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Modern Programming

Before a computer can be used to solve a given problem, it must first be programmed, that is, prepared for solving the problem by being given a set of instructions, or program. Various programs by which a computer controls aspects of its operation are known as software.

The process of software development consists of the following steps:

  1. Defining the problem – describing the problem and developing technical assignment;
  2. Creating the program specification – decomposing the program into sepаrate operations, developing a necessary flowchart (a diagram showing the order of operations and data flow);
  3. Coding the solution - writing a program using programming languages for realizing program specification algorithm;
  4. Checking the solution – debugging and testing the created program;
  5. Completing the documentation – gathering and verifying all documents with the program.

As you see programming is only the third step in software development process. An algorithm is a finite sequence of well-understood steps that are followed to solve a particular problem or


produce a particular result and a program is an algorithm that has been implemented in a particular programming language.

Programs can be written using many different computer languages. Programming languages can be divided into low-level, high-level and special languages.


Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations.

To solve a given problem, to give a set of instructions, to control aspects of computer operation, to be known as software, to define the problem, to decompose the program into sepаrate operations, to develop a necessary flowchart, to debug and test the created program, to gather and verify all documents, software development process, a particular programming language.


Exercise 4. Write English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

- вирішувати задачу - решать задачу
- програмувати комп’ютер - программировать компьютер
- набір команд - набор команд
- програмне забезпечення - программное обеспечение
- визначати задачу - определять задачу
- створити програмну специфікацію - создать программную спецификацию
- розкладати програму на окремі операції - разбивать программу на отдельные операции
- розробляти блок-схему - разрабатывать блок-схему
- послідовність операцій - последовательность операций
- потік даних - поток данных
- мова програмування - язык программирования
- перевіряти рішення - проверять решение
- налагоджувати та тестувати програму - налаживать и тестировать программу
- збирати та перевіряти документи по програмі - собирать и проверять документы по программе
- процес розробки програмного забезпечення - процесс разработки программного обеспечения



Exercise 5. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Various programs by which a computer controls aspects of its operation are known as software.

2. The process of software development consists of several steps.

3. Programs can be written using many different computer languages.

4. Programming languages can be divided into low-level, high-level and special languages.

Exercise 6. Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech.

1. He said to me: “Do not touch the wire, please.” 2. The teacher said: “Get to know how the system works.” 3. Sally asked John: “Who sent the e-mail message?” 4. The girl asked the teacher: “Can I find the information for my schoolwork here?” 5. The boy said: “Web pages with photographs, music and video make downloading slow and boring.” 6. Mother asked her daughter: “Did you find any information yesterday?”


Exercise 7. A. Paraphrase the sentences using the Objective Infinitive Complex.

Model: Peter took my pen. I saw it. – I saw Peter take my pen.

1. Jane saw her neighbour. He opened the door of his flat. 2. She came home very late. My brother heard it. 3. I expect that she would behave quite differently. 4. I know that our teacher is an excellent mathematician. 5. I suppose that he is about forty. 6. I believe that they are at home now.


B. Paraphrase the sentences using the Subjective Infinitive Complex.

Model: People consider that the climate here is very healthful. – The climate here is considered to be very healthful.

1. We know that many books are published in our country every year. 2. It is reported that the flood has caused much damage to the crops. 3. We expected that the film would be shown in May. 4. It turned out that the text was very difficult.

Exercise 8. Answer the following questions.

1. What must be done with a computer before it can be used to solve a given problem?

2. What is called software?

3. What steps does the process of software development consist of?

4. What is a flowchart?

5. What does checking the solution mean?

6. What is an algorithm?

7. What is a program?

8. What categories can programming languages be divided into?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 507. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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