Завдання 4
а) Проаналізуйте подані нижче групи однокореневих слів щодо їх форми, значення та належності до певної частини мови:
place – to place – to replace – placement; to train – to retrain – training; gene – genetic; magnet – magnetic – to magnetize – magnetization – magnetism; to lead – leader – leading; to act – actor – action – acting – to react – reaction; to recognize – recognition; to conduct – conductivity – superconductivity – conductor; voice – voiceless– voiced– to voice; to develop – development – developments; to describe – description; to design – to redesign – design – designer; art – artificial – artist – artistic; to consider – consideration; medicine – medicines – medical – medication; biology – biological – biologist. б) Перекладіть їх рідною мовою та доповніть таблицю словотворення:
Завдання 5 Прочитайте подані нижчесловосполучення, в яких один іменник є означенням іншого. Перекладіть їх, користуючись однією з таких схем:
1) room temperature 2) time period
кімнатна часу
кімнатна температура період часу 3) craft s man
ремесла + людина мастеровий acid rain, time period, iron ore, steam engine, coal mine, craft people, bronze age, information age, space age, knowledge base, science fiction, voice recognition, life forms, work week, space base, problem situation. Завдання 6 Поставте дієслова у потрібну форму:
a) When you (look) at stars, you really (look) back in time hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years. The light that we (see) shining from stars (take) time to travel to earth. Even though light (travel) very fast (186,282 miles per second), stars are very far away. You probably (see) the North Star, for example. The light you (see) is really 680 years old! It is strange to think that the light you (see) when you (look) at the North Star (leave) the star during medieval times.
b) Advancements in technology (give) us the quality of life we enjoy today. It is easy to see how the speed of technology (increase) when you chart it on a type of graph called a timeline. In this activity you will organize and chart some of the events in history that (lead) to the high level of technology we (have) in our world today.
Завдання 7 Прочитайте текст, спробуйте якомога точніше зрозуміти і запам’ятати його зміст.