much.



A: Oh, look! There's the new girl. I met her yesterday.

В: Where is she from?

A: She lived ___ Chicago before she moved here.

В: What street does she live ___?

A: She lives ___ Central Avenue, ___ 16 Central.

В: Really? I live ___ Central Avenue, too. ___ 14. We're neighbours!


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 1049. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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