Студопедия — Participle I and the gerund compared
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Participle I and the gerund compared

§ 139. Participle I and the gerund are alike in their verbal characteristics, both morphological (the categories of voice and perfect) and syntactical (verbal combinability).

The difference between the two lies in their non-verbal characteristics, that is in their syntactical functions and non-verbal combinability. Participle I, unless substantivized, cannot be used as subject or object, whereas such use is typical of the noun and therefore of the gerund. When used as adverbial modifier or attribute, participle I like an adjective or an adverb is never preceded by a preposition. On the other hand when the gerund is used as attribute or adverbial modifier it is preceded by a preposition like a noun in these functions.

The difference between the two is also to be found in the nominal tendencies of the gerund and the adjectival tendencies of participle I. This is most evident in their function of a predicative and an attribute.

As predicative participle I gives qualitative characteristics to the subject, thus tending towards an adjective, as in:

The sound of the thunder was deafening.

The gerund does not qualify the subject, it rather identifies the sub­ject by revealing its meaning, as in:

His favourite occupation is collecting stamps (or playing football or just football).

When a gerund or a participle is used as an attribute, the difference between them does not lie only in the absence, or presence of the preposition, but also in their relationship to the modified noun. (For details see § 132 on premodifying attributes). Participle I denotes an action that the person or thing performs or experiences:

What is the name of the man talking with your sister?

Thus the modified noun denotes the doer of the action expressed by the participle.

The gerund usually reveals the meaning of the modified noun, which never denotes the performer of the action.

What the use of crying so?

That was my last chance of seeing him.

There was no hope of saving her.

When used as an adverbial modifier, the gerund is more varied in its application than the participle because it is used with different prepositions.

The participle and the gerund are interchangeable when used as adverbials of time characterizing the verb through simultaneous or prior events:


Discussing the plan In discussing the plan   we heard a lot of helpfull suggestions.
Entering the room On entering the room   he closed the door.
After discussing the plan Having discussed the plan   we started carring it out.

Only the gerund is possible when the starting or the final point of the action is meant, as in:

He has never been at his native town since leaving it in 1964.

You must get your parents’ permission before leaving for the mountains.

Yet there are a number of cases, especially among predicative constructions, where the -ing form may be treated either as a participle or a gerund, the difference between them being neutralized, as in:

I don’t count on him scaring easily.

Then he was aware of Toscato shaking the door of the box.

I remember them staying with us once.

Fancy him saying so!


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 630. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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