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Текст 7Б

Einstein believed that "The whole of science is nothing more than an improvement of everyday thinking". The way this improvement has been achieved has been through the discovery and perfection of the experimental method – possibly the greatest contribution science has made to human progress. Indeed, several writers considered that science is no more than this method – the scientific method as it is sometimes called. Karl Pearson, the founder of the twentieth century science of statistics, thought that "the unity of all science consists alone in its method, not in its material". This method is good for all the sciences and the technologies also, and is of course widely applied in other disciplines.

The first step a scientist (or technologist) takes towards solving a problem is to collect all the information that may relate to the question: this is the observation stage. He then formulates a theory as to how such facts are to be interpreted: this is the hypothesis stage. He then designs and makes a series of controlled tests to try to confirm his working hypothesis: this is the experimental stage. If results of the experiments prove his theory correct he formulates his answer to the problem: this is the conclusion stage. Of course, it often happens that the working hypothesis does not stand up under experiment; T.H. Huxley called this "the great tragedy of science”. When this occurs the scientist must go back as often as necessary until he achieves a hypothesis that not only explains all the observed facts but can be confirmed by controlled experiment. This is the classic inductive theory of scientific method "still taught to every generation of students".


Завдання 9 Складіть 7 запитань до Тексту 7б.


Завдання 10 Дайте свій варіант назви до Тексту 7б.


Завдання 11 Перекладіть англійською мовою, використовуючи знайому вам лексику та граматичні структури:


1 Комп’ютери – важливий інструмент для вирішення технічних проблем.

2 Комп’ютери часто використовуються для пошуку та організації інформації, проведення розрахунків, письма, малювання та вирішення інших задач.

3 Перші комп’ютери були більш громіздкими й дорогими, ніж теперішні.

4 Закодована інформація, керуюча комп’ютером, має назву програмне забезпечення.

5 Іноді комп’ютери використовуються як могутні електронні друкарські машинки.

6 Спеціальні комп’ютерні програми використовуються, щоб проектувати нові технічні пристрої.

7 Використовуючи комп’ютерну графіку, ми можемо створювати сучасну рекламну продукцію.

8 Майбутні комп’ютери будуть більш швидкодіючими та менш дорогими.

9 Для того, щоб працювати з текстовою інформацією, ми використовуємо спеціально розроблений текстовий процесор.

10 Використання автоматичного проектування – одне з найнеобхідніших умов розвитку виробництва сьогодні.


Завдання 12 Як ви розумієте вислів „Science is built of facts, the way a house is built of bricks; but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of bricks is a house.” (J. H. Poincare)


Завдання 13 Підготуйте невеличке письмове оповідання (200 – 250 слів), яке б розкривало зміст висловлення: „Science would not be science without communication.”



Завдання 1 Уважно прочитайте подані нижче слова та їх переклад, запам’ятайте їх:

to include включати включать
to hire наймати нанимать
raw необроблений необработанный
just as точно так, як точно так, как
proper відповідний соответствующий
since з тих пір, як с тех пор, как
to rely on покладатися на полагаться на
fuel паливо топливо
fossil копалина ископаемое
to remain залишатися оставаться
coal вугілля уголь
timber лісоматеріал лесоматериал
once якщо вже если уж
supply постачання снабжение
to borrow запозичати заимствовать
loan позика заём
to bend згинатися, гнутися сгибаться, гнуться
to charge доручати; заряджати поручать; заряжать
profit користь, прибуток польза, выгода
bill рахунок счет
to waste витрачати даремно тратить зря
appropriate придатний, відповідний соответствующий, подходящий
to pollute забруднювати загрязнять
claim вимога требование
to dispose (of) позбавлятися (чогось) избавляться (от)
garbage сміття мусор, отбросы
to bury ховати, закопувати прятать, закапывать
to burn спалювати сжигать
to dump скидати сбрасывать

Завдання 2 Прочитайте та перекладіть подані нижче слова, ґрунтуючись на їх подібності до слів рідної мови:


resources, production, material, contact, natural, training, intelligence, mineral, vegetation, oil, gas, energy, transport, factor, cycle.


Завдання 3 Прочитайте подані нижче словосполучення. Дайте їх еквіваленти рідною мовою:


resource list, to meet the needs, raw materials, people skilled in a particular field, proper training and education, complex machines, remains of dead vegetation and animals, natural gas, the world’s supply of oil, to last forever, solar energy, interest on the loan, food container, packaging materials.


