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THE LISTENING TAPESCRIPT From: http://www.listenAminute.com/t/traffic.html Someone really should do something about the traffic. It’s terrible. It’s getting worse every day. There are so many cars on the roads these days. It’s a nightmare driving in the city. Bumper to bumper even at midnight. I don’t know where all this traffic came from. You turn on the radio and the traffic report is all about congestion here, snarl-ups and gridlocks there. The answer must be to get better public transport. Let people take the train or bus. People need to leave their cars at home. The roads are too dangerous. And then there’s the pollution. It’s disgusting outside sometimes. You feel like you’re breathing pure fumes. We need to get rid of these traffic jams so we can move and breathe more easily. LISTENING GAP FILL From: http://www.listenAminute.com/t/traffic.html ________________________ something about the traffic. It’s terrible. It’s ________________________. There are so many cars on the roads these days. It’s a ________________________ city. Bumper to bumper even at midnight. I don’t know where all this traffic came from. You ________________________ the traffic report is all about congestion here, snarl-ups and gridlocks there. The answer must be to ________________________. Let people take the train or bus. People need to leave their cars at home. The ________________________. And then there’s the pollution. It’s ________________________. You feel like ________________________. We need to get rid of these traffic jams so we can move and breathe more easily. CORRECT THE SPELLING From: http://www.listenAminute.com/t/traffic.html Someone really should do something about the traffic. It’s eletribr. It’s getting worse every day. There are so many cars on the roads these days. It’s a gtmihnrae driving in the city. Bumper to ubmpre even at midnight. I don’t know where all this traffic came from. You turn on the radio and the traffic oprtre is all about cognisenot here, snarl-ups and cliodksrg there. The answer must be to get better public roatrtsnp. Let people take the train or bus. People need to leave their cars at home. The roads are too grounsade. And then there’s the pllouniot. It’s disgusting outside sometimes. You feel like you’re brenihtag pure fumes. We need to get rid of these traffic jams so we can move and breathe more easily. UNJUMBLE THE WORDS From: http://www.listenAminute.com/t/traffic.html Someone the about something do should really traffic. It’s terrible. It’s getting worse every day. There are so roads days cars the these many on. It’s a nightmare driving in the city. Bumper to bumper even at midnight. I from came traffic this all where know don’t. You turn on the radio about all is report traffic the and congestion here, snarl-ups and gridlocks there. The answer must be to get better public transport. Let people take the train or bus. home at cars their leave to need People. The roads are too dangerous. And then there’s the pollution. It’s disgusting outside sometimes. You feel like you’re breathing pure fumes. get to need We traffic these of rid jams move can we so easily more breathe and.
Государственное образовательное учреждение Высшего профессионального образования НИЖЕГОРОДСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ЛИНГВИСТИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМ. Н. А. ДОБРОЛЮБОВА
Нижний Новгород 2005 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ГОУ НГЛУ им. Н. А. Добролюбова. Специальность: Дисциплина:
Управление персоналом: Учебно-методический комплекс по специальности «Государственное и муниципальное управление» - Нижний Новгород: НГЛУ им. Н. А. Добролюбова, 2005. – 60 с.
В учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Управление персоналом» (специальность 061000 «Государственное и муниципальное управление») вошли общие указания по изучению дисциплины, тематическое содержание, планы практических занятий, вопросы для итогового контроля знаний студентов, задания для самоконтроля, тесты, рекомендуемая литература.
Автор канд. экон. наук Р.И. Бутина.
Рецензент канд. экон. наук, доцент Л.П. Суркова
© Издательство ГОУ НГЛУ им. Н.А. Добролюбова, 2005