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Computer Programming

Before a computer can be used to solve a given problem, it must first be programmed, that is, prepared for solving the problem by being given a set of instructions, or program. The various programs by which a computer controls aspects of its operations, such as those for translating data from one form to another, are known as software, as contrasted with hardware, which is the physical equipment comprising the installation.

In most computers the control of the machine resides in a special software program called an operating system, or supervisor. Other forms of software include assemblers and compilers for programming languages and applications for business and home use.

Each instruction in the program may be simple, single step, telling the computer to perform some arithmetic operation, to read the data from some given location in the memory, or to take some other action. The program is entered into the computer’s memory exactly as if it were data; the machine is directed to treat this material in the memory as instructions. Other data may then be read in and the computer can carry out the program to solve the particular problem.

Since computers are designed to operate with binary numbers, all data and instructions must be represented in this form. The machine language, in which the computer operates internally, consists of the various binary codes that define instructions together with the formats in which the instructions are written. A programming language, or high-level language, designed for a programmer’s convenience, is used for the writing of most programs. The computer is programmed to translate this high-level language into machine language and then solve the original problem for which the program was written. Certain high-level programming languages are universal, varying little from machine to machine.


Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations.

A set of instructions, various programs, an operating system, programming languages, to perform some arithmetic operation, location in the memory, to enter the program into the computer’s memory, to solve the particular problem, to operate with binary numbers, to define instructions, to translate this high-level language into machine language.


Exercise 4. Write English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

-фізичне обладнання -асемблери і компілятори -прикладні програми для комерційного використання -виконувати програму -машинна мова -працювати внутрішньо -мова високого рівня, створена для зручності програміста   -складатися з різних бінарних кодів -набір команд -на відміну від апаратного забезпечення -установлення -перекладати дані -інші форми програмного забезпечення   - физическое оборудование - ассемблеры и компиляторы - прикладные программы для коммерческого использования - выполнять программу - машинный язык - работать внутренне - язык высокого уровня, созданный для удобства программиста - состоять из разных бинарных кодов - набор команд - в отличие от аппаратного обеспечения - установка - переводить данные - другие формы программного обеспечения

Exercise 5. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Other forms of software include assemblers and compilers for programming languages.

2. The program is entered into the computer’s memory.

3. The machine language consists of the various binary codes.

4. The computer can carry out the program to solve the particular problem.


Exercise 6. Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech.

Model: “I’m a big fan of U2,” Derek said. – Derek said he was a big fan of U2.

1. “We’re watching TV,” said the twins. 2. “You must give me your essays,” Mrs. Vine said. 3. “Richard has passed his driving test,” Andy said. 4. “Does your laptop need a new battery?” Jerry asked me. 5. “Shall we play tennis or volleyball?” Debbie asked her sister. 6. “When will you finish the house?” Ed asked Carl.


Exercise 7. A. Paraphrase the sentences using the Objective Infinitive Complex.

Model: I expect that he will come here. – I expect him to come here.

1. He wishes that the work will be done at once. 2. We noticed that the captain appeared on the bridge. 3. I expect that you will join our trip. 4. I don’t consider that he is an honest man. 5. I believe that she is in Paris now. 6. I have never heard that my sister sings.

B. Paraphrase the sentences using the Subjective Infinitive Complex.

Model: It is likely that they will take part in this work. - They are likely to take part in this work.

1. It seems that she is afraid of exams. 2. It is not likely that they will return soon. 3. It was known that he was an excellent artist. 4. It is believed that she will return to New York.


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions.

1. What programs are known as software?

2. What do other forms of software include?

3. What does each instruction in the program tell the computer?

4. What numbers do computers operate with?

5. In what language does the computer operate internally?

6. What are various binary codes designed for?

7. What is programming language or high-level language used for?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 3770. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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