Студопедия — Programming in High-Level Languages
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Programming in High-Level Languages

High-level languages are now the most widely used programming languages in the world. There are four methodologies of programming in high-level languages, some of them are rather old and some are modern.

1. Procedural programming is historically the first programming paradigm. The program consists of sequence of statements grouped in procedures.

2. Declarative programming is the methodology in which programs are written as a number of logical declaration that describe the structure of the program.

3. Functional programming is heavily based on algorithmic concept of a function, which is used to express most of programming instructions. The most known functional language is LISP with its successors.

4. Object-oriented programming is the most modern programming methodology. Its main principle is abstraction of a problem, which means that all entities in the program are represented as objects that interact with each other through sending messages.

Recently object-oriented programming has become quite popular and there are some people who claim that it is superior to other styles in various ways.

There is a number of high-level languages used to teach programming. BASIC and Pascal are the oldest ones, with Java and Python to join them recently. For real programming professional languages such as C and C++ are used.


Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations.

High-level languages, procedural programming, to consist of sequence of statements, to be grouped in procedures, declarative programming, to be heavily based on algorithmic concept of a function, programming instructions, abstraction of a problem, to interact with each other, to teach programming.


Exercise 4. Write English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

- найбільш поширені мови програмування в світі - наиболее распространенные языки программирования в мире
- мова високого рівня - язык высокого уровня
- процедурне програмування - процедурное программирование
- послідовність тверджень - последовательность утверждений
- логічний опис - логическое описание
- описувати структуру програми - описывать структуру программы
- значною мірою базуватися на алгоритмічній концепції функції - в большой степени основываться на алгоритмической концепции функции
- сучасна методологія програмування - современная методология программирования
- всі логічні об’єкти програми - все логические объекты программы
- взаємодіяти один з одним - взаимодействовать друг с другом
- відправити повідомлення - отправить сообщение
- об’єктно-орієнтоване програмування - объектно-ориентированное программирование
- стверджувати, заявляти - утверждать, заявлять
- кращий за інші стилі - лучше других стилей
- навчати програмуванню - обучать программированию


Exercise 5. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. There are four methodologies of programming in high-level languages.

2. The program consists of sequence of statements grouped in procedures.

3. Functional programming is heavily based on algorithmic concept of a function.

4. Objects interact with each other through sending messages.


Exercise 6. Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech.

1. The office manager said: “Do not send inappropriate e-mail.” 2. The teacher said: “Look at the list of questions.” 3. He asked us: “What is the main use of the Internet?” 4. The boy asked his friend: “Can I use your computer?” 5. The boy said: “There is too much advertising instead of real information.” 6. The manager asked: “Did you order computers for all the offices?”


Exercise 7. A. Paraphrase the sentences using the Objective Infinitive Complex.

Model: She crossed the street and stopped. I saw it. – I saw her cross the street and stop.

1. I saw him. He pointed to a picture on the wall. 2. They got into a taxi. He saw it. 3. Somebody knocked at the door. We heard it. 4. People expect that the 21st century will bring peace on the earth. 5. I know that he is a great scientist. 6. His father’s wish is that he should become an engineer.


B. Paraphrase the sentences using the Subjective Infinitive Complex.

Model: It is expected that the performance will be a success. - The performance is considered to be a success.

1. It is considered that the playwright is working at a new comedy. 2. It is said that the weather in Europe was exceedingly hot last summer. 3. We expect that he will buy a car. 4. It seems that they live in the same house.



Exercise 8. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the most widely used programming languages in the world?

2. What methodologies of programming in high-level languages are there?

3. What is historically the first programming paradigm?

4. What is functional programming?

5. What is the main principle of object-oriented programming?

6. What high-level languages are used to teach programming?

7. What other programming languages are widely used nowadays?

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