Завдання 4 Використовуючи значення відомих вам слів та правил словотворення, перекладіть подані нижче групи слів. Визначте, до якої частини мови кожне з них належить (майте на увазі, що іноді різні частини мови, дві чи три, збігаються за формою):

product - produce - producer – production

train – retrain – training

intellect – intellectual – intelligent – intelligence – intelligencia

transport – transport – transportation

hot – heat(1,2) – heating

light (1,2,3) – lightening

place (1,2) – replace – placement

nucleus – nuclear

lend – lender

ever – forever

thermal – geothermal

safe (1,2) – safely

pollute – pollution – polluted - pollutant

round – around - surround

Завдання 5 a ) Уважно вивчіть таблицю вживання модальних дієслів:

may (1) ввічливе прохання May I borrow your pen? _____
(2)формальний дозвіл You may leave the room. _____
(3)менш ніж 50% ймовірності …Where’s John? He may be at the library. He may have been at the library.
can (1) наявність чи відсутність вміння/ можливості I can run fast. I could run fast when I was a child, but now I can’t.
(2)неформальний дозвіл You can use my car.  
(3)неформальне ввічливе прохання Can I borrow your pen?  
(4)неможливість (тільки негативне) That can’t be true! That can’t have been true!
could   (1)вміння в минулому   I could run fast when I was a child.
(2) ввічливе прохання Could I borrow your pen? Could you help me? _____
(3)припущення -I need help in math. You could talk to your teacher. You could have talked to your teacher.
(4) менш ніж 50% ймовірності -Where’s John? He could be at home. He could have been at home.
(5)неможливість (тільки заперечення) That couldn’t be true! That couldn’t have been true!
be able to (1) вміння, здібність I am able to help you. I will be able to help you. I was able to help him.

must (1) велика необхідність I must go to class today. I had to go to class yesterday.
(2) заборона (негативне) You must not open that door. ______
(3) 95% ймовірності Mary isn’t in class. She must be sick. (present only) Mary must have been sick yesterday.
have to (1)необхідність I have to go to class today. I had to go to class yesterday.
(2)відсутність необхідності (негативне) I don’t have to go to class today. I didn’t have to go to class yesterday.
be to (1)висока ймовірність, домовленість You are to be here at 9:00. You were to be here at 9:00.
shall (1) ввічливий спосіб запропонувати якусь дію Shall I open the window? _____

б) Перекладіть подані нижче речення та прокоментуйте значення модальних дієслів:


1 Practice can do a lot of good.

2 You cannot see atoms even with a powerful microscope.

3 You could not see him yesterday.

4 He cannot make such a serious mistake.

5 You can become an expert in the field only if you work seriously and creatively, and try to advance a little bit every day.

6 May I come in?

7 You may use my dictionary.

8 We may discuss the problem at the meeting.

9 May I have a smoke in this room?

10 You must have all the necessary books at the lesson.

11 One and all, we must devotedly work for the good of our country.

12 We badly needed the dictionary.

13 He does not need your book any longer.

14 Every student should read this article.

15 He should help his friend.

16 You should not do such things in future.

17 You should know this material perfectly well.

18 I do not need your book any longer.

19 He will need your advice.

20 The students must work better to pass their examinations well.


1 You are to read this paper before the conference.

2 He is to make a report at the conference.

3 She is to come here at five o'clock.

4 As I was to be at the Academy at 9 sharp I had to take a taxi.

5 Will you have to get up early tomor­row?

6 No, I did not have to come to the Academy early.

7 Devices in the rocket have to operate under very difficult conditions.

8 At the speed of seven miles per second the rocket will have to travel over a million years to reach Sirius, one of the nearest stars.

9 The rocket is able to travel in a vacuum even better than it can through the air.

10 She is able to do this.

11 In some years we shall be able to solve this problem.


1 He must have translated that article yesterday.

2 They must have forgotten all about it.

3 The discussion must have been very interesting. It's a pity I could not stay.

4 The stu­dents may have translated these articles last month.

5 They may have returned home already.

6 My friend may have left two days ago.

7 They could have taken their exam in English yesterday.

8 She could have arrived some days ago.

9 He might have left his book in some other place.

10 She might have come if you had asked her.

11 I should have done it before.

12 You should have translated those articles long ago.

13 You could have informed me in time.

14 The moving parts of the machine must have been lubricated not to damage the machine at work.

15 A specially designed computer should have been used in the equipment of the meteo probe.

16 You might have known that to stop the flow of electricity you have to use a switch.

17 The article should have been translated long ago, where is the translation?


1 We can't always predict accurately how a change will affect us or our world. We can only be sure that everything changes eventually.

2 Advances in technology can have a great impact on the world if they are made available to all people.

3 If medical equipment and people could be put in an airplane, people all over the world might be helped.

4 If you wanted to design a bycicle, for example, you would not have to invent the wheel. But you might just want to change the shape of the wheel.

5 New knowledge can then be used to change or improve technology that already exists.

6 The saying "you don't have to reinvent the wheel" means that you do not have to start from the beginning to solve a problem.

7 You will see that even though you don't have to reinvent the wheel, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

8 Researchers might try many ideas until the problem is solved.

9 The energy produced by the sun can charge batteries to power electric vehicles.

10 Computers can be used to make 3 – D graphics colourful and interesting.

11 Life science and technology can be combined to produce food in a fish farm.

12 Being able to communicate with others is a very important skill that you work with in all your subjects.

13 In all your courses you need to be able to let your teachers and others know what your ideas are.

14 Using calculators you have to know what math operations (addition, substraction, multiplication, and division) to use in solving a problem. You must also know how to enter the information correctly into the calculator or computer.

15 Every fast – food restaurant must try to keep costs down to be competitive.

16 As business manager you will have to solve a lot of problems.

Завдання 6 Прочитайте текст, спробуйте якомога точніше зрозуміти і запам’ятати його зміст.

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