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Task 1. Work with a dictionary. Complete the chart.

---   --- сообщник
arson   to set fire  
    to assault  
bigamy   ---  
  --- --- насилие в семье
    to forge/ to counterfeit  
---   --- бандит, гангстер
    to hijack  
  hooligan ---  
  --- --- незаконная парковка
manslaughter --- ---  
    to poach  
    to riot  
      грабеж, ограбление
    to stalk  
    to betray  


Task 2. Match words on the left with their definitions on the right.

1. accomplice 2. arsonist 3. assassin 4. bigamist 5. burglar 6. deserter 7. drug dealer 8. forger 9. hijacker 10. hooligan 11. gangster 12. kidnapper 13. mugger 14. murderer 15. pickpocket 16. robber 17. shoplifter 18. smuggler 19. spy 20. terrorist 21. thief 22. traitor 23. vandal a) attacks and robs people in the street b) breaks into houses and other buildings to steal c) steals from shops d) sets fire to property illegally e) kills someone f) destroys public property g) steals things from people's pockets/bags in crowded places h) gets secret information from another country i) buys and sells drugs illegally j) takes away people by force and demands money for their return k) helps a criminal in a crime l) uses violence for political reasons m) causes disturbance in public places n) takes control of a plane by force o) murders for political reasons or reward p) is someone who steals q) makes false money or signatures r) is a member of a criminal group s) steals money etc. by force from people or places (e.g. banks) t) marries illegally being married already u) is a soldier who runs away from the army v) brings goods into a country illegally w) betrays his/her country to another state


Task 3. Say which of the offences from the list are described in the sentences.

1) shoplifting

2) hijacking

3) arson

4) robbery

5) murder

6) mugging

7) hacking

8) drug-trafficking

9) vandalism

10) theft

11) burglary

12) blackmail

13) hooliganism

14) kidnapping

15) pickpocketing

16) forgery

a) People broke into our house and stole our TV set and computer.

b) Two teenagers attacked her in the street and ran off with her purse.

c) The pilot was forced to take the plane to Israel.

d) She killed him with a kitchen knife.

e) Why do well-off people sometimes steal from shops?

f) Having made no profit this year, he set fire to his factory.

g) Young fans started fighting at the football match.

h) He threatened to tell the newspapers about it unless he got $10,000.

i) Someone has stolen my purse from the desk.

j) The clerk handed over the money when they threatened to kill him.

k) He was caught paying for the goods with forged money.

l) They were accused of deliberately smashing the phone box.

m) The boy will be harmed unless his parents pay the money.

n) His wallet was stolen from his back pocket.

o) Trained dogs found the packages stuffed into the seats of the lorry.

p) They accessed the information from FBI computer system.

From: Luke Prodromou. Grammar and Vocabulary for FCE


Task 4. There are many crimes and offences apart from the ones mentioned above. Explain, define or give examples of the offences listed below.









Baby- or wife-battering



Driving without due care and attention

mugging – robbery with violence

Drug peddling

Espionage - spying





Bribery and corruption

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 1231. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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