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1. classical music festival

2. background music

3. cultural inheritance

4. middle-of-the-road audience

5. nerve-racking experience

6. promenade concerts (the Proms)

7. R and B music

8. timeless melody

9. the center of music-making

10. enthusiastic and knowledgeable concert-going public

11. folk-music traditions

12. local traditions of music

13. the great (the giants)

14. upsurge of interest in classical/ folk/ pop music

15. to be at the height of one's powers

16. to be enthusiastic/ knowledgeable about music

17. to be/ go on tour

18. to be referred to as (pop music)

19. to build up collections of music on record or on tape

20. to have a gift/ an ear for music

21. to have a high reputation with music lovers

22. to introduce music to sb (children, young people)

23. to remark on the deep knowledge of audiences

24. to specialize in classical/ pop/ jazz... music

25. there is no accounting for tastes

26. there is no competing with sb.


PRACTICE I. Transcribe the following words:

1. disseminate (v) 3. haunting (adj) 5. recital (n) 7. virtuosity (n)

2. flair (n) 4. immersion (n) 6. rehearse (v)

II. Fill in the table of derivatives:

Noun Verb Adjective
1. virtuoso 2.    

III. Match the words with their definitions:

1) amplified (adj) a) the most interesting piece of music

2) crooning (n) b) strong impression on sb / sth

3) disseminate c) make available to the public

4) highlight (n) d) impressive, extraordinary

5) impact (n) e) increased (sound)

6) lyrics f) performance of music, esp. by one performer

7) nerve racking (experience) g) soft and gentle singing

8). recital (n) h) spread widely

9) release (v) i) causing great mental strain

10) spectacular (adj) j) words of a song

IV. Choose the right meaning of the following:

1. accomplishment (n) a) putting an end to sth. b) coming to an agreement c) skill that can be learnt

2. enhance (v)a) add detail b) increase the quality of sth. c) cause sth become larger

3. fabulous (adj)a) very large/ extraordinary b) marvelous, wonderful c) wild and strong

4. flair (n)a) bright colour / light b) natural ability to do sth well c) mild criticism

5. haunting (adj)a) causing horror b) returning repeatedly to the mind c) making mad

6. immersion (n)a) involving oneself deeply in sth b) getting mixed in sth. c) getting to the bottom of things

7. showmanship (n)a) showing off b) skill in attracting public attention c) show business

8. sophisticated (adj) a) very clever b) pleasant to one's ear c) complicated and refined

9. vernacular a) traditional b) very quiet, c) composed/ written in a local style

V. Comment on the meaning of the following words and word combinations:

1. drive and determination 7. R & B (music)

2. elusive record 8. a commercial spin-off of

3. the charts 9. sacred music

4. the great (the giants) 10. secular music

5. the pomp and splendour of the Victorian age 11. down-market presenters of music

6. the Proms 12. the treasury of European music

VI. Give the opposite way of saying for the following:

1. clear (adj) 5. primitive music

2. concentrate (v) 6. sacred music

3. cultivated (adj) 7. soothing experience

4. down-market (adj)

VII. Match the words to make suitable word combinations:

1. amplified a) audience
2. background b) beat
3. cultural c) concert
4. haunting d) experience
5. high e) inheritance
6. live f) label
7. middle-of-the-road g) melody (2)
8. nerve-racking h) music (5)
9. record i) reputation
10.sacred j) response
12. sophisticated  
13. timeless  
14. vernacular  
15. warm  

VIII. Couple the words from the box with a) music or b) musical

Career, chamber, classical, comedy, culture, dance, education, festival, folk, instru­ments, jazz, lesson, light, pop, reggae, rock, school, soul, student, teacher, tour

IX. Use the appropriate prepositions and postpositions:

1. Many musicians_____tour from other countries have remarked_______the deep knowledge and critical appreciation of British audiences.

2. British musicians go_____tour to various European countries.

3. The National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain has gained a very high reputation _______ music lovers both____home and abroad.

4. In recent years there has been a great interest____what could be commonly referred ____ as "pop" music, centered______Great Britain.

5. Some people are very knowledgeable________jazz music. They build_____collections of jazz music_____record or____tape.

6. People who are enthusiastic_______a singer or a group of singers form fan clubs.

7. Young people go to discotheques to dance almost exclusively___pop music.

8. The Fab Four (the Beatles) were___the height of their powers in the 1960s.

9. Folk music has enjoyed a great upsurge____interest in recent years in Great Britain. Many folk songs sung in folk clubs give an opportunity______the audience to join____.

10. British Radio Channels -1, II, III specialize____different kinds of music.

11. As regards music, there is no accounting____tastes.

12. What is the best way of introducing children___music?

13. At his early age the child displayed an incredible gift____music.

X. Give the Russian equivalents for the following:

1. an accomplished musician

2. music highlights

3. immersion in music

4. middle-of-the road audience

5. music to-work-to/ background music

6. one's recital

7. the virtuosity of the guitarist

8. the lyrics of the song

9. The Beatles "invasion" of American charts

10. the composer's versatility

11. the center of music making

12. there is no accounting for tastes

13. there is no competing with...

14. to remain up-market

15. visual impact

XI. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:amplified, charts, down-market, drive, enhance, flair, giants, highlights, invasion, label, Land of Hope and Glory, Last Night (2), lyrics, middle-of-the road, nerve-rack­ing, pomp, Proms (2), splendour, sophisticated, up-market, vernacular

1. The primitive coupled with the_________, cultivated with the ________ appeal to great lovers of jazz.

2. Classical music festivals attract commonly________________audiences.

3. Ed. Elgar's music reflects the_________and____________of the Victorian age.

4. The chat of Classic FM's________presenters is often out of character with the music.

5. The________introduce people to the classical repertory of the________.

6. The____________ of the Proms is a __________ experience for the conductor of the orchestra.

7. The "hooligan" element of the__________of the______remains_________as

the middle class audience shout "Heave" and "ho" and sing "___________________".

8. Classical music festivals help___________the musical education of children and young people.

9. Televised recorded music___________are very popular with the British viewers.

10. The Beatles and the Rolling Stones led a British "__________" of the American

11. Berry Gordy started a new record________- Motown-in the '60s.

12. Rock'n'roll is characterized by its______, aggression and newness.

13. Rock'n'roll's________are simple slogans. The music is__________beat.

14. Queen had all the colour and________ that other groups lacked.


A. Look at the album reviews opposite, and find synonyms from the words in bold for the following. There is an example at the beginning (0)

1. The words of a song. Lyrics

2. A regular sound in a piece of music. _____

3. Directed a piece of music. _____

4. A collection of songs, often by different singers and groups, on one album. _____

5. The parts of a piece of music which are sung. _____

6. Something which you cannot easily forget. _____

7. Person who sings professionally, plays an instrument, writes songs, paints, etc. ____

8. Part of an orchestra comprising the violins cellos, etc. _____

9. Extremely loud. _____

10. Somebody who writes and performs their own music. _____

11. Very active. _____

12. An album recorded with an audience present. _____

13. A great or famous piece of music. _____

14. Commercially successful songs. _____

15. Showing emotions of love. _____

16. A musician who plays an instrument on their own, usually as part of a performance supported by a band or orchestra. _____

17. To make music on a musical instrument. _____

18. Soft and rich. _____

19. Person who writes music. _____

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