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Завдання 1 Прочитайте та перекладіть подані слова та словосполучення:

а) ore, steam, rapid, to invent, acid, satellite, science, definite, tin, copper, weapons, friction, keyboard, levitation, wheel, occur, tool, essay, to develop, recent, bone.

б) craft people, to hold a cutting edge, to find out more about smth., to move away from farms, prehistoric people, to make the right decision, to react to a person’s voice, the store of knowledge available, technological advances, a fertile imagination, a field of vision, artificial intelligence, to deal with, a decision based on facts.

Завдання 2 Дайте англійські еквіваленти поданих нижче слів та словосполучень:


а) з’ясовувати, зображувати, технології, вирішення, розвиток, знаряддя, залізо, виготовляти, ресурси, сплав, створювати, винаходити, кислота, ґрунтуватися, навколишне середовище, досягнення, надбання, камінь, бронза, мідь, опиратися, майстерність.


б) технічний прогрес, завдяки новим винаходам, інформаційна технологія, індустріальна революція, досягнення техніки, pозроблення нових технологій, змішування двох металів, кам’яний вік, природні матеріали, залізна епоха, індустріальний період, виготовлення потрібних речей.

Завдання 3 З поданих нижче слів складіть якомога більше словосполучень та перекладіть їх:

metallurgy, acid, engineering, age, world, iron, materials, commands, history, base, development, robots, application, engine, environment, rain, protection, computer, ore, steam, knowledge, voice, space, field.

Завдання 4 Заповніть таблицю, використовуючи відомі вам словотворчі моделі:

    to present    
1 computer      
1 advance      
    to produce    
2 magnet      
    to design    
  to react    

Завдання 5 Перекладіть рідною мовою:


1 Teaching a robot to work can be much simpler than training a human apprentice to perform the same task.

2 Every motion made by the worker will be recorded by the robot and will be converted automatically to a program that the robot will then follow.

3 The program is usually stored on a tape cassette or disk.

4 When the robot is given a new task, the disk or cassette can be kept for use when the robot returns to the original task.

5 In 1990 it was calculated that the total energy generated in the USA would be the equivalent in ‘muscle – power energy’ of 153 slaves working for every American man, woman and child in the country.

6 Early engineering was principally either civil or military.

7 We travel to space to learn more about the Earth and about the stars, planets and moons in our universe.

8 Many of the benefits of space research are used to help people in their daily activities.

9 There are also benefits that make life at home easier.

10 Surprisingly, the worst killer of all natural phenomena is not, as we might think, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods or earthquakes, but lightning.

11 Lightning can be a dangerous killer, and often is, far more often than many people may realize.

12 Lightning is, without a doubt, a big killer, the greatest cause of death among all types of storms.

13 The most costly lightning strike in the USA is considered to be the one that hit an army arsenal in northern New Jersey on July 10, 1926.

14 Property damage from this single lightning bolt was placed at $70 million.

15 The study of technology is a study of process that includes both technology and social processes.

16 Technology deals with designing, making, and doing things.

17 It is enriched by discoveries in science and shaped by the designs of engineers.

18 Technology is the way that things are introduced into society.


Завдання 6 Прочитайте текст та складіть 10 питань до його змісту своїм товаришам.


In 1950, there were fewer than 150 computers in the world. In 1970, there were 50,000. Today, companies make 50,000 computers every day! A huge mainframe computer that cost millions of dollars twenty years ago can now be purchased as a portable computer for less than $5,000. Advancements in computer technology and electronics will make future computers even more powerful and less expensive.

Because technology is changing so fast, it is hard to predict what computers of the future will be like. Here are a few possibilites:

- voice-activated computers without keyboard;

- computers that operate with laser light instead of electronic chips;

- computers that react to your eye movements;

- superconducting, superfast supercomputers;

- mind-reading computers;

- computers that can think and learn on their own.

Research is being conducted on each of these areas today. For exam­ple, your home or car of the future will be controlled by computers. Parts of them already are.


Завдання 7 Прочитайте та письмово перекладіть поданий нижче текст.


Until late the nineteenth century, engineering as an applied science was divided into two principal groups, civil and military. Mining and metallurgy was the first group to be recognized as a separate branch and the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers was founded in 1871. In 1880 the American Society of Mechanical Engineers was created and in 1884 the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (now the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) was organized. In 1908 the American Institute of Chemical Engineers appeared and since then a number of other branch societies have been founded to deal with the aims characteristic of specialized fields of engineering.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 398. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